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The Thing

The Thing

Wait. And See.

By now you likely have heard of The Thing.

I’ve waited for some public comment from people allegedly involved in The Thing before posting anything about it, even though a couple of our commenters have done so in the comment section to other posts, and it’s going wild on Twitter.

The thing is about The Thing is that I don’t want to spread what might be false rumors, on the other hand, The Thing is now a thing on TV and elsewhere, so it can’t be totally avoided.

In the age of Bill Clinton, John Edwards, and many others, I’m hesitant to say The Thing is not a thing because even the National Enquirer has gotten someTHING right in the past.

The National Enquirer, though, carefully couched its reporting as there being rumors into which investigators are looking, not actually having evidence. It may have evidence, and it may just be doing a slow baited roll out getting people to commit publicly before revealing the evidence. Or it may have nothing but rumors, and is hoping the publicity draws out witnesses and other evidence.

There is a history of the National Enquirer actively trying to help Trump, and the Enquirer has endorsed Trump, but that background doesn’t necessarily change anyTHING as to this Thing.

Here are the public comments I’ve seen so far from people allegedly involved:



Trump Facebook Cruz National Enquirer 3-25-2016

(added, fwiw, Cruz’s former campaign spokesman)

When more is known about The Thing, I’ll opine on it.

If it turns out it is a lie, there will be a price to pay for the pro-Trump media people who have been spreading the alleged details with wild abandon. And if it is a lie, then it will end up helping Cruz because everyone will believe the story was planted by Trump people.

If it turns out to be true, then say hello either to nominee Trump, or an absolutely vicious convention beyond anything currently imaginable.

Where do I see this going politically?

If anyTHING happens to Cruz’s ability to deprive Trump of the nomination going into the convention, I think Jonah Goldberg has it right, Sides will have to be picked:

This ends in tears no matter what. Get over it and pick a side.

[Featured Image: The Thing trailer]


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If Cruz turns out to be a philandering hypocrite, then I’ll be terribly disappointed and I’ll be stuck looking for someone I can vote for in November. Point of interest, it won’t be the other philandering hypocrite named Trump.

    Estragon in reply to Immolate. | March 25, 2016 at 2:14 pm

    NEVER ever Trump, under any circumstances, for any office of public trust.

    And if the filthy trash that supports that leftist scumbag leaves the GOP forever, at least something good will have come of this misbegotten cycle.


there will be a price to pay for the pro-Trump media people who have been spreading the alleged details with wild abandon

How about picking sides with what is provable, corroborated and not directly disavowed. That suggestion goes out to the media people and to you.

You folks by now should be able to recognize the Hand of Satan when you see it and not need to be reminded.

I think the neo-neocon piece pretty much nails it.

The slime rag (New York City values…heh!) is headed by a T-rump sucking character assassination.

Just another typical dirty trick from the Collectivist left. Pure play-book bullshit.

    janitor in reply to Ragspierre. | March 25, 2016 at 2:48 pm

    For those people here who don’t understand print media, the story had to have been in process by the National Enquirer long before Cruz’s Super-PAC began the most recent series of attacks by targeting Melania Trump.

    This stuff came from the pro-Rubio, Stop-Trump camp.

    When it first trickled into the Trump camp itself (about Pierson), I posted an inquiry here asking whether anyone knew where this had come from, and the irrational response was that it had come from the Trump campe.

      persecutor in reply to janitor. | March 25, 2016 at 3:07 pm

      I guess old Donny is going to make it financially worthwhile for Katrina Pierson to “take one for the team”.

    persecutor in reply to Ragspierre. | March 25, 2016 at 3:05 pm

    What an appropriate last name for a good bud of The Donald…”Pecker”.
    (You can’t make this stuff up.)

We’ve got a choice between two great candidates, Trump and Cruz.

#StopWhining #BeatClinton

Herman Cain didn’t beat this … I hope that Ted Cruz does.

