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DNC’s Donna Brazile: Hillary “the truth-shaker, the jelly-maker”

DNC’s Donna Brazile: Hillary “the truth-shaker, the jelly-maker”

Brazile’s animated appearance on Morning Joe

Donna Brazile has been a fixture for years on talking-head shows. This Insurrectionist has always thought of her as an affable but relatively reserved soul. Reserved? There’s another side to Donna that I was obviously missing!

Right from the beginning of her Morning Joe appearance today, in which she swayed gracefully in her seat while greeting “brother Ben” Ginsburg, Brazile was a one-woman show of expressive gestures and phrases. Just sit back, roll the video, and appreciate Donna’s very animated performance, which ends with her telling Joe Scarborough “I love you—thank you boo.”

Brazile’s most amusing line was when she called Hillary “the truth-shaker, the jelly-maker.” Yes, I don’t know about you, but when you say “jelly-maker,” I say “Hillary Clinton!” And Hillary shakes the truth all right: just not in the way Brazile presumably had in mind!

Have others seen this side of Brazile before? If not, what was up with Donna today?


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She forgot “heartbreaker” and “love taker”. Apologies to Pat Benatar.

legacyrepublican | September 26, 2016 at 9:24 am

She looks like she is going to marry the camera, which, these days, is legally binding.

She’s on the same drug that Hillary takes

MaggotAtBroadAndWall | September 26, 2016 at 10:08 am

She looks like an old lady trying to make an emotional connection to young hipsters with the hope they will vicariously project her faux vitality onto the candidate that has the charisma of an unflushed toilet.

She is on something…………….

    What is Xanax for $100 Alex.

    She needed to control the conversation or it could devolve into answering questions about why her name is front and center in those hacked DNC emails that got DWS fired.

Definitely not her usual behavior, so much so that it became a topic of conversation by the panel.

And I think Mika was getting a contact high as well.

She’s happenin’. She’s now. Don King in T.J. Maxx.

Well, someone got lucky last night.

Don’t you just hate it when old people try to rap.

My guess is that someone was up until 3 AM helping to prep Hillary for tonight’s debate.

Right, likely Dr Feelgood, cooking up the right speedball mix.

Wow! If any millennials actually watch this show, they’d think grandma was high…

Jelly-maker, for sure! For nearly 70 years.

“Truth-shaker” — in the same sense as an abusive parent shaking a baby.

And yet another contradiction with the Hilldog, namely she’s supposed to be the smartest woman on earth, but her hand picked crew comes off as pretty low voltage.

Char Char Binks | September 27, 2016 at 11:51 am