NYPD Looking For Ahmad Khan Rahami in Connection to Chelsea Bombing
Authorities now believe bombings in Minnesota, New Jersey, and New York are connected

New York Police Department Officials are looking for Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28, in connection to the bombings that rocked lower Manhattan this Saturday night.
J. Peter Donald, Assistant Commissioner for Communication and Public Information for the NYPD, tweeted the following early Monday morning:
Wanted: Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28 year old male, is being sought in connection with the Chelsea bombing. #nyc pic.twitter.com/hSxhMqO7Qh
— J. Peter Donald (@JPeterDonald) September 19, 2016
All of these pics are the same man:
***WANTED FOR QUESTIONING**** RETWEET! https://t.co/B3IgarqY2D pic.twitter.com/QUjCFdtVc2
— NJSP – State Police (@NJSP) September 19, 2016
Earlier this morning, the FBI was reportedly working on a wanted poster for a 28-year-old suspect believed to be involved:
JUST IN: FBI will be putting out a wanted poster today for a 28 year old suspect in NYC bombing, @ABC News has learned.
— ABC News (@ABC) September 19, 2016
de Blasio on @Morning_Joe : Alert seeking Ahmad Khan Rahami went to every cell phone in NYC https://t.co/CCAJ0clhi0 pic.twitter.com/mHWc83KD0P
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) September 19, 2016
Five other individuals were detained:
JUST IN: 5 people taken into custody in connection with explosion in NYC's Chelsea neighborhood. https://t.co/LEMrDGDKmp – @AaronKatersky
— ABC News (@ABC) September 19, 2016
Thankfully, no casualties were reported as a result of Saturday’s bombings, though 29 were injured.
Officials were initially reluctant to call the incident a terrorist attack, but that changed over night:
#BREAKING: NEW YORK (AP) — New York governor now says it looks like Manhattan bombing could be act of terrorism with foreign connection.
— FOX 5 Atlanta (@FOX5Atlanta) September 19, 2016
Authorities now believe bombings in Minnesota, New Jersey, and most recently, New York are connected.
Meanwhile, at the White House:
Oy vey: Josh Earnest (CNN): "We are in a fight with ISIS — a narrative fight."
— Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) September 19, 2016
Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

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“Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House?”
Looks Amish to me.
And I’m sure our Fifth Columnists will be along to hajisplain how Muslims clearly don’t mean what they’ve been saying for 1400 years about killing or enslaving all non-Muslims.
Kemberlee, you left out the words ‘motive unknown’ and ‘has nothing to do with Islam’.
Also, “Muslims fear backlash…”.
Well that was quick: CAIR Whines After Attack: “We are concerned about the potential for backlash”
The talking heads are more concerned that Trump said bomb and not with how Hillary will function for that 3 AM call.
We saw how hillary functions with that 3 am phone call.
first the benghazi fiasco, secondly Her first response last night where she is obviously sedated, so she can sleep.
Just so we’re clear and there is MO rush to judgement or malign anyone who is an adherent of “the religion of peace”;
(a) the name Ahmad Khan Rahami does not immediately mean he was Muslim. He could be Jewish, Amish, Episcopalian, Catholic or any other faith or maybe he is a nihilist and has no faith at all. True the likelihood that he isn’t Muslim is slim and none but please, let’s not assume.
(b) It should be apparantly that just because Mr. Ahmad Khan Rahami is reportedly from Afghanistan there is no implication that he may have any Jihadist sympathies even if he helped plan and leave an IED. Mr. Rahami is really just someone the FBI wants to chat with.
(c) Mr. Ahmad Khan Rahami is, as we can see by his photo, a very nice looking young man with clear eyes and a strong chin. It’s probably likely that he was a college student studying engineering or computer science and has a plan to return to his homeland with his education and build a great democracy. The point here is that while yes, Mr. Rahami appears to have a similar beard to those either loyal to or sympathetic to folks like ISIS, we ought not infer anything from that. It’s just as likely that Mr. Rahami has been inspired by the great works of Abraham Lincoln.
Hopefully that’s all crystal clear and there will be no rush to judgement. Thanks.