Here’s the thing:

Cruz on Enquirer piece: “It is garbage, complete & utter lies. It is a tabloid smear and it has come from Donald Trump and his henchmen.” — Alexandra Jaffe (@ajjaffe) March 25, 2016

The above is false. For Cruz supporters, it’s apparently okay to write or republish Things about Donald Trump that are flat-out lies.

All of this stuff about Cruz came from the “Stop Trump” camp before Rubio dropped out of the race. Not from Trump.

The attacks and smears on Trump — and his supporters — have been vicious and ongoing for months. Far worse. Some of it outright lies. But even where there’s a grain of truth, exaggerating and spinning and extrapolating ad absurdum have been the order of the day.

Bearing false witness.

Some principled conservative.

    Ragspierre in reply to janitor. | March 25, 2016 at 1:36 pm

    Trump and Enquirer CEO David Pecker have been friends for years. “They’re very close,” said a source close to the Enquirer…

    …[Trump’s] friendship with Pecker has paid dividends. At key moments during the GOP primary the Enquirer has helped boost Trump’s campaign by attacking his rivals and fawning over him. Two weeks after Trump launched his campaign in mid-June, the Enquirer reported that Jeb Bush was “involved in the drug trade in Florida” in the ’80s and that, as governor, he was plagued by “sleazy cheating scandals … [with a] Playboy Bunny turned lawyer.” In September, the Enquirer published an unflattering photograph of Bush’s adult daughter apparently taking cigarette breaks at her office. The article hit just days after Jeb told Americans they needed to work longer hours.

    Carly Fiorina has also been slimed. After the former Hewlett-Packard CEO bested Trump at the second GOP debate last month, the Enquirer ran an article headlined “Homewrecker Carly Fiorina Lied About Druggie Daughter.” The article attacked one of Fiorina’s best moments at the debate: her emotional account of her daughter’s struggle with drug addiction. “The National Enquirer has exclusively learned that Lori Ann Fiorina, who died in October 2009, was in fact Carly’s stepdaughter,” the tabloid reported. “She was brought up not by Carly but by her biological mom, Patricia Fiorina, whose marriage allegedly was wrecked by the 61-year-old White House hopeful who is determined to knock Donald Trump from his superior front-runner status!”…

    Meanwhile, Trump has been exclusively celebrated in the Enquirer’s pages. As talk of a Trump candidacy heated up last winter, the tabloid published an article headlined “Trump’s the One!” that reported him leading in the polls. In September, the Enquirer published a three-part series by Trump himself under the headline “The Man Behind the Legend!”

    About a month ago the Enquirer endorsed Trump enthusiastically and unequivocally, and rumor has it (see? I can play that game too) that Trump’s own dirt is strictly off-limits for the tabloid.

    T-rump and his “good buddies” are simply Collectivist scum.

    This is how they run.

      janitor in reply to Ragspierre. | March 25, 2016 at 1:54 pm

      Irrelevant that Enquirer ran with the story. They haven’t published their “scoops” of the past because of being pro-Trump. It’s just what they do.

      The info came from the Stop-Trump – pro-Rubio people.

        Ragspierre in reply to janitor. | March 25, 2016 at 2:01 pm

        Oh, HORSESHIT…!!!

        And, not that it matters WHERE “the information” came from. The SLEEEEEZEball rag that is the T-rump endorsing “Enquirer dunnnnnn need no steeeeeekin “information” when it wants to begining a scandal-mongering rumor.

        It’s what they do.

          janitor in reply to Ragspierre. | March 25, 2016 at 2:17 pm

          Ted Cruz is never to be held responsible for anything his own PACs or supporters or campaign staffers do, but Trump is directly responsible for a gossip rag’s publishing a salacious story about Cruz based on information from the Stop-Trump camp?


          Milhouse in reply to Ragspierre. | March 25, 2016 at 3:40 pm

          You are a liar. Cruz’s PACs and staffers have not done anything. And the National Enquirer has been working directly with Trump since his campaign began.

        Gunstar1 in reply to janitor. | March 25, 2016 at 2:07 pm

        Not irrelevant. All the other news organizations knew there were only rumors and no facts. Enquirer went with rumor only.

