Trump Admits Times Report, Says Status Of Illegals Is “Negotiable”
Donald Trump backs off deportation vow, adopts Rubio position

For months now, Donald Trump has spouted the same line on immigration, promising to build a border wall and deport people here illegally. Last night, he admitted he would not deport the 11 million people in the United States illegally. It was posturing.
Trump appeared on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News. Here’s the video:
Here’s the key transcript excerpt, from Politico:
“We had a board meeting [at the New York Times], it was off-the-record, suddenly they leak it, it’s all over the place,” Trump said.
“They said it’s negotiable on the wall,” Hannity said in reference to Trump’s stance on Mexican immigration and his oft-stated promise to build a border wall.
“By the way it is negotiable. Things are negotiable,” Trump said. “I’ll make the wall 2 feet shorter or something.”
Trump was quick to add that the negotiation does not include nixing the idea altogether.
“Building it? Not negotiable.”
“Would it be negotiable about the 11 million?” Hannity pressed. “Maybe let some people stay if they register in a period of time?”
“I would say this,” Trump added, “we will work out some system that’s fair, but we either have a country or we don’t. We need a border. We need a wall.”
This should be causing Trump supporters cognitive dissonance. After all, he shot to prominence early in the race by taking the most aggressive possible stance on immigration. Now he is backpedaling to the exact same position as his reviled Gang of Eight competitor, Marco Rubio.
Here’s Rubio at the CNN debate last week:
Well, first of all, and before we do anything, I’ve been abundantly clear on this. When I’m president of the United States, before we do anything on immigration, we are going to secure the border. And, that’s not just the physical border with Mexico, it’s Visa overstays. That’s 45 percent of the problem right there.
It also has to do — that’s why we need e-verify, and entry-exit tracking system, and so-forth. And, until that happens, we’re not doing anything else. And then we’ll see what the American people are willing to support.
Those are exactly the same positions – build the wall, then figure out what to do with the people already here. There is literally no daylight between the Rubio and Trump positions on immigration.
So before you run out to vote Trump because Rubio betrayed you on immigration, remember, 1) they’re the same on the issue, but 2) Trump is lying to you about it.

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Two steps forward, one step back. Sooo light on his feet.
This desperate GOPe hack purposely edited out Trump’s requirement for deportation. Full quote is:
“I would say this. I’ve always said we have some good people over here, AND THEY ARE GOING TO GO OUT. But we will work out a system that’s fair. But we either have a country or we don’t. We need a border. We need a wall.”
Jon, why did you edit Trump’s quote to leave out his requirement for deportation?
Hey Levin,
Are you going to disassociate yourself and this post from the HACKED VIDEO or are you in on the LIE ALL THE WAY !!
Levin will you disavow and forever never trust the source of this HACKED VIDEO ??
An all-caps meltdown, Gary?
He learned iot from Ragspierre. The master of all-caps meltdown.
Really? Post some, liar.
This is a really bad, terrible, awfully bad CAPS LOCK DAY FOR POOR OL’ GAGHDAD BOB BRITT.
His little yellow god is being revealed as having feet of clay.
And the revelation comes from Der Donald’s own “positions”.
So the proven LIARS Slippers and Ragspierre (I only want to truth) rush in to deflect from the fact the entire post is based on a LIE a hacked VIDEO, and being the LIARS and MORONS they are don’t even bother to offer a single question or concern about the entire post being based upon a HACKED VIDEO.
Typical. Both of you have no credibility. You attack Trump from the LEFT using the standard tactics of LEFT WING LIARS just as pointed out by Barry.
Gary, Gary, Gary. Trumph is messing with your head. Relax.
Let’s all join hands a create virtual wall for Gary. he didn’t get his happy meal today.
Gary, Gary, Gary. You really are all hot and bothered here, but I don’t understand why. This video is not the first or only (or, and you can take this to the bank, last) time Trump has spoken out in favor of amnesty. He loves “the Hispanics” and other immigrants whom he can hire or have his shills hire on the cheap. That’s how he “does business.”
It’s only been since 2012 that Trump insisted that self deportation was cruel and unrealistic (though, given his vocabulary level, I may be mis-paraphrasing, he probably said “it’s really really bad, and I mean bad. Really really bad. I mean bad. Super bad. The baddest and worst. Ever. It’s so bad that you’re probably gagging on how bad it was. Oh, and it was mean, too. That Romney, he’s a mean guy. Those Mormons. Nothing against Mormons. I love the Mormons. The Mormons love me. In fact, no one has ever in the history of all that is loved me more than the Mormons do. Yeah, so I’m great. The greatest, really. Just ask the Mormons. Oh, and that self-deportation thing was mean. MEAN! But not the Mormons, the Mormons love me.” That’s your guy, your hero. A blithering idiot who sounds like a confused second grader most of the time.
Oh, wait, he called Romney a big meanie pants. Or something very close to it:
Stompy foot, pouty lip, shruggy shoulder, creepy grimace. Actually, I take back my insult to second graders; second graders act more presidential than this buffoon.
Romney’s idea was not “mean” or “too harsh,” it was perfectly reasonable. Limit access to jobs by coming down on employers who hire illegals, limit the flow of our tax dollars in the form of entitlement and benefits monies to illegals, and essentially give them no reason to come. Or to stay.
Trump? He just shouts stuff until something sticks. He doesn’t care what he says or what he promises . . . just that it sticks and gets him what he wants.
Pitch perfect, Fuzzy.
I’m literally crying over here 😀
Trumph U is beckoning…”Gary, Gary, Gary…” but the Force of Fuzzy is trying to pull back to earth.
Read my comments from last night and listen more carefully.
Great post, Jon. And spot-on. It’s all right there in Trump’s “Art of the Deal.” Essentially start off with something outlandish you know no one will ever agree to (mass deportations, it’ll cost you a gazillion dollars, whatever), then whittle in to the “real deal.” Okay, maybe not a gazillion dollars, but how about 10 million dollars?
It’s flea market haggling. I want ten dollars for this used ice tray! I’ll give you ten cents. Um, how about fifty cents? DEAL!
Some art. Some deal.
This article is one big fat lie. He edited out Trump’s requirement for deportation. Leftist tactic.
Requirement for deportation? By which you mean, Trump’s “touch back” amnesty.
Do you not understand that for Trump everything is negotiable. He said it, it’s one of the few true things he’s said on the campaign trail.
Why do you cling to your fantasy about Trump while the real Trump smacks you about the head and shoulders with the fact that he is not only pandering but that he knows full well what he is proposing is the “out” deal? The first one the table, the one you know is total crap. You get that, right? You read his book? You know that this is all bluff and bluster designed to get what he really wants (again, read his book). He’s a simpleton, he’s not hard to figure out. Well, not for most of us, anyway.
Again repeating the LIE. Not a single word of criticism or concern that the video is EDITED to omit the requirement of deportation.
You are just a worthless whore for Cruz. No LI author can have any credibility or pretend to have a journalistic credibility while supporting as you do this hacked video and FABRICATED POST FROM LEVIN.
You have no credibility Slippers you are just a two bit commenter caught in supporting the lies of others.
Cruz doesn’t deport anybody. He lets them stay. That is just amnesty amnesty. You complain that Trump deports them and then might let some back under a legal process of some kind.
You can only stomp your feet and repeat the same lies you’ve been telling for MONTHS.
You…Gaghdad Bob Britt…have been force to admit that Der Donald advocates T-rumpBack amnesty.
You just rationalized it by using the standard “Yes, he’s a stinking liar, BUT he’s so crafty a liar that nobody can pin him down on the exact meaning of is lies”.
I think that “whore” comment may have been a mistake, Gary.
“Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength.” Gary Britt, you’re looking very, very small right about now.
Slightly off topic, I just realized that the RNC hates and is actively trying to undermine the two leading Republican candidates for the Presidency. Seems, we need new leaders and their infrastructure.
Trump himself told us he can change into anything, but his supporters don’t care.
Trump’s “no muslim immigrant” position, which catapulted him to electoral stardom, came a day after he said we should take in Syrian “immigrants,” but his supporters don’t care.
