Guccifer: Clinton's Server 'An Open Orchid on the Internet'
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Guccifer: Clinton’s Server ‘An Open Orchid on the Internet’

Guccifer: Clinton’s Server ‘An Open Orchid on the Internet’

Guccifer said it was easy to hack the Democrat presidential candidate’s emails.

Romanian hacker Marcel Lehel Lazar, known as Guccifer, described Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s server to NBC News.

“It was like an open orchid on the internet,” he said. “There were hundreds of folders.”

U.S. authorities extradited him to the states after he hacked other political figures such as “Gen. Colin Powell, a member of the Bush family, and former Clinton advisor Sidney Blumenthal.”

The hack into Blumenthal’s email led him straight to Clinton after he saw emails from He found her server through the data in the header of her emails.

“By running a scan, I found that server…that was completely unsecured,” he said. “It was not what I was looking for. It was boring stuff.”

The U.S. State Department and Clinton’s campaign team have refuted Lazar’s claims.

“There is absolutely no basis to believe the claims made by this criminal from his prison cell,” wrote Brian Fallon, Clinton’s spokesman, to Foreign Policy. “In addition to the fact he offers no proof to support his claims, his descriptions of Secretary Clinton’s server are inaccurate. It is unfathomable that he would have gained access to her emails and not leaked them the way he did to his other victims.”

He added: “We have received no indication from any government agency to support these claims, nor are they reflected in the range of charges that Guccifer already faces and that prompted his extradition in the first place. And it has been reported that security logs from Secretary Clinton’s email server do not show any evidence of foreign hacking.”

State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters the department does not believe Lazar’s claims.

“It’s plausible,” suggested Chris Tarbell, the man who opened the Silk Road case about the online black market for illegal drugs, when asked if Lazar hacked the email. “To go on television and admit to a felony you didn’t commit seems a little silly.”

The FBI interviewed Huma Abedin, Clinton’s longtime advisor and aide, about the email probe. Officials told CNN that Abedin has cooperated with the investigation. The FBI has not yet scheduled an appointment with Clinton.

Last month, Abedin said she felt terrified knowing her emails are out there.

“It’s something I can’t really think about, but I can’t even imagine what’s in those emails. But I’m sure I would probably be mortified. I have no idea. I haven’t read any of them,” she said on the “Call Your Girlfriend” podcast.



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Maybe Donald Trump should make Hillary his running mate, with the quid pro quo of a pardon for Hill and Huma.

If this guy got in so easy, you have to strongly suspect that China and Russia (and probably a dozen other countries) were reading her unsecured Top Secret emails as soon as she hit send.

According to published US government guidelines, exposure of even one Top Secret message is expected to cause “exceptionally grave damage” to national security*.

Hillary can not be trusted with the security of a hotdog- stand cash box. How she is not in jail right now is a total mystery to me, and this fact an affront to hundreds of thousands of people working for the government that are diligently and honestly working to secure our national security. It’s despicable.


legacyrepublican | May 6, 2016 at 10:23 am

Mr. Branco, if you are listening, an orchid should be on her orange jumpsuit from now on. 😉

It will most definitely complete the ensemble.

Is it a bad thing that I’m suddenly rooting for this criminal to have proof of his actions? I want Hillary to be indicted so badly. We know darn well Obama won’t let it happen though. He controls the media, the DOJ, and everything else going on in Washington.

    I’m rooting for this (alleged) criminal to be offered immunity in exchange for his proof of Hillary’s criminally negligent actions.

    Like I said in a comment below: Any proof the DOJ has would be used as evidence against him at trial. He’s not offering any proof and he cannot be compelled to offer any, either.

Calypso Facto | May 6, 2016 at 10:57 am

“There is absolutely no basis to believe the claims made by this criminal from her campaign trail.” FTFY

The FBI, after interviewing the hacker taken into custody: ‘Nothing to substantiate his claim.”

Let’s waterboard him, and get the facts!

I think the telling thing is when he stated it was all boring. I would imagine that an immense amount of the work is Sec of State is quite mundane. He does not seem sophisticated enough to pick the gems out of the muck.
I would believe that if he was was doing a fake confession he would have jazzed it up a bit
Please any thoughts on this

Buy the way saw a great comment on another site . The article was about the FBi interviewing Clinton
One of the wags said the title should be ” FBI invites Hillary to commit perjury”

“In addition to the fact he offers no proof to support his claims, his descriptions of Secretary Clinton’s server are inaccurate.”

Of course he offers no proof. If he provided proof that he hacked the Clinton e-mail server, he’d be providing evidence against himself which would be used at trial.

Fifth Amendment, b*tches. (Oh, wait; this is the Obama Administration’s DOJ. Never mind, then.)

“It is unfathomable that he would have gained access to her emails and not leaked them the way he did to his other victims.”

Not really. Not if he’s trying to show off his skills as a hacker (as many hackers do). His other (alleged) victims’ e-mails were well-secured, and releasing classified e-mails from a highly-secured source is proof of his hacking prowess. Easy targets, on the other hand, offer no sport — or credibility.

Simple analogy: If you want to prove your mountain-climbing skills, you post your pictures from the top of K2 or Kilimanjaro. You don’t post a duck-faced selfie standing next to your neighbor’s pile of fill dirt.

Everyone already knows it was open. For example, they ran it for 3 months without SSL. People watch domain registrations. You think was not noticed? This guy says there was 10 other IPs in the logs while he was in there. That would be about 1% of the total people in there. So about 1,000 people hacked the top secrets. The government is in the best of hands.