        Who dug up the rumor may be pro-rubio, who made them public was Trump.

          janitor in reply to Gunstar1. | March 25, 2016 at 2:27 pm

          Rubio and the Stop Trump people dug all this up versus Cruz in order to counter the stories about Rubio’s affair and related.

          And it was THEY who channeled it to various news media, including NE.

          Then Rubio was crushed in Florida by the people who actually know him, so he dropped out and ooops, the info that already had been leaked, now has become a problem for the very same factions who are not really supporting Cruz, but using him as a tool in the hopes of making a brokered convention.

          And somehow it’s all Trump’s fault.

          But Cruz doesn’t get held responsible for anything his PACs or supporters or campaign staffers do. ???

          Milhouse in reply to Gunstar1. | March 25, 2016 at 3:42 pm

          Stop lying. This did not come from any “Stop Trump” group. Why would such a group be collecting stuff about Cruz? This is all directly Trump’s doing.

          But Cruz doesn’t get held responsible for anything his PACs or supporters or campaign staffers do. ???

          Such as what? You have nothing. Just your own filthy lies.

    Sanddog in reply to janitor. | March 25, 2016 at 2:29 pm

    The same guy who claims he’s going to spill manufactured dirt on Heidi Cruz wouldn’t possibly drum up a fake story on the National Enquirer.


      janitor in reply to Sanddog. | March 25, 2016 at 3:36 pm

      “Manufactured” dirt?

      Trump was referring to Heidi Cruz’s involvement with the Bush camp and her involvement in the Council on Foreign Relations’s “building a North American Community”. Not “manufactured”. True.

      Milhouse in reply to Sanddog. | March 25, 2016 at 3:45 pm

      1. How do you know what Trump meant? Not even Trump knows what he meant. He was just slinging innuendo at random, making it up as he went along, just like alleged child-killer Harry Reid.

      2. Why would anyone care about that? I’ve got news for you, the Council on Foreign Relations is only a boogeyman to paranoid freaks and conspiracy theorists like you and Alex Jones. Most normal people have no problem with it.

    persecutor in reply to janitor. | March 25, 2016 at 3:08 pm

    Spoken like a true sTrumpet.

way too many people are 100% sure NOW one way or the other if its true or not.
I’ve said be patient, the story will firm up.
personally I don’t really care as I dislike both trump and cruz screwed either way…

First off a minor correction.
This is not #thething, this is the #cruzsexscandal.
#thething was something the Rubio campaign was planning to drop on the Cruz campaign which would force Cruz out. When Rubio went away so did #thething. It is believed that #thething is a part of the #cruzsexscandal.

Allum Bokhari at Breitbart has said that he is forced to sit on a Cruz story. Now he is saying he has been scooped.

Drew Johnson of the Washington Times says that two mistresses names are correct.

As for the National Enquirer, I have to wonder if they have a picture of Ted Cruz on a boat with a bikini clad Amanda Carpenter.

    Ragspierre in reply to RodFC. | March 25, 2016 at 1:39 pm

    You are one of the first slime pigs here fostering this bullshit.

    Typical Collectivist lying SOS.

    Gunstar1 in reply to RodFC. | March 25, 2016 at 2:16 pm

    Read the reporter’s tweets, he simply says from the rumors he has heard, those 2 names are correct. So the Enquirer reports on rumors its heard and the reporter confirms that it is the same rumor he heard.

    Estragon in reply to RodFC. | March 25, 2016 at 2:38 pm

    I am no Cruz fan, and I can’t see either he or Trump uniting the party after they’ve fed the divisiveness so far. But as a Republican, I could vote for Cruz because for all his faults, he IS a Republican. Trump is not.

    Trump’s supporters are the worst people I have EVER met in the GOP or the conservative movement. Pure filth, scum of the earth. I want nothing to do with any of them, ever.

Just waiting to see what else there is. Right off the heels of the Gawker case, it would seem risky for NE to publish this unless they had more. Everyone involved has to deny. It is their only choice. Curious to see how this develops. From what I can figure out a variety of people had this story including Breitbart and chose not to publish it. I did note that the fellow who won the Pulitzer for the John Edwards story wrote this one too.