Trump is a fraud, but Trump supporters don’t care, except to flame anyone who mentions these truths.
Now that you are walking away from Trumph and to higher ground…
Andrew C. McCarthy March 1, 2016 10:00 AM:
I agree, and I am one of those fortunate to know Cruz well, having worked with him on a legal matter. He is the real thing.
Rick Tyler?
Actually, No.
I practiced law for 41 years and never during that time met another attorney with skills and client-service virtues as high as Cruz’. His skills were immediately recognized by clients.
Then we need to send him back to private law practice where he belongs. Because as a politician he is a creepy dominionist end times liar.
Now we get the lying religious bigot Bierhall Bullyboi Britt. You’re really showing the ugly underbelly of T-rump cultists.
As so often in the past…
Funny you should mention this, Rick. I was just reading an amazing article by two people who have worked closely with Cruz and said the same thing.
It’s no secret on LI that I have long supported Cruz, but I am heartened to know that people who know him speak so highly of him. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Right. Was one of those people Jeff Roe?
Here’s a novel idea, Handy, click. the. link.
Snide little comments like this are so silly and laughable.
You left out the part about Trump never endorsing a pathway to citizenship for the illegals already here. Nice try, but very, very feeble.
Actually, I was watching some show on Fox, and he stated, yet again, that once he sends all the illegals back, the “good ones” can come back legally. That’s called “touch back amnesty.” I’m sorry you don’t see that you’re being snookered. But you are.
You repeat this LIE often. It is still a Lie and you a LIAR.
Cruz and Rubio don’t have to deal with establishing a process for the deserving to come back in legally because they don’t ever deport them to begin with. That is just amnesty amnesty.
The LI authors are d I sgusting liars in many many ways.
See, this comment merely shows how little you have actually paid attention to anyones stances
Dating back as far as 2010/2011 when he started running for Congress, Cruz has been saying they will all be gone and never be given an option of legal status, let alone citizenship.
Trump has been openly telling you he wants Touchback Amnesty, will negotiate deals with Dems on how the border is secured or what will happen post Touchback Amnesty and is willing to consider Citizenship for the illegals currently here (just not the “bad ones” – he, like Obama, wants the so-called “criminals” to stay out)
How little I pay attention GMAFB. You quote stuff from 2010 and 2011. How about quoting stuff in the last 3 months, where Cruz clearly states he will NOT round up and deport anybody. His brilliant plan is to use everify to pressure illegals to self-deport. That is not a plan that is AMNESTY FOR ALL ILLEGAL CRIMINALS THAT AREN’T EFFECTED BY EVERIFY.
Let’s look at Cruz’s announcement speech for his run for President. Immigration and the wall were so important to him he gave it two sentences in total AND NO MENTION OF A WALL.
See, you just prove over and over and over again your are the epitome of the low-info voter Trump thrives on
Its pitiful.
But even worse, you somehow think your lack of facts, inability to even acknowledge reality and blind unyielding devotion to your dear little prophet is somehow a positive and makes you a big man. Others look and probably assume you are just a clueless early teen, and yet you still think youre somehow something special proving your might. Like your candidate, you cant seem to grasp the fact you are a laughingstock
Gaghdad Bob Britt is the resident Collectivist totalitarian T-rump cultist…well, one, but the most prolific.
He LOVES him some COMMAND economics. He thinks it would be just DREAMY to have a strong-man ANTI-Constitutional “leader” to make our choices for us.
You’re being either stupid or disingenuous, Curle.
IF any GOP Senator or Deemocrat came out in support of a “legal” conversion for illegals, as has T-rump, you’d be all over them like robes on a Klansman.
You would object…reasonably…that that will just provide the camel’s nose to the tent of full voting citizenship.
Moreover, we DON’T get a lower work-force to foster American worker participation with the T-rump-back amnesty.
He is not who you BELIEVE he is. He just isn’t.
Sure, he didnt support a Pathway to Citizenship there in this interview on Hannity…
…but he said he’s open to just that here, with Dana Bash
Couple the two interviews and you have Rubios stance 100% covered completely perfectly.
So go ahead, stick your head deeper in that sand and believe Trump is somehow not taking a “negotiable” stance in order to “make a deal” which will see him “think about” a Pathway To Citizenship for the illegals currently here – despite, you know, his specifically saying all that
You tube is just a source of hacked edited LIES. Find a link to unedited source on the website. Otherwise just more bullshit like Jon Levin’s post above.
Wow, I know all your Trumpbots have is attack the messenger to defend your pitiful prophet – but now Trump in his own words is not good enough a source? How desperate iare you tools, seriously?
Anyway, here, from CNN itself (the important part you wish didnt happen is at 4:58 – although the entire thing is him describing how he really wants them to come back fast)
…so whats your new desperate excuse for denying what Trump himself said?
Here’s a funny thing…
IF you’ve been paying attention, none of this NYT stuff is exactly a big revelation without precedent.
About the same time as T-rump sat down…voluntarily…with the NYT staff, he was giving an interview with Byron York (if memory serves), where he said essentially the same stuff.
What he says is NOT what he means, quite often. He’s a con man. Get that ONE FACT straight, and many, many things become readily apparent and easily explicable.
This will not matter to real T-rump cultists. Nothing matters to them.
Bingo. Every time I see someone react to what Trump says in detail, I shake my head. Don’t waste your time on that, or on the stray voltage he intentionally creates.
What he says will change tomorrow. So will his position. Until he gets called on it. Then he will say something else.
Focus on how you would interact with someone in a cult, or someone who is already caught up in a con. Its very hard to make them see their mistake.
He could merge the US with Mexico, and the Trumpkins would fall in line.
(“its the deal of the lifetime! and I won the negotiation! Mexico lost on this deal! losers!”)
They would be so bought in they couldn’t bring themselves to shift opinions.
(“but he promised to build an even bigger and stronger wall around both! best wall ever! 60 feet tall, 2x higher! stronger than anything other losers could ever build … with marble bathrooms and gold plated faucets, too! keeps out cheap goods from China better, too!”)
I imagine many of the Trumpaloos are getting the vapors right about now. Let’s give them a few minutes to contort themselves a bit more so that they can once again justify their flaxen God’s constant geyser of hypocritical bullshit.
Rubio and Cruz will never build 1000 mile Trump wall. That is yuuuge difference.
Neither Rubio or Cruz will actively round up and deport anybody. Trump will.
Trump is not backing off anything but he us acknowledging that he will have to negotiate any needed law changes with the amnesty lovers like Rubio and Cruz and the rest of GOPe in congress
This is what Trump said:
Trump stated, “I’ve always said we have some good people over here, and they’re going to go out, but we will work out some system that’s fair, but we have a country or we don’t. we need a border. We need a wall. We need a wall. You know, I won New Hampshire, and they have a tremendous heroin problem. And I promised the people of New Hampshire we’re going stop that heroin from coming in.”
Nice try Levin but no bannana.
Gary, you aren’t paying attention, and your Dear Leader is way smarter than you apparently are. He is telling you, plainly, in his own words, that his positions, the ones you hold as near-Gospel, are negotiable. He’s a deal-maker. What do you honestly, truly, in your heart-of-hearts think that means? He’s telling you. It’s right there. Look. Listen. Learn.
Moronic LIARS like you see and hear what you want to see and hear. Trump’s words are perfectly clear. The wall isnt negotiable and deportations aren’t negotiable.
I’ll take Jeff Sessions opinion over yours and the rest of the GOPe.
It’s amazing that the management hasn’t banned you…yet. Hint: Calling people “morons” isn’t considered an argument.
FU. Slippers calls me stupid and you object to my reply in kind. I suggest you start an email campa8gn to have me banned.
I don’t mind Gary calling me a moron, Snopercod. Now if you did, that I would mind. 🙂
Name-calling is just sad. It’s a clear sign not only that the name-caller hasn’t a leg to stand on but that he or she actually knows it. Let us not be upset with Gary. He has a lot to digest . . . if he will.
It’s time for your meds, Gary.
Maybe a weekend at Trumph U will make you feel better. Go ahead take some time off. That is unless you are ‘teaching’ at Trumph U.
