Army Corps of Engineers to shut down Dakota Access Pipeline protest camp
Action comes after young woman nearly loses arm following rage-based demonstration.

The Dakota Access Pipeline is a nearly 1,200-mile-long underground oil pipeline project that begins in the Bakken oil fields of North Dakota and ends at the oil tank farm near Patoka, Illinois. The pipeline is being built to allow crude oil to reach refining markets in a more direct, cost-effective, safer and environmentally responsible manner by reducing the current use of rail and truck transportation.
The pipeline was due for delivery on January 1, 2017. However, a series of violent demonstrations have taken place, spearheaded by climate alarmists and social justice warriors, that have delayed its completion.
The situation has deteriorated so badly that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has ordered the protest camp closed by Dec. 5.
The Corps sent a letter to Standing Rock Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault Nov. 25, saying the decision is to protect the general public from violent confrontations between protesters and law enforcement in that area.
He also says the decision was made to protect inhabitants of the camps from the harsh North Dakota winter and that medical, emergency and fire response teams cannot be provided.
Anyone on the property after Dec. 5 will be considered trespassing and may be subject to arrest.
This action follows a recent round of protests, a young woman nearly lost her arm (supposedly after police launched concussion grenades to control the unruly mob attempting to pull a truck from a bridge).
…[A 21-year-old New York resident named Sophia] Wilansky had been handing out bottles of water to protesters when a grenade landed near her forearm. Suddenly, it detonated, according to witnesses.
…Initially, protesters feared the worst: Doctors would have to amputate her arm due to the explosion.
But Wayne Wilansky, Sophia’s father, told CNN affiliate KFYR that amputation wouldn’t be necessary even though the explosion “blew the bone out of her arm.”
However, other reports indicate fuel canisters being thrown by protesters themselves injured Wilansky.
…[L]ocal authorities blamed the horrific injuries on the protesters, insisting the protesters were throwing fuel cannisters at Morton County Sheriff’s officers.
“We don’t know where it came from,” Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier said Monday after the gory explosion.
The situation has put President Obama under mounting pressure to end the Dakota pipeline disruptions and have the final leg of the construction completed as originally planned:
North Dakota’s governor and congressional delegation are pressuring President Obama to pave the way for completion of the disputed Dakota Access oil pipeline, protests over which they say are taxing law enforcement and are costing millions of dollars.
…Obama raised the possibility of rerouting the pipeline earlier this month, which Kelcy Warren, CEO of pipeline developer Energy Transfer Partners, told The Associated Press is not an option from the company’s standpoint. Obama said his administration is monitoring the “challenging situation” but would “let it play out for several more weeks.”
“Your inaction on the pending easement has created undue hardship and uncertainty for area residents, private landowners, tribal members, construction workers and law enforcement personnel,” Dalrymple, Hoeven and Cramer told Obama.
Under President Trump, the Dakota Access Pipeline is likely to be completed. However, as social justice rhetoric is probably going to heat-up significantly during his administration, more rage-based demonstrations are quite possible.
I sure hope his team is preparing for a social justice war, in which with young adults are encouraged to battle imaginary enemies instead of being directed to focus on meaningful and productive ways to make their lives happy and successful. I suspect Sophia Wilansky is not the last young activist who will bear actual scars from misguided and illegal protest tactics.

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Tantrums should have consequences
Come on, don’t be like that.
Lefty lost her arm – give her a hand.
yeah they are not tossing mk3 grenades at people there.
vandal got blasted by her own bomb.
cry me a river.
“For ’tis the sport to have the enginer
Hoist with his own petard, an’t shall go hard”
Obama said his administration is monitoring the “challenging situation” but would “let it play out for several more weeks.”
Now do we file this under Smart Diplomacy® or Leading From Behind™ ?
How was the pipline being dug?
If they were using a TBM, then I do not see how protesters could have accomplished anything.
It is open cut. It’s too shallow for a TBM, and a tunnel would be several orders of magnitude more expensive.
At the risk of being downclicked – the original pipeline route was around Bismark and never went through the Reservation. The pipeline was re-routed through the Res because of opposition in Bismark.
So, the Indians did get dumped on. If we were them we would be upset as well.
True enough. There’s a way to fix that. Compensate the Indian tribes appropriately for the use of their land — in the end it’s a Fifth Amendment issue (Takings Clause).
I am no expert on the law, but wonder: if the particular reservation is a sovereign Indian nation, can the power of eminient domain even be applid?
My understanding is the properties are federal and also private land. The SJW groups are claiming the land belongs to the tribes under a treaty around 1868 (Ft Larimie) or 1871.
Except it’s not on the reservation. It is on Corps of Engineers land; an existing pipeline right of way, that already has some 11 existing pipelines.
Apparently, the indians were all for the pipeline when it was to actually cross their land, as they had been offered some $10MM in compensation. But they held out for more money, and the pipeline people rerouted it. The rest is sour grapes.
FALSE….the pipeline does not cross one inch of the Reservation!They are protesting the fact that it will be BURIED 94 feet BELOW a stream which enters a stream that provides water to the reservation.
Bob Owens at bearing has two posts providing some details that suggest Ms. Wilansky was injured by an IED made from a propane canister, which she may have been placing at the time of the explosion. The posts also refer to reports that the FBI has obtained her clothing for testing. Her own actions may have been the cause of her suffering.
“FBI has obtained her clothing for testing” ….and we all know never to question investigative findings of Comey’s FBI. They’ll probably find Trump’s sperm
America’s zombie pandemic:
They aren’t protestors. They are rioters. Arrest them and continue the pipeline.