Why can’t politicians just keep it in their pants? Not that it is proven about Cruz but I am so tired of this each election cycle. It is like Weiner doing stupid stuff that anyone with a brain in their head not in their pants is going to know that this will surface and bite them.

This is a good reason to have a female president (not Hillary) but then it would all be omg about the first husband and which interns he is ….

    Ragspierre in reply to Sunlight78. | March 25, 2016 at 1:44 pm

    I hope you don’t imagine that Hellary and any number of both sexes have not been “busy” under the sheets…!!!

      Lady Penguin in reply to Ragspierre. | March 25, 2016 at 2:14 pm

      Now and then, Rags, now and then you say something that is so right! Peace. 🙂

      Sunlight78 in reply to Ragspierre. | March 25, 2016 at 3:18 pm

      Sorry about the down vote. I was trying to hit reply and it registered down vote and will not undo.

      Mentioning Hillary and sex in the same sentence has totally ruined my lunch. 🙁 I don’t think there are enough brown bags in the world for Hillary to be having lots of sex unless it is with Huma.

      I have not seen sex scandals with women political candidates like I have with men. Maybe it is the smaller numbers or they are better at covering it up. It just seems there are a lot of examples of men in politics doing really stupid things in regards to sex (taking pic, hookers, interns, guys in the next bathroom stall). Maybe politics is a profession that draws men who like to indulge in power and risky behavior. Some how I also can’t imagine Nancy Pelosi hitting on interns (graft and corruption -yes).

        Milhouse in reply to Sunlight78. | March 25, 2016 at 3:56 pm

        I have not seen sex scandals with women political candidates like I have with men.

        Then you haven’t been paying attention. National Enquirer has been pushing sex scandals against women for decades.

    wukong in reply to Sunlight78. | March 25, 2016 at 2:39 pm

    “This is a good reason to have a female president”

    Is sex gender or humpin’?

    Can you honestly not look at Chelse Clinton and not see Hubell?

    Valerie in reply to Sunlight78. | March 25, 2016 at 2:51 pm

    The women throw themselves at them. When I worked in DC, I had several female acquaintances complaining about their roommates, who were intent on seeking affairs with politicians. Before Monica Lewinsky ever got to Washington, she was telling her friends about getting her “presidential kneepads.”

    These were people with at least undergraduate degrees, good jobs, and well-to-do families. They did not need money, but they very willingly prostituted themselves, to be around Senators and Congressmen. Ick.

If it turns out it is a lie, there will be a price to pay for the pro-Trump media people who have been spreading the alleged details with wild abandon.

A price? Ahhh … like what?

I will do such things …
What they are yet I know not, but they shall be
The terrors of the earth.

When Lear said it, it was just wishful thinking, an inchoate fantasy of revenge; in the end, mere noise. So too for the Cruzers.

Professor, this wasn’t being spread by pro-Trump people.

This was being spread by pro-Rubio people! Look at the Twitter timeline of somebody like Rick Wilson, a Rubio supporter.

Rubio’s people were urging the press to dump it on the voters before Super Tuesday. Apparently Brietbart was sitting on it back then but refused to release the story.

As for Ted Cruz, he needs to go on the record denying that the Ashley Madison signup from his office came from him or his staff.

If Cruz were a Democrat, this rumor would help guarantee he would be candidate in November!

Any comment yet from Bill or Hillary?

I can’t wait for this election cycle to be over.

Even though I believe the story is true, please please tell me there is no blue dress .

If it turns out it is a lie, there will be a price to pay for the pro-Trump media people who have been spreading the alleged details with wild abandon. And if it is a lie, then it will end up helping Cruz because everyone will believe the story was planted by Trump people.