I have called people stupid at times. Each time I felt justified in doing so. Generally I told the people why that are stupid.
I’ve seen some posts calling people idiots which I thought were uncalled for. I use the “giving a reason” rule as a heuristic, not a bright line. I also take context into consideration, ie a quadruple face-palm post.
Given this rule, Gary at least gives a reason. You might not think it is a good reason, but it is a reason. Ragspierre on the other hand calls people stupid without reason all the time. When he loses an argument, he calls the person stupid. It seems to be the Ragspierre version of Godwin’s rule: when you lose an argument insult the other person.
If he were to ban Gary for calling a someone an idiot now, he should have banned Ragspierre a long. long time ago.
Yep. You’re an idiot.
(Look up “tautology”)
Lets not kid ourselves – Jeff Sessions endorsed Trump for 2 reasons
1 – Sessions was kept from his Judgeship and has a long, long, long history of racism in his past. He is a single issue guy (less Conservative than Rubio on most all scores) who seems driven at least in part by the very issue that brings many Trump supporters together
2 – Sessions is afraid Rubio will be the nominee with the Establishment going so hard after Cruz to keep their idea of open borders alive. The endorsement was an anti-Rubio stance more than a pro-Trump stance
…but all of that said, go read the outline Sessions wrote for Trump on immigration for his website then show me even one instance of Trump actually explaining or outlining all those stances in speeches or interviews.
Trump has argued against or away from almost everything Sessions wrote for Trump. Sessions possibly has a wild dream Trump will support the proposal Jeff wrote; but if you listen to Trump at all on the issue you know for 100% fact he wont (I mean, Sessions is adamantly against Touchback Amnesty, but that is Trumps entire immigration stance when he argues it in speeches or interviews)
Let’s not kid ourselves. And then you write nothing but pure bullshit fiction that does nothing but kid the anti-Trumpbots.
The desperation of the drowning candidates and their supporters is palpable.
So, which part do you somehow feel is bull?
That Sessions has a long, long, long history of racism that has even kept him off the bench?
That sessions desperately doesnt want Rubio to be the nominee?
Or the part where Trump has never explained 95% of what Sessions wrote for him for his website?
Go ahead, try to disprove any of them if you like – and I wish you luck in trying (youre going to need it, because facts are not on your side… but youre used to arguing without facts, so I look forward to your attempts)
Which part is bullshit and unsupported speculation. Everything you wrote. Just that part.
National Review, a once-venerable conservative publication, has officially gone off the rails entirely, publishing an article calling Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)
a “prostitute” for endorsing billionaire Donald Trump for the GOP presidential nomination.
That abominable attack on perhaps the most revered conservative in the U.S. Senate ran in a National Review piece arguing that anyone who endorses Trump is a “rat” that is “scurrying” and is also a “sellout.”
“The Rats Are Scurrying: Republican Officeholders Who Endorse Trump Are Sellouts,” reads the headline of the article.
Lowry told Breitbart News in November 2014 when Sessions was re-elected overwhelmingly in Alabama after running completely unopposed in both the primary and general election:
He’s up this time? I didn’t even know he was up; that shows you how unopposed he is. I can’t speak to specific politics in Alabama, but on a national level he’s extremely well-informed. He’s extremely energetic. He’s fearless. He’s proven himself year after year to be an absolutely indispensable outside voice and inside player on immigration and has really taken the lead in forwarding a populist-oriented agenda around that tone and around that issue. He’s really one of the most valuable senators we have, and I hope part of what’s going on in Alabama and that Alabama recognizes that.
Lowry’s team political editor, Eliana Johnson, even once ran a glowingly lengthy profile of Sessions, calling him “Amnesty’s Worst Nightmare” in the headline.
“Sessions, 67, is a low-profile guy,” Johnson wrote. “Though he is not well known nationally, he has for years now been the instrumental force in quashing repeated attempts to pass comprehensive immigration reform. He has a gentle, almost grandfatherly quality, but he doesn’t shy away from combat.”
Gary, now you’re just cut & pasting huge walls of text direct from Trumpbart. Come on. You’re losing it.
Do you just have a complete inability to actual discuss the actual topic we are having, or what?
Please, stop the illogical rants and stick to the topic at hand
Was Sessions denied a judgeship because a history of racism? Its a yes or no question, so it should be easy for you to answer
Is Sessions desperate to keep Rubio from getting the nod, yes or no?
Has Trump ever supported what Sessions wrote for him in speeches and interviews? If you feel the answer is yes here, please show me where because I have looked and looked and looked and only find him contradicting what Sessions wrote
…that is the conversation we are having, and your continued ignoring of it will only prove my point further
“Was Sessions denied a judgeship because a history of racism? Its a yes or no question, so it should be easy for you to answer”
Does every conservative nominated for a judgeship get accused of being a racist by the left?
Why yes, yes they do. It puts you in squarely as a leftist.
You are a pathetic bunch of hacks using the smear tactics created by the left. I can tell no difference.
“Was Sessions denied a judgeship because a history of racism?”
as is your wont, you distracted, deflected, and by implication LIED. (A “history” is not the same as an “accusation”.)
This is what you do.
You did NOT answer the question. Very like a T-rump sucking cultist.
“You did NOT answer the question.”
Actually I did answer the question but you, being a leftie smear artist are to dense to get it.
Sessions was a Reagan nomination. He was smeared as a racist, nothing more.
So, a few days ago you loved some Sessions, and Reagan. Now, you believe Reagan nominated a racist and Sessions is a racist.
You are just part of the left wing GOPe smear machine.
See what you do?
You did NOT answer the question.
And I still would support Sessions on many things.
I think he made a tragic and catastrophic mistake in endorsing Der Donald, who is NOT any part a conservative or anything BUT a stinking, lying Collectivist thug.
Pretty much just like you have chosen to be.
Only a complete moron doesn’t get the answer.
So, let’s just make it plainer for morons.
Yes, Sessions was denied a judgeship, based on false allegations he was a racist.
Now, smartass, answer this question –
Do you, Rags, believe Sessions is a racist?
Simple question isn’t it?
Are Gary and Barry the same person? Why is Barry answering questions posed of Gary?
Now, instead of an answer, you LIE about answering, call names, smear, and, again, deflect.
Let me show you how this is done by honest people.
“Is Sessions a racist?”
I don’t know. Neither do you.
DOES he have a history of making remarkably stupid racist-appearing remarks?
Yes. And it cost him a District Court seat. As he’s admitted.
“Is Sessions a racist?”
Except that is not the question I asked is it?
I asked if you believed he was a racist. An opinion. One you are unwilling to answer. And you avoid it by deflection, by changing the question.
You’re a pretty good leftist. But not good enough.
Patent Rags BS
You stupid, lying POS.
I don’t venture opinions…especially ones on such a charged subject…without very good support.
I don’t know Sessions. Neither do you.
I DO know his history. He lost a District Court because he could not keep his mouth shut on racially charged subjects. As he’s had to admit.
Does that make him a racist? Not enough data. Does that make him a flawed human being? Yep. Does that call into question his judgment. Sure as shit.
You are supporting a stinking, lying COllectivist thug. What does that tell us about you?
“Neither Rubio or Cruz will actively round up and deport anybody. Trump will.”
Cruz certainly WILL identify and deport illegals, using the tools already in place. This is called “enforcing our laws”.
Der Donald WILL NOT “round up” anyone. It’s both legally and politically impossible…at least in the United States as it exists. He’s a liar, and you are a liar who republishes lies.
Cruz has clearly stated he will not round up and deport anybody.
Trump will. Cruz won’t build 1000 mile Trump wall. Trump will.
Really? How will he build it? With his pen and his phone?
Don’t you know that? By going around Congress, and having Mexico build, or at least pay for, the wall. As for how he will get Mexico to do that, he’s not the greatest negotiator in the world for nothing. Isn’t he?
I doubt that will be necessary after his landslide win for the Presidency.
Do you get that even with a “landslide win,” a President is still not an Emperor or a King?
So when Cruz says “they will not stay in the country” and that “they will never be given legal status” he is not saying they will be deported?