You forgot “And this should in no way affect our commitment to refugee resettlement. Most refugees are peaceful and are valued members of our communities.”
Also, widows and orphans!
” but please, let’s not assume”
I’ll make my assumption and be right 99.999% of the time, thanks.
Your nice looking man is a murdering savage.
Wait a second. What are you saying, that he just wanted to raise pigeons on his roof and coulda been a contenda?
It’s comical but also dangerous the way the “officials” in local, state, and especially the federal government react to these incidents. Perhaps as much as 95% of the public that becomes aware of what these are form an opinion from within an hour of hearing the first news item. But those who we pay to protect us predictably tell us, “don’t think that, we don’t know, we are investigating, there is no reason to tie this to _______,” etc.
And yet, in almost every case the original inferences and assumptions are right.
But they tell us we are being Islamophobic. Even though they are looking more pitiful with each NEXT terrorist action.
My dictionary says “casualty” means “a person killed or injured in a war or accident”.
So if someone is injured in an “intentional bombing” that’s not a “terrorist act”, it doesn’t count as a casualty?
I was so much less confused when our words kept the same meaning for more than a few hours.
“Authorities now believe bombings in Minnesota, New Jersey, and New York are connected”
Bombing in Minnesota?
Also, “Thankfully, no casualties were reported as a result of Saturday’s bombings, though 29 were injured.”
29 injured = 29 casualties.
Yeah, caught that, too. Stabbings in Minnesota.
Also, people who are wounded are “casualties”, too.
Paging Mark Twain. No casualties, but 29 New Yorkers injured.
As for the bombing in Minnesota, don’t interrout. He’s rolling.
Picked up somewhere there was another blast in NY, but that could be the usual “fog of media” around this stuff.
There does seem to be some fear in NYC that there are more bombs about.
One of the things that seems to have scotched the power of the explosions was where the bombs were hidden.
There was another bomb blast in Elizabeth, NJ at a train station.
Someone left a bag with what are reported to be 5 devices in it on the platform.
The bomb blast killed or seriously wound a police robot that was attempting to defuse the bomb.
“…The bomb blast killed or seriously wound a police robot that was attempting to defuse the bomb….”
Robot lives matter! (Sorry, is it too early? I don’t want to disturb the robot-Americans out there.)
In Guerrilla warfare, one wins only of one is on offense. It looks like we are just playing more intense defense now.
Plan for many more casualties or go on offense.
“or go on offense”
Spoken like a true deplorable…
A 2015 poll by The Polling Company CSP of 600 Muslim Americans located across all of the United States found:
Question 13. “Violence against Americans here in the United States can be justified as part of the global jihad.”
Question 17. “Do you think the use of violence in the United States is justified in order to make shariah the law
of the land in this country?”
19% YES
66% NO
The family are no strangers to lawfare, either:
“On one occasion when the police came to force the restaurant to close, one of Mr. Rahami’s older brothers got in a fight with a police officer and was arrested. Before the case could be resolved, Mr. McDermott said, the son fled to his home country, Afghanistan.
“The mayor confirmed that the Rahami family sued the mayor, the City Council, some 20 police officers, claiming that he had been discriminated against because of his race and ethnicity.”
So they’ve got the victimhood thing down pat. Didn’t the other Ahmad, the clock boy, also sue everyone in sight over alleged discrimination?
Meanwhile, the reptile Sadiq Khan continues his Sharia-patrols-build-families tour of major cities selling the we don’t need no stinkin’ assimilation notion to welcoming idiots like Emanuel and DeBlasio. He should be run out of town on a rail.
Got him. “Ahmad Rahami, 28, captured after gun battle with police in New Jersey”
Reports say two NJ LEOs wounded.
A shoot-out in New Jersey? Impossible! We all know how strict the gun laws are there. A wanted criminal would never have been able to bring a gun with him into the state.
And on the serious side, good work NJ police. I know they don’t get patted on the back very often, but this perp needed to be breathing to answer the questions he’s going to be asked.
Great news is that all 29 victims of the NYC bombing have been released from hospital.
One NJ LEO was shot in the chest, but was wearing body armor or the equal. No serious injury to that officer.