Yeah, right. Like Trump and his own spox would do this to each other. No credence or pointing out by the professor that Katrina Pierson herself has denied what she should know. No consideration that the same disgusting GOPe who now “support” Cruz and who he suddenly is embracing (no denials demanded, unlike disliked “endorsers” of Trump) are behind this.

f course the National Enquirer story is 100% FALSE!!! I only speak to myself, however… — Katrina Pierson (@KatrinaPierson) March 25, 2016

Sammy Finkelman | March 25, 2016 at 2:09 pm

The National Enquirer is closer to Clinton than it is to Trump.

It has, or had, the same law firm, Williams & Connolly, and the same lawyer, David Kendall, as the Clintons.

If the Clintons were not a criminal conspiracy, that wouldn’t amount to too much, but you can’t say that. ,

This is the height of hypocrisy!

Ted Cruz is never to be held responsible for anything his own PACs or supporters or campaign staffers do, but according to Cruz (and accepted on LI), Trump is directly responsible for publishing a salacious story about Cruz based on information from the Stop-Trump camp.

Why don’t you consider more reasonably why, if Trump had this info and intended to use it, it wasn’t leaked out or hinted at in any way by Trump earlier on.

This is hardly “spilling the beans” on Heidi — which is about something Trump knows pertaining to Mrs. Cruz and her work with the Council on Foreign Affairs.

All of this “Thing” and the timing is from the Stop Trump people!

    Gunstar1 in reply to janitor. | March 25, 2016 at 2:32 pm

    You mean back when Rubio was still in the race?

    Hmmmm, why wasn’t info about Cruz leaked when there were other viable candidates in the race… just doesn’t make sense to wait and publish accusations against the only person left in the race against you who might defeat you.

    Milhouse in reply to janitor. | March 25, 2016 at 4:02 pm

    What do you mean “if Trump had this info”? There wasn’t any info to have. There isn’t any info, just National Enquirer, which is in Trump’s sleazy pocket, making all this up. Trump didn’t leak it earlier because he didn’t know about it earler, because it hadn’t been invented yet.

NOOOOOOooooobody has to make up stuff up about T-rump.

The latest NBC poll says that EVERYBODY holds an unfavorable opinion of T-rump. Most demographics at OVER 70% UNfavorable.

All people have to do is open their eyes.

It needs to be addressed as you have. Wait and see. If it is true, even if one is true, Cruz has sunk himself by the denials. If it is false then it probably works to his benefit.

I hope it is not true.

I actually have only seen/read a few snippets of this “thing” but if true it doesn’t surprise me much. Politicians have power and attract people who find that sexy.
Perhaps the Cruz couple have more in common with the Clintons that thought – both appear driven to move up the ladder at any cost. d this be so out of character for a guy who thinks he is the “answer?”
As for Trump being the power behind the NE pushing this story – they have been correct on some of the big stories and it’s hard to believe they would risk all just for the Donald. Only paranoid folks think Trump is behind everything.

    Immolate in reply to katiejane. | March 25, 2016 at 2:37 pm

    Let me get this straight. You’re arguing for the truth of the story based on the National Enquirer’s credibility? Got it.

      katiejane in reply to Immolate. | March 25, 2016 at 2:46 pm

      And your position is that the NE never gets anything right?

      Barry in reply to Immolate. | March 25, 2016 at 3:37 pm

      I don’t know if this is true or not.

      OTOH, the NE is batting 100% on stories involving sex and politicians.

      In every case, the NE reports, then there is the denial. NE reports some more, further denial. Then the hammer drops and the truth comes out.

      That is the way it works, every case.

        Barry in reply to Barry. | March 25, 2016 at 3:46 pm

        Having read MH comment and links, maybe not. Since I don’t read the NE, I don’t know every story. I had only thought of the ones that make national news.

        So, I stand corrected. The NE gets some wrong…

Whether this disgusting story is true or not, it would have come out in the general election. Better it be aired now because you can take it to the bank that the Democrats would not have sat on it.

I hope it can be rapidly refuted. I don’t want to see Ted Cruz damaged like this — he’s been an asset in the Senate

    Milhouse in reply to DaMav. | March 25, 2016 at 4:04 pm

    If this disgusting story is not true, then why would it ever “come out”? How can a lie come out? Lies are invented, and if they are never invented then there’s nothing to come out.