Come on…
Look, Cruz will not say they will all be rounded up and deported because they wont – tons will leave on their own once they know that if ICE catches them they are out and that they will never be able to get a job (as Cruz has explained endlessly)
There is zero reason to physically deport them all when you can get half of them to do it themseves. Plus, there is nothing Hillary likes screaming more than Trump wants boxcars of immigrates being rounded up at gunpoint and deported – its an idiotic stance to take to begin with.
But your lack of understanding of the Cruz position does not mean he doesnt have a much, much, much stronger position than Trump – and that is especially the case when you prove over and over again you have zero idea what Trump actually wants and instead put your own hopes for change fantasies in his mouth for him.
Cruz will enforce the laws, which will result in deportation of illegals.
Say what you want.
Well, as to Cruz, yeah. He’s not telling the LIE that he COULD “round up” millions of people. He’s taking the course of telling the truth about what can be done. Legally and politically. It ALSO would have the virtue of NOT causing IMMENSE economic disruptions in the American economy, such as the housing markets.
Now, as to T-rump, that’s just complete lies. Boob bait for boobs.
And you are one of the most AMAZING boobs EVAH…!!!
Gary, Gary, Gary. Calm down. You are having a fit, and it’s very unbecoming. First, Congress has already approved, back in 2006, the building of a wall. The approved wall, the only one Trump could get built as president, is 700 miles, not 1,000. He speaks BIG, he is hyperbolic. Just because he says something, doesn’t make it so. And never will. Even if you click your heels together and wish really really hard.
Second, Trump is throwing red meat as if to dogs. He did this in 2011-12 when he toyed with the idea of running for president (an idea he’s toyed with since at least 1988). In 2011, it was Obama’s birth certificate. He didn’t get much traction with that because there are only so many birthers out there, but this year, he hit black gold, Texas T, with his railing against illegals and the border. That’s fine. It’s as it should be, but he’s not the only one who wants the wall–approved, remember in 2006, built. Jan Brewer wanted it built. Rick Perry wanted it built. Ted Cruz ran, in part, on having it built. Even Marco Rubio wants it built (well, now, anyway, who knows what he really believes.).
Trump is telling you, all of America, that his stance on this, and “everything,” is negotiable. Deal with it. That’s who he is, and no amount of pouting or shouting will change it.
All bullshit lies and misdirection. Trump can build the wall using military budget or DHS budget. Just move some money around. Presidents can get lots done if they want to. Congress will approve wall or have Trump campaign against them. Bully Pulpit. Trump will be the best at that.
Gary, as I have explained to you, the wall has already been approved. Trump, like Cruz all along and Rubio recently, is simply saying the existing law be fulfilled. President Bush didn’t do it. Obama sure didn’t do it. I believe that either Cruz or Rubio would do it. Times have changed, and with us natives as restless as we are, they really have no choice.
Your point about presidents being able to get a lot done is very sad to me, however. That’s leftist talk, that’s pen and phone–except with Trump, it’s a megaphone and threats of lawsuits and various other repercussions for failing to see things his way. That’s Trump repeatedly claiming that his presidency would be his “reign” (and we disparage Obama for thinking he’s king or emperor!), and his campaign manager explaining how Trump is the perfect choice to “manage” our nation and its people. Do you not think this is problematic in any way. Any way at all?
You want to be “managed” by someone, anyone who holds the highest office in the land? Really? I truly find that nearly impossible to believe if you have a conservative bone in your body.
But, as you will surely note, I digress (it’s how I think). Back to the point at hand. Trump has said that what he’s said all along is not actually set in stone, it’s all negotiable: “everything’s negotiable.” If he’s not standing by his word, why on earth would you?
You say many things. I ignore all of them because you are a fool and a LIAR. Amply demonstrated above as you fail to criticize this entire post by Levin is based on a phony edited video.
The Trump Wall will be built. 1000 miles. Not the bullshit fencing that the GOPe failed to finish. That is the kind of useless trash that Cruz and Rubio will PRETEND to build. Then they will declare the border is secure and time for gang of 8 amnesty.
Cruz will then pump up legal immigration by adding 500,000 to 1,000,000 more H1B visas PER YEAR to pay off his mega donors like goldman sachs.
ANd once again Gary Britt may have a website saying he’s a lawyer, but proves he knows NO law.
Ya see, Gary, once money has been appropriated by Congress say for DoD, it’s been appropriated for specific projects. Unless one of those is SPECIFICALLY “Build a 1000 mile wall”, the instant he orders that money spent on something else, the Supreme Court ruled back in the Nixon Admin that he’s breaking the law.
Can you say impeachable, Gary? I know it’s lots of syllables….
They purposely edited out “AND THEY ARE GOING TO GO OUT”.
Desperation. Just like a Rubio flop sweat.
What a joke this posting is! Reaching much?
Of course, negotiating is what congress is
supposed to do. Did you lose sight of that
process because they haven’t done it in so long?
Sorry I don’t see it. Good Try but I just don’t see it that way. I guess if you really twist his words like a pretzel and if his name were Cruz or Rubio then maybe he would have said what you wanted it to be.
But for me what I see is tonight I will be savoring the start of the Trump nomination victories.
When does Trump start walking back his position on building the greatest wall ever? You know it’s coming. If there’s no price paid for walking back deportation his grandiose wall commitment will crumble too.
He didn’t walk back deportations. They idiot who wrote this edited that out of his quote. Here is what Trump actually said:
“I would say this. I’ve always said we have some good people over here, AND THEY ARE GOING TO GO OUT. But we will work out a system that’s fair. But we either have a country or we don’t. We need a border. We need a wall.”
You’re ignoring the FACTS that Der Donald’s “mass deportation” is a fundamentally IMPOSSIBLE lie. It cannot happen. For several reasons.
I don’t think that’s what anybody at the New York Times would have understood by the word “negotiable” back on January 5.
And I don’t that’s the meaning he intended to convey.
And that meaning probably cannot be supported by the context.
But we don’t have the actual back and forth now, so Donald Trump can throw out a line like that.
The Times audio will be released, and Trump will be boasting about what a great negotiator he is and how he starts yuge and then gets what he really wanted all along (which, anyone watching Trump will know, is lots and lots of illegals “doing work Americans won’t do.” He actually said that Americans don’t want to be waiters and waitresses. Bizarre.).
He’s playing everyone, and he’s loving every minute of it. And he’s laughing, mocking, and relentlessly condescending to his adoring hordes. It’s bizarre how they lap it up.
Iowa’s so cute, so great! I’ll buy a farm here. Just buy one, just like that!!! It’ll be great. YUGE! Wow! I love this New Hampshire, think I’ll buy a mountain here! It’ll be great. YUGE! Man, I sure love South Carolina! I think I’ll buy a . . . oh, I don’t know, a county or something. It’ll be great. YUGE!
“Would it be negotiable about the 11 million?” Hannity pressed. “Maybe let some people stay if they register in a period of time?”
“I would say this,” Trump added, “we will work out some system that’s fair, but we either have a country or we don’t. We need a border. We need a wall.”
Trump clearly knows how to say “not negotiable” regarding the wall, but Trump supporters dont see the above quote as a walk-back of his deport-them-all stance.
Deportation is the current system. What new “system” is he talking about other than deportation?
No “system” is needed to allow illegals to stay, that currently exists as simple non-enforcement.
What other meaning is there for a “system” other than amnesty?
The extent to which Trump supporters have twisted, distorted, and ignored his words and actions is almost unbelievable. All the derision cast at Obama supporters can be extended to the Trump supporters, who ignore, twist, and distort reality to join his cult of personality.
Yeah, but Trump is a “true candidate of the people”
…that is, whatever any random people want to believe he is, thats what he is to those specific people and they can find a quote somewhere to support that.
Thats why he takes no hard stances on absolutely anything, constantly arguing different stances and positions to fog over his true beliefs.
If ever he gets called out with a “but you said …” he can just say “you didnt listen, I said … in this interview” and tweet out the video where he said something contrary to what people wanted to believe he really believed.
Hes the ultimate empty suit, standing for anything and everything anyone can possibly imagine.
…in other words, hes just a “Populist” (just like he ran as in 2000) doing what Populists do – blatantly pander to low-info voters to gain power
I’ve coined the term “OMNI-angulation” to describe the T-rumpian “position”.
His position is to tell often-conflicting stories to people as he perceives they’re desires.
He has a core of Collectivism (or more conventinonally Progressivism). ANYBODY who has really listened to the man KNOWS this.
He is ANTI-conservative.
Even when it comes to the question of repudiating the endorsement of David Duke.
And when caught out, he will say, he didn’t hear the question properly, and he’ll give some additional explanations as to what he was talking about.
Obama’s rich brother from another mother.
…who became Vizzini the negotiator who tried to outwit his opponent and then guessed wrong.
Invest now in Kleenex and Haagen-Dazs. Sooner or later Trump’s supporters are going to realize that their prom king ain’t all that. They’ve been so insufferable lately you might as well pocket a little coin at their expense.
This is malicious slander from an anti-Trump pun.
Here’s Trump’s full quote:
“I would say this. I’ve always said we have some good people over here, AND THEY ARE GOING TO GO OUT. But we will work out a system that’s fair. But we either have a country or we don’t. We need a border. We need a wall.”
You left out the most important phrase – AND THEY ARE GOING TO GO OUT. IOW, they still get deported. Just like he has always said.
Typical leftist/GOPe tactics. PATHETIC.
Don’t be silly, Cal. Trump favors amnesty, or at least he always has (for DECADES) until recently. He’s pandering, lying, and he’s laughing at people like you who believe this tripe.
Trump clearly states that with immigration “everything is negotiable”; that’s his mantra, the words he lives by. To him, everything is negotiable, our 4th Amendment rights, our 1st Amendment rights, our Second Amendment rights. . . he’s said that all of these are “negotiable” if he deems there to be sufficient threat (of some kind). This doesn’t alarm you in any way?
These rights, inherent in us all, granted us by our Creator, can and will be subsumed if The Donald thinks that it’s important enough to do so. He’s said this. Listen to him when he talks about loosening libel laws so that “horrible” articles are actionable (who decides what’s “horrible”? Well, Trump, Dear Leader, who rules over us during his “reign”). Learn something about him before you go all in . . . you will regret it if you don’t.
July, 2000
“America is experiencing serious social and economic difficulty with illegal immigrants who are flooding across our borders. We simply can’t absorb them. It is a scandal when America cannot control its own borders. A liberal policy of immigration may seem to reflect confidence and generosity. But our current laxness toward illegal immigration shows a recklessness and disregard for those who live here legally. ”
“The majority of legal immigrants can often make significant contributions to our society because they have special skills and because they add to our nation’s cultural diversity. They come with the best of intentions. But legal immigrants do not and should not enter easily. It’s a long, costly, draining, and often frustrating experience-by design. I say to legal immigrants: Welcome and good luck.”
“It comes down to this: we must take care of our own people first. Our policy to people born elsewhere should be clear: Enter by the law, or leave. ”
The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.143-45 Jul 2, 2000
“Amnesty is suicide for Republicans,” Trump wrote in May 2013. He added later that month: “The new amnesty bill is over 1000 pages. It is another monstrosity a la ObamaCare.”
Relate what he wrote in 2000 to what he’s saying today.
For anyone that can read, it is the same consistent message.
But you do need reading comprehension skills.
See, therein lies a major dis-junction between you, a T-rump sucking cultist, and the rest of the world.
We DO read what the man writes and hear what he says.
You have that special ability to read what he DID NOT write, and hear what he DID NOT say.
Only in the left wing fantasy smear world can someone read what trump wrote and not understand the clear meaning.
But, what leftie smear artists do is pretend it says something else.
Yes, they are possibly going to go out (its negotiable) and if they do have to leave briefly, they will be fast-tracked back in under a legal status (thats has always been his argued position, since day one, although he admits its negotiable)
By the way, that is called Touchback Amnesty – as was argued by RINOs circa 2005 in hopes they could finally get low-infos to support Amnesty where they otherwise wouldnt.
Now when they come back he is also open to “negotiate” what type of status they would get and what all would be fair. That includes possibly Citizenship, according to his own words in this interview
So its basically the Gang Of 8 bill (which also claimed it would secure the border first) with a “negotiation” to take place over the status of all those getting to stay (and again, he is open to possibly citizenship, and that citizenship might be a “down the line” citizenship – just as the GangOf8 bill was pushing)
no, its not basically the gang of 8 bill …
Way to argue against something not said
pun = punk
Trumph: “You little people are killing me here.”
No, Trump is more liberal. He’s not making anything conditional on building the “wall.” And he hasn’t talked about overstays. Only Rubio, and to some extent, Ted Cruz has.
Donald Trump also apparently wants to eliminate the bar against anyone deported coming back to the United States for X number of years, (unless they get a special waiver) because he seems to have endorsed something like the touchback provision.
Donald Trump has indicated he wants some deported people to be permitted to come back, but Marco Rubio has indicated nothing like that.
Nor has Donald Trump advocated limiting legal immigration.
In other respects, they could be similar, and the big difference is with Ted Cruz, who has the most right-wing position.
I think Donald Trump has never said he would try to cut off all federal dollars going to New York City and San Francisco and other “sanctuary cities.” Ted Cruz has. Here, Marco Rubio seems to be on the same page as Donald Trump, with neither threatening punitive monetary action against New York City and San Francisco and many other “blue” cities.
Marco Rubio has said he would let any papers issued because of Barack Obama’s instructions expire, rather than immediately invalidating them, and it is not clear that Donald Trump would do anything different. I am not sure what Ted Cruz’s position is about that either.
One place where Donald Trump is more conservative than Ted Cruz is, is that Donald Trump won’t ask Congress to pay for the wall, but will attempt to force Mexico to do it, somehow.
Apparently by starting or threatening to start a trade war and/or closing the Mexican border to normal traffic.
This is fiscal conservatism, is it not?
Another place where Donald Trump is less liberal than Marco Rubio is where Donald Trump has come out in favor of having a deportation police force, but Marco Rubio has said this is not going to happen. (while Ted Cruz has argued in favor of the responsibility of the president to “execute” the law, extra money or efforts to round up people is apparently missing from his rhetoric)
Marco Rubio has said that he feels that after illegal immigration has been stopped, we’ll see then what the American people [translation: Republicans in Congress] are willing to support to do with the people already here.
Obama thought that way, too, for a few years.
Donald Trump already has some ideas on that score (the tocuhback provision)
“This is fiscal conservatism, is it not?”
Hell, NO! It is a myth. Conservatives deal in reality.
It’s Trump’s version of fiscal conservatism.
“I think Donald Trump has never said he would try to cut off all federal dollars going to New York City and San Francisco and other sanctuary cities. Ted Cruz has. Here, Marco Rubio seems to be on the same page as Donald Trump, with neither threatening punitive monetary action against New York City and San Francisco and many other ‘blue’ cities.”
I didn’t know the answer to this, but 10 seconds of searching Youtube on the terms “trump sanctuary cities” finds Trump calling for defunding sanctuary cities:
I just want the wall built.
Obama exposed the lie of “I like legal immigration but dislike illegal immigration,” by trying to make all immigration legal.
A new consensus position has to be forge that isn’t based on a lie.
The first lie that has to be gotten rid of is that it is possible to reach a level of enforcement of immigration law that immigration restrictionists will agree is sufficient.
Nothing less than 100% will satisfy them, and then they’ll want assurances that that 100% level will exist for the indefinite future.
Another lie is that after that, people would be more amenable to amnesty.
Another lie is that any amnesty would be the last amnesty. The attempt to credibly say tghat, has frozen all legislative action.
Of course it was posturing … Do you lead with your final offer ? anyone who thought Trump was hard and fast on this is really naive …
Why is this so hard to understand ?
And he hasn’t adopted Rubios position …
The biggest threat to our Republic is not illegal aliens. It’s the behemoth called the federal government. Trump has distracted conservatives’ attention from that single-most important issue. Trump is not a small government conservative or libertarian. He’s a big(ger) government opportunist. Regardless of his position on almost any point, the bigger issue is the role and scope of government in the ordinary lives of ordinary Americans. The general electorate has lost sight of (or abandoned) that ideal. Restore the balance of powers among the three branches of government, and restore the accountability of the elected to the electorate, and these other issues will be dealt with.
Yes, I’m naive and from another century of political thought.
And how big and powerful do you think the federal government would have to get to actually enforce immigration law internally (as opposed to just at the border) sometimes against the overwhelming of the people of some cities and states?
And what other laws could they enforce, if they could enforce that one?
“Regardless of his position on almost any point, the bigger issue is the role and scope of government in the ordinary lives of ordinary Americans. The general electorate has lost sight of (or abandoned) that ideal.”
I’d suggest the Republic Party leadership lost sight of (or abandoned) that ideal before the Republican electorate.
This is your chance Trump fans. Wake up and smell the café.
Donald Trump looks honest to some people, because nobody else is saying the things that he saying, and, at the same time, they are not offering cogent, point by point, rebutals and arguments against what he is saying, partly because they don’t know how, and partly out of political cowardice.
Because a lot of what he says echoes, or sounds similar to, things people have said on the radio, without getting argued with.
Oh, there are arguments, and defects with what he may propose, and practical considerations, but people don’t hear them. It’s all inside baseball to too many people.
People are paying the price for not arguing some basic things in public, like that this idea that a law must be enforced, at least in the future. The whole Republican Party is caught in a logic trap when it comes to immigration, and maybe a few other issues.
Thats just not true – there is 2 guys (one still in the race, one who had to drop out and kind of betrayed his own stance since) who are arguing clearly a position which is much, much, much stronger than Trumps.
The problem is, the media wont cover it because they want Rubio or Trump and the largely open-border/mass immigration positions they take (despite both publicly insuring they will secure the border, as one needs to say in a Republican Primary)
Only one candidate is willing to tell immigrants to their face (even if they are crying in their DNC-pushed gotcha attempt) they will be gone
Here is the detained plan, as he describes (granted, condensed because of how through it is) in any interview he has
And here is him describing the same thing way back in 2011, so its not just some pandering attempt hes recently adopted
…it is out there all over the place. The problem is the Media doesnt want people to see it, and instead want to try to play this “well you tried to get Citizenship out of the GangOf8 which much mean you supported legalization” crud the Establishment pushes – and the same media is trying to push Trump as this hardline Anti-Immigration hawk that his own words contradict completely.
So its not that there isnt a candidate doing it – its just that the Media and Establishment desperately dont want you to hear it as they instead push the two malleable guys will will “negotiate” with Dems instead
Well, Little Marco also lied to us.
…so your stance is that Trump is the lesser of those two liars? (and there is still that 3rd option, ya know)
Followup question – do you stand by that even when Trump lies about all his stances, not just his stance on Immigration like Rubio? From Healthcare to PP to States Rights to Land Ownership – Trump has lied and contradicted himself on absolutely all of them and in almost every case lines up more with Obama than even most RINOs we are stuck with
I think we need a safe space here. This blog post didn’t even come with a trigger warning — what were y’all thinking?!
Here, have some kittens. And cupcakes. And could we get some soft music and oversized pillows in the corner over there for Gary?
Bless. This blog needs to take its social responsibilities to some of our more emotionally labile community members much more seriously.
“So before you run out to vote Trump because Rubio betrayed you on immigration, remember, 1) they’re the same on the issue, but 2) Trump is lying to you about it.”
1) Rubio has proven he is a liar
2) Trump has yet to prove he is a liar
I’ll take a chance and vote for the unproven liar.
Rubio will do whatever his handlers at the GOPe tell him to do.
“I love the poorly educated”.
Bless your heart. You’ve been lied to and misled repeatedly by one man. Yet you stick to him like stinky glue. This Hillary-like loyalty must be so stressful.
“This Hillary-like loyalty must be so stressful”
I wouldn’t know. That would be the province of you leftists.
You are just another smear artist. Most likely very poorly educated, but most importantly, of low intelligence.
My candidate isn’t open to the idea of gun control, nor federal funding for Planned Parenthood, nor curbing 1st amendment rights of citizens, reporters, bloggers – just to name a few of the many. But go ahead. Resort to the same tactics as your one and only. But when it comes down to just the facts – every conservative, freedom loving, law-abiding American, sees him for what he really is.
“But when it comes down to just the facts – every conservative, freedom loving, law-abiding American, sees him for what he really is.”
Only in your fantasy world. As you will find out further this evening.
But hey, all you smear artists can get on here and tell us it was low info voters, or democrats, or some other lie, that voted trump.
You’re SO dishonest, you think a popularity contest determines right from wrong.
You’re simply another Collectivist-supporting, morally confused thug with a disgusting man-crush on a notorious liar, fraud, and OTHER Collectivist.
Then you are saying everyone that votes for trump is the opposite of kondors comment.
Fraud and smear artist.
Today, Donald J. Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee will take a huge lead in the delegate count. He will come close to winning Texas. He is campaigning in Ohio today which isn’t even voting, whereas Cruz spent ALL day yesterday and today ONLY in Texas. That shows Cruz felt scared and needed to shore up his Texas prospects and couldn’t take the time to try and compete in any other state.
Cruz will be third place to Rubio’s second in every state but Texas (but he has small chance of doing better than that in Arkansas).
Trump will win at least 250 delegates today. Rubio and Cruz around 150 to 175 each.
If Trump tops 300 delegates today (a very long shot given all the states are proportional) even Karl Rove says its OVER for Cruz and Rubio.
All these last minute edited videos and lies won’t make a damn bit of difference.
President Trump. Get used to it.
Quoting Karl Rove as your authority in your fallacy of resort to authority, Gaghdad Bob…?!?!?!
You really are spinning like a lil’ top here, Britt!
The reality of your little yellow god has got you all wee-weed up!
Your post is just bullshit and deflection without dealing in a single fact. But I’m spinning. Only in your little world Ragsy.
You and Slippers are as irrelevant as all other left wing liars.
On the way to vote TRUMP with the wife. I’ll be back to celebrate the Trump victories today. With the help of god and for the sake of the country the liars Rubio and Cruz will be out today. Nothing would be greater than Trump taking Texas today (a long shot for sure) and being able to declare himself the presumptive nominee and no need to do any more debates !!!
The heads exploding and shit show from LI and the GOPe if he was able to do that would be truly amazing.
You really, really, really struggle with the whole facts thing, dont you?!
Trump is a laughingstock to most of the country (consistently ~60% saying as much in polls) and has zero shot at the presidency. Poll after poll after poll for months and months have shown the same exact results
You all are like those diehard Charlie Sheen fans that still stand by him even today, despite the rest of the world recognizing him as a complete joke. Its beyond pitiful
You are either young and of little experience in life and politics or you just don’t understand how elections work, how things flow, and how things have transitioned in the primaries and will transition in the general election.
Trump is the only candidate that can expand the GOP base and win against the clinton machine and their MSM protectorate.
Oh, yeah, good idea – call me what I have already exposed you as being. Brilliant strategy
Anyway, so where exactly is this “expanding the base” taking place in your mind? Is it seen in the #NeverTrump hashtag which has had conservatives and even some RINOs pledging to never, under any circumstances, vote Trump? Is that really an example of Trump “expanding the base” in your mind?
Or maybe you see this “expanding of the base” taking place in the number of Democrats who have voted for Trump, may of which have openly stated they are doing so for the sole purpose of making sure he is the person Hillary gets to run against? Are those Hillary voters that are trying to give our Charlie Sheen candidate the nomination the real “expanded base” you see?
…yeah, see, sorry – youre talking hopes and dreams, not actual reality. But let me guess, you are one of those people seriously believing Trump when he insists over and over again all the Blacks and the Hispanics and the Gays and the Muslims and on and on and on will vote for him because all the thes just love him or whatever unsupported nonsense he spews
“Trump is the only candidate that can expand the GOP base and win against the clinton machine and their MSM protectorate.”
Personally, I would not measure the probability of a Trump win based on expanding the GOP base (which I will grant you he will accomplish to some extent). Rather, I would look at how motivated will GOP non-Trump supporters be to vote Trump in November.
Trump has definitely motivated his base so far. Question is, can he convert and motivate the base of Cruz/Rubio/Kasich/Carson voters. Polls show him at garnering ~50% of GOP electorate would vote for him. What’s critical is can he push that as close to 100% as possible. Trump has definitely motivated his base such that they are very likely to get out, promote and vote for him. He needs to be able to stretch that to the rest of GOP voters.
I’d also add that Hillary faces a challenge just as great in motivating Sanders voters to vote for her. My take on Sanders’ supporters is they hate Hillary for everything she stands for. Will they be able to hold their nose, be good little progressives and pull the lever for Hillary, the untrustworthy pawn of Wall St.?
“Trump has definitely motivated his base so far. Question is, can he convert and motivate the base of Cruz/Rubio/Kasich/Carson voters.”
NO. True constitutional conservatives will never vote for Trump. The only candidate that can get close to 100% is Cruz….unless Trump jumps ship if he loses the nomination and goes independent.
Your RCP link shows that Trump started out 18+ points behind Clinton and has now pulled to within 3 points. Momentum is with Trump, Sunshine.
Contains dangerous facts!! Trigger Warning Alert!!
The GOPe is willing to sacrifice the credibility of LI in a last minute effort to save itself from genuine “legal insurrection” from the rank and file. Trying to conflate Trump’s position on illegal immigration with Rubio’s is dishonesty of the highest order. We can watch the primary results to see if people will fall for it.
Don’t worry, they will not fall for it.
They’ve seen this left wing smear tactic for 30+ years.
They are immune at this point.
Tomorrow morning there will be so many sad faces here.
Only from those of us who weren’t #ReadyForHillary.
Hey, all you lefties are making it clear you will elect shrillary by not voting for the republican nominee, Trump.
try some more smear.
You’ve made it clear you will vote for a stinking, lying Collectivist thug.
Many conservatives will NOT. And no amount of smearing us will change that.
I don’t care who you vote for, never have. My second choice is your first.
I do not tell people to vote Trump or you elected shrillary*
I’m opposed to your smear tactics. you do precisely what the left does and have been for months. Same tactics you GOPe / left winger types used against Reagan.
*with an exception, the GOPe types on here that always insist we must accept the latest crap candidate of the GOP can go to hell, schadenfreude is sweet.
Your hate is really GLOWING, T-rump sucker!
The commercials suggest Prep-H is good for that…
All you can do here is your stompy-foot polka and lie and smear others.
You’re no different than the SJW in your disgusting shutupery.
You are welcome to go to other blogs. 🙂
It’s funny how similar some of Trump’s supporters are to him. Must be a character flaw.
“You are welcome to go to other blogs”
Oooh, the blog monitor.
I sure wish the GOPe had spent maybe a quarter of the effort to smear Trump on Obama. GOPe is all out to smear Trump, but never the slightest against the present commie in the WH.
I’ll be happy to see you people completely destroyed. You’ve done nothing for this country.
Kylo Ren? Is that you?
On other things, now that Newt has publicly endorsed Trump, and am waiting impatiently for the day when we are done with these traffic trolling anti-Trump posts.
“I’ll be happy to see you people completely destroyed. You’ve done nothing for this country.”
Boy, Barri, you’ve gone full ape-shit crazy, huh?
What a hater! But an EXCELLENT exemplar of a true T-rump believer!
Damn right. I hate what has been done to this country by the left and it’s enablers, the GOPe.
No way to defeat the left without first destroying the power of the GOPe. Notice the little “e”. You know what it stands for.
The damn contemptible GOPe has spent zero going after Obama, having bent over for him at every turn. But they are all in for smearing trump. Like you. They are the enemy.
In the morning we will know we have won the first battle.
Poor butt-hurt Barri…
I’ve never “smeared” your man-crush. I’ve noted and quoted him. He does the heavy lifting.
Did you MISS the part where the NYT rumor was substantiated by his T-rumpishness? Not once, and not JUST today.
People who can hear listen. You and Gaghdad Bob have been lying about his immigration “policy” for MONTHS. I’ve been saying the exact same things for months.
Never a smear. Just noting what the man has said and written. It’s like Planned Abortionhood. Nobody has to make things up. He’s said it all, if you could just listen.
“I’ve never “smeared” your man-crush.”
Liar. Besides your own direct smears, you cheer on all the others.
You can’t find any smears I’ve made against a R candidate, can you?
No, the rumor as it was originally posited was not substantiated.
“No, the rumor as it was originally posited was not substantiated.”
This is your No True Scotsman fallacy that you use pretty much every day.
Face it, Butt-hurt Barri, you are a lying liar who lies, and who HATES.
“I’ll be happy to see you people completely destroyed. You’ve done nothing for this country.”
REALLY. So what was your MOS and what unit did you serve in? Personally I served in the Army. Bravo Troop, 1st Squadron, 2nd ACR. You are nothing to me Barry.
My comment wasn’t directed at you, was it?
Once again, it is a smear, a lie, to directly quote Trump.
Were it true. I have no quibble with quoting trump. Or making your thought known (I hate trump, etc).
However, leaving out the entire quote would be unfair to anyone. Creating untrue scenario’s would be a smear, as would be to refuse it has been done. Calling a person a “collectivist” is a smear when it is completely unfounded. We have plenty of examples.
There are lots of people who support Trump but do not smear Cruz or the other candidates.
Trump is a Negotiator. He will start with an outrageous demand and then negotiate down to the best deal possible.
He won’t sell out the American people to special interests like the Una-Party.
You almost have it right, except for the assumption about how good negotiating is done.
Stop and think about what you’re saying here.
Are you really willing to give Trump a free pass on everything that comes out of his mouth? Everything is a bluff and puff subject to compromise? How will you ever know you’re actually “winning” when the carnival barker running the game is allowed to consistently change the rules of the game in order to constantly redefine “winning”? Every single position he ever takes is automatically subject to a walk-back and you’re okay with it? Ask yourself those very same questions of every other candidate in either party.
You’d dismiss that crap in a heartbeat and you know it.
Oh you mean like John Kerry dealing with the Iranians? You remember when they were yelling “Death to all Jews”. Kerry said “Can’t we negotiate?”. So you mean like only kill half of all Jews? Is that how your man Trump will negotiate? Have you ever heard of standing for something? Even the odious obama stands up for his stupid ideals and the Republicans in Congress always give in. Do you think Cruz would fold like Trump is going to fold on EVERY SINGLE ISSUE or as you call it, NEGOTIATE?
Let’s add Jew hatred to trumps virtues to go along with his endorsement by the KKK and the mob.
Smears. It’s all you have.
They are spewing out KKK smear stories and leaked NY Times stories just like the left likes to do on the eve of elections. Hard to know whether to laugh or to cry as they burn themselves down in public.
Yes. It’s distressing to see how actually not-smart so many people are, falling for the nonsense. But don’t worry; it will be over soon.
More endorsements coming…
I see the LI sock puppet is running around down-thumbing my posts. What a once-great blog about to fail looks like…
No worries, I will double up on the thumbs up to cancel.
Why? Are you going to have Trumpski McPutin ban it and jail all of its bloggers for lèse-majesté ?
“Come the Trumpolution, everyone who ever disagreed with me or made me feel small is gonna PAY, I tell ya!”
Seriously you guys. Get a grip.
T-rump shakes fist, comprised of freakishly small, sausage-like fingers…!!!
Guess some folks just love being Gruber-ed.
Guess we’ll have to pray for them and hope they have someone to tie their shoes for them.
I keep seeing comments elsewhere along the lines of
These people are out of their tree.
Pshaw. He’s a UNITER. He’s just gathering names to invite to a huge party with ‘grape’ juice.
WOW! I hope I qualify! Maybe Der Donald will even deign to sue me! I could use his money!
No worries Rags Trump doesn’t bother with pissants.
Oh. So he limits his oppression to old widow ladies and Scotsmen…???
Well, and the people he uses, like contractors and laborers from former Soviet bloc states.
Remember to vote tomorrow, T-rump suckers…Super Wednesday!
Lovely behavior. It’s one of the reasons #NeverTrump will gain momentum. All those conservative journalists who continue being harassed by the Trump’s followers will not just all of a sudden develop Trump loyalty and endorse him.
Trump needs them more than they need Trump.
The big news last weekend was about joiners joining. But what was trending on twitter? #NeverTrump and #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain
“But what was trending…”
Trump going up in the polls, including, gasp, Texas.
That’s joiners joining.
I believe their votes will count, or do you think you are the gatekeeper?
Of course, you are just making something up to reduce the hurt. You have no clue.
I think the good professor Jacobson should close all comments on Trump. The Trump supporters have ruined many of the other sites because they have nothing but hyperbole instead of facts to defend their candidate. They resort to name calling and insults just like someone else we all know. Please just show us examples of Trump’s positions that started more than 6 months ago and I will be happy with your answers.
“America is experiencing serious social and economic difficulty with illegal immigrants who are flooding across our borders. We simply can’t absorb them. It is a scandal when America cannot control its own borders. A liberal policy of immigration may seem to reflect confidence and generosity. But our current laxness toward illegal immigration shows a recklessness and disregard for those who live here legally. ”
“The majority of legal immigrants can often make significant contributions to our society because they have special skills and because they add to our nation’s cultural diversity. They come with the best of intentions. But legal immigrants do not and should not enter easily. It’s a long, costly, draining, and often frustrating experience-by design. I say to legal immigrants: Welcome and good luck.”
“It comes down to this: we must take care of our own people first. Our policy to people born elsewhere should be clear: Enter by the law, or leave. ”
The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.143-45 Jul 2, 2000
“Amnesty is suicide for Republicans,” Trump wrote in May 2013. He added later that month: “The new amnesty bill is over 1000 pages. It is another monstrosity a la ObamaCare.”
Wanna play a game Barry?
“I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun.” The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.102
Oh that’s right. He’s CHANGED his mind on this. I mean, it was SO long ago. And I’m SURE this is the only issue he’s “evolved” on. I’m sure he’s not constantly trying to up-sell you.
Keep chugging the snake oil.
Wanna play a game Kondor? Did you vote for either Bush?
Try not to be a hypocrite:
In 1989, then President George H.W. Bush issued an executive order halting the importation of some semi-automatic firearms after a mass school shooting Stockton, California. He based his executive order on the 1968 Gun Control Act and used it to ban the shipment of what could be considered “assault weapons” unless they were used for sporting purposes.
Bush has said he would sign a law requiring trigger locks with handgun sales but wouldn’t push such legislation. Bush has endorsed outlawing the import of certain high-capacity ammunition clips. Bush also would raise the legal age for handgun purchases from 18 to 21.
Source: Judy Holland, Hearst Newspapers , Apr 14, 2000
Bush expressed support for some gun control measures, including the ban on assault weapons and laws designed to keep guns out of the hands of juveniles. But he said he did not believe the waiting period for the purchase of handguns that is part of the Brady Act does much good, saying he prefers instant background checks.
Source: Dan Balz, The Washington Post , Apr 25, 1999
Although Bush himself supported several mild gun control measures and vowed to sign a renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban if it reached his desk…
With the Assault Weapons Ban set to expire before the next presidential term was complete, Bush stated his support for the ban during the 2000 presidential campaign but stopped short of pledging to sign an extension.
As the 2004 expiration date neared, however, the Bush administration signaled its willingness to sign legislation that either extended the ban or made it permanent. “[Bush] supports reauthorization of the current law,” White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters in 2003, as debate over the gun ban began to heat up.
Thank you. As is typical, you are a hypocrite. Cannot respond to the truth. Since you voted for both Bush and Romney, flip flopping on gun control does not seem to bother you.
After throwing his support behind several gun control laws at the early stage of his political career, most notably, the Brady Act, Romney has reevaluated his position is now opposed to any further gun control legislations
“I don’t line up with the NRA.” — 1994, to reporters at a campaign stop. During his 1994 Senate campaign, Romney came out in support of the Brady Bill and a ban on certain types of assault weapons.
“We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts — I support them. I won’t chip away at them. I believe they help protect us, and provide for our safety.” — Sept. 24, 2002, at a debate during the Massachusetts gubernatorial race.
Signed a permanent assault-weapons ban as governor of the Bay State. “Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts,” Romney said at the July 1, 2004, signing ceremony. “These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people.”
Hey Kondor, where are you, thought you wanted to play?
I’ve got more…
just as predicted another Trump LIE, now Trump lying about lying
To vote for Trump is to validate; to vote for Trump is to participate. He is a crass, gutter-tongued, vulgar man whose self-regard blinds his ability to understand his own ignorance. A man who casually encourages the worst, enables the mediocre, and wafts aloft cartoon concepts of American greatness with gusts of flatulent banalities. It takes a certain kind of historical illiterate not to realize his facial postures are literally aping a second-rate Italian fascist.
Sorry for taking the long way; could have just linked and agreed. But the author’s points deserve interrogation. Short version: no. Long version: hell no. On the off chance history makes marks in a ledger: I will not support Trump if he is the nominee. I will not vote for him.
James Lileks, conservative…
Read the whole thing.
Trump called for Georgia.
Cruz must win Texas by double digits tonight to remain viable.
Just finished voting line moved really slow. Took almost 2 hours.
Wife got exit polled.
“Cruz must win Texas by double digits tonight to remain viable.”
Bullshit, you lying SOS. (Sack of sophistry, for the delicate.) But Gari (the liar) Britt knows what he is.
“Trump called for Georgia.”
Did Georgia pick up?
Does his wife know…??? There’s a pattern, you know…
And he did. Is he viable?
Bernie took Vermont but I bet the DNC is trying to think of a way to take some of the delegates.
Fox puts Cruz as winner in both Texas and Oklahoma.
Bye, bye Rubio! Been nice knowing you…..
Somehow, I knew Gary wouldn’t be able to respond after his ignorance was exposed….
Gary seems to think Trump can just spend money on whatever he wants:
ANd once again Gary Britt may have a website saying he’s a lawyer, but proves he knows NO law.
Ya see, Gary, once money has been appropriated by Congress say for DoD, it’s been appropriated for specific projects. Unless one of those is SPECIFICALLY “Build a 1000 mile wall”, the instant he orders that money spent on something else, the Supreme Court ruled back in the Nixon Admin that he’s breaking the law.
Can you say impeachable, Gary? I know it’s lots of syllables….
SDN, you are an idiot talking out of your ass as usual. The defense department budget includes discretionary funds. So does DHS. So does FEMA. These funds are available for national defense or to meet unforseen defense emergies like if another country should attack our homeland, the President has the money to mobilize the military and defend the country. There are many many slush funds built into the federal budget.
Trump could merely sign an executive order declaring a national emergency resulting from the invasion of our country by foreign invaders and he would have plenty of money to move around to “defend the country from the invasion”. In fact he as president would have a constitutional duty to defend the country from all enemies foreign and domestic.
So shut the hell up until you actually have something that at least rises to the level of not being a stupid ass.
The Nixon cases you refer to have to do with Nixon not spending money that was appropriated.
As for impeachment you ass, that has worked out to be a really powerful tool against Obama and his actual lawlessness. See if the courts think ANYBODY has standing to sue if Trump builds the wall. They won’t. In the Nixon cases money was appropriated and when Nixon wouldn’t spend the money the intended recipients of those funds had standing to sue. Building the wall is the opposite kind of case. There are no intended beneficiaries and nobody would have standing to sue, except possibly some land owner in an eminent domain proceeding where the wall was going up. Even in that case the courts would never stop the building of a wall to repel an invasion declared by the President.
So take your big talk and ignorant posturing and complete lack of intelligent reasoning and shove them where the son doesn’t shine.
Good lord. You people really are insane.
Well, the Bierhall Bullyboi Britt one really is. I’m serious. He’s pathological.
You can’t just bald-faced lie every day and not be nuts.