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VIDEO: Democrat Operatives Admit Hillary Ordered Duck Campaign to Disrupt Trump Events

VIDEO: Democrat Operatives Admit Hillary Ordered Duck Campaign to Disrupt Trump Events

“My answer is, ‘Christine, if the future president wants ducks, we will put ducks on the ground.'”

The latest Project Veritas video shows Democrat operatives admitting that Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton ordered the Donald Duck campaign to bombard Donald Trump/Mike Pence events:

“In the end, it was the candidate, Hillary Clinton, the future president of the United States, who wanted ducks on the ground,” says [Democracy Partners founder Robert] Creamer in one of several exchanges. “So, by God, we would get ducks on the ground.”

It is made clear that high-level DNC operative Creamer realized that this direct coordination between Democracy Partners and the campaign would be damning when he said: “Don’t repeat that to anybody.”

Earlier, people dressed in Donald Duck costumes showed up at Trump/Pence rallies as a way to mock Trump for not releasing his tax returns:

It turns out, Hillary contacted a consultant to start this campaign. In another A PV journalist caught Americans United for Change (AUFC) president Brad Woodhouse admitting he, his ex-national field director Scott Foval, and DNC Rapid Response Coordinator Aaron Black worked with Creamer to launch this campaign.

Creamer repeats a phone call he received from Hillary’s Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds:

Creamer Hillary Donald Duck

Creamer told Reynolds that “if the future president wants ducks we will put ducks on the ground.”

Fovel then told the PV journalist that the duck idea came about in May, but had to move it from the DNC to AUFC. PV then asked Creamer why they had to do this. Creamer said it had to do “with some problem between Donna Brazile and ABC, which is owned by Disney, because they were worried about a trademark issue.”

But it turns out since Brazile has a connection to ABC and Disney, she didn’t want the duck around because “she didn’t want to get sued.” The DNC then decided to move the duck to AUFC.

However, Jenna Price, DNC assistant press secretary, told another PV journalist that the DNC is still involved.

Jenna Price DNC Duck Hillary

PV spoke to lawyers about possible violations:

Hillary Clinton and the DNC wanted the Donald Ducks agitators at Trump and Pence campaign events. The direct involvement of the campaign and the Democratic National Committee with Americans United for Change and activists wearing Donald Duck costumes smacks strongly of illegal coordinated campaign expenditures.

Federal campaign law experts have told us “the ducks on the ground are likely public communications for purposes of the law. It’s political activity opposing Trump, paid for by Americans United for Change funds but controlled by Clinton and her campaign.”

This is Part III of a PV investigation. After the last two videos, AUFC fired Foval and Creamer stepped down from campaign responsibilities.


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If Illary is elected, nothing will happen.

    legacyrepublican in reply to RodFC. | October 24, 2016 at 6:02 pm

    Not entirely, I suspect Civil RICO will happen. Think of what happened to the KKK a few years back where in a civil case they lost all their property to Civil RICO.

The irony of it all is that at some of the protests there were more HRC supports than at a lot of her rallies 🙂


Henry Hawkins | October 24, 2016 at 4:26 pm

Well, that’s just ducky.

Not the first time we have been DUCKED by the Democrats.
You think their bill would be getting sore.

ScottTheEngineer | October 24, 2016 at 6:36 pm

Well, She is a National Socialist. That’s what they do. It’ll get worse. If she gets elected who do you think she’s going to hire for the national police force?

casualobserver | October 24, 2016 at 6:53 pm

This will not get any attention. The campaign operatives and most of the mainstream media continue to discredit this with almost idnetical words:

O’Keefe is a criminal
His work cannot be trusted because most of it has been proven as doctored.
He supports Trump.

I wouldn’t be surprised if 60% of the voters never see it.

And the response from the GOP will be “oh well..”

This is what I was talking about earlier. Its why the conservative movement is losing. We’ve changed our motto from “keep your powder dry” to “don’t get your hands dirty”.

I guess we could raise a stink. But that would be SO tasteless and tedious. And Chris Mathews might make fun of us for bringing it up. How would be able to look our liberal co-workers in the face? They might not let us sit at their lunch table.

    Valerie in reply to Fen. | October 25, 2016 at 9:29 am

    What is dirty about objecting to illegal collusion? Not to mention the use of rent-a-mobs, which is also illegal?

If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, but Hillary’s involved, you must be mistaken.