How is it that Cruz can’t be held responsible for what was done by some mediocre pac run by someone that got fired from the Walker campaign, but Trump is responsible for the National Enquirer doing what the National Enquirer does?

Speaking strictly for me, if this is about garden-variety philandering, I officially refuse to care.

This history of this country is peppered with sexual misconduct by people in high public office. Getting all het up about it merely encourages further invasions of privacy and the publication of salacious material, INSTEAD of debate about the issues.

Why play into the Democrats’ hands? I am sure Hillary is just loving this, and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of her supporters were involved. Political campaigns brings out the nutty side of a lot of people.

    Immolate in reply to Valerie. | March 25, 2016 at 2:46 pm

    To my knowledge, Cruz has zero to do with Liz Meir and her mini-PAC. I’ve heard that Trump and the NE publisher are tight, however, and that the magazine has turned into a defacto elect-Trump rag during the campaign season. If that’s confirmed, then it gives the story even less credibility (if that’s possible) than any other National Enquirer story would have. Your dichotomy would not be appropriate.

    Credibility is immaterial in the face of empirical evidence. Cruz is not some mythical conservative however, and if he’s guilty of philandering, worse serial-philandering, he’ll have unearned my vote. Unlike far too many Trump supporters, I’m not fact-impervious.

      Such an innocent naive snowflake you are..

      Cruz not pic from us Donald.

      Donald not story from us Cruz.

      Both are true or Both are false. Take your PIC

        Milhouse in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 4:08 pm

        No, Gary Britt, Immolate is not “an innocent naive snowflake”, you are a guilty liar. The picture of Mrs Trump did not come from Cruz or from anyone connected to him in any way. The NE story came from a rag that is intimately connected to Trump.

          Such an innocent naive snowflake you are..

          Cruz not pic from us Donald.

          Donald not story from us Cruz.

          Both are true or Both are false. Take your PIC

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | March 25, 2016 at 4:25 pm

          No, they are not both true or both false. The first one is true and the second one is false. The picture of Mrs Trump did not come from anyone connected to Cruz in any way. The National Enquirer is connected to Trump.

      RodFC in reply to Immolate. | March 25, 2016 at 3:30 pm

      So I guess you haven’t seen the video (around 4:10 mark )
      where the Ceruz spox makes the allegations. THe video being made before the ad was disseminated.


Let’s see Ted Cruz said this about his attack on Melania Trump:

Ted Cruz✔

“Pic of your wife not from us. Donald, if you try to attack Heidi, you’re more of a coward than I thought”

So Trump Supporters Say:
“Pic of women you cheated with not from us. Cruz, if you try to attack me over this, you’re more of a coward than I thought. #CruzSexScandal #KeepItInYourPantsTed”

Now ALL the cruzbots and ALL the media ALL immediately bought into the meme “Pic Not From Cruz” and claimed Cruz did not start the wife spat with attack on Melania.

Now CRUZ himself, ALL the cruzbots and ALL media and MANY of the authors at LI are ALL shown to be big giant fat hypocrites because when some publisher not owned or controlled by Trump publishes something NOT FROM TRUMP they say it is an attack by TRUMP.


If Cruz is isn’t of the vile attack on Melania Trump then obviously Trump is innocent of what may or may not be a vile attack on Cruz.

    Ragspierre in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 3:04 pm

    Well, here’s a question, you lying SOS…

    How is it an “attack”…regardless of where it comes from…to simply state the truth? Mrs. T-rump III did appear in a European lesbian porn rag.

    Conversely, there is NO evidence that Senator Cruz…unlike Der Donald…is a whore-dog. There’s just rumor and your scum-sucking innuendo.

    See the difference now, you lying SOS?

      Hey that picture of Heidi on one side and Melania on the other just showed the FACT that Heidi is definitely NOT a supermodel like Mrs. Trump. Those are just facts. How is that an attack ?? Why did Cruz get upset ?? Why did you and media think it was an attack ?

Here is the ONE and only reason why Cruz may not have had all these affairs.

The entire story is based on the assertion that Cruz was able to find 5 women who would actually have sex with the creepy slimy bastard.

    Ragspierre in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 2:58 pm

    Amazing that you can find new ways to make the term “asshole” seem like a complement….

    BTW, good “Good Friday” you whited sepulchur SOS “conservative catholic”…

    Sanddog in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 3:34 pm

    Actually, I find Ted Cruz very attractive. He’s well spoken, he’s intelligent, he carries himself well… perhaps you just like a different type of man.

    RodFC in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 3:59 pm

    Hard to imagine 5 women who would kiss or let any part of their bodies touch those booger infested lips.

    Still harfd to imagine any women sleeping with Bill Clinton. He’s probably not repulasive, but you don’t know what you will catch.

There is one person who is conspicuously absent from the whole thing.
Trump. He’s taking the break in the primary, the Easter weekend to await the popping out of a new grandchild.

On the other side, Cruz has issued a statement that now garauntees no Trump-Cruz unity ticket.

    persecutor in reply to RodFC. | March 25, 2016 at 3:19 pm

    I heard he’s taking a break from campaign to find a new lhasa apso to Crazy Glue to his head–the old one, named “Golden Tinkles”, expired early yesterday morning from cyanoacrylate toxicity.

    No truth to the rumor that the candidate donated a million dollars to the NYC SPCA to head off a cruelty to animals charge.

Cruz has based his entire campaign on being “almost as good as Reagan and a little better than Jesus”.

I guess Cruz didn’t think we would find out that he meant better than Jesus at bedding women and violating that whole adultery commandment thing.

“The Thing” = that whole adultery commandment thing !!!!

    Ragspierre in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 3:17 pm


    On the one hand, you have a set of apparent LIES regarding Cruz.

    On the other you have a set of disgusting brags about serial adultary/fornication FROM Der Donald (pussy, New York City).

    What a lying, disgusting, hypocritical (in the proper sense) SOS…!!!

      Trump is honest. Never said he was better than Jesus. That is all the province of the one who comes to fulfill the white horse savior prophesy – Teddy Cruz.

        persecutor in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 3:35 pm

        Could you please provide a link, cite, or perhaps the video where the candidate (Cruz) HIMSELF said he was better than Jesus? Your certainty of that event having happened makes me want to see it for myself.
        I’m sure you wouldn’t be making it up or relying on hearsay, because you are, after all, a man of honor, right?

        Ragspierre in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 3:42 pm

        PRECISELY the Collective’s response…

        Hey, we HAVE no VALUES. So SCREW YOUR whole “character matters” thing…!!!

          persecutor in reply to Ragspierre. | March 25, 2016 at 3:55 pm

          Character only matters when your candidate has none, your opponent does, and you do your damnedest to destroy him. Even if you’re not successful, you may just destroy that person’s chances of winning the nomination/election to prove another one of your charges–that he or she can’t win in November.

        Milhouse in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 6:43 pm

        You lie again. Cruz never said he was better than Jesus either. And he has certainly never said that he is the fulfilment of a Mormon prophecy.

Somebody needs to ask Glenn Beck how all this adultery stuff fits in with that whole Cruz is the literal fulfillment of the mormon white horse savior prophecy.

In the age of Bill Clinton, John Edwards, and many others, I’m hesitant to say The Thing is not a thing because even the National Enquirer has gotten someTHING right in the past.

Blind pig. Acorn. What percentage of National Enquirer stories have been correct? This one? This one?

Oh, and Trump’s claim to have “nothing to do with the National Enquirer” is garbage.

    janitor in reply to Milhouse. | March 25, 2016 at 3:44 pm


    Ted Cruz is not responsible for anything his own PACs or supporters or campaign staffers do, but Trump is somehow responsible for a gossip rag’s salacious story about Cruz based on information from the Stop-Trump camp.

    That’s an unreasonable position.

      Milhouse in reply to janitor. | March 25, 2016 at 4:12 pm

      Yes, it’s garbage. I provided the link for why it’s garbage. Meanwhile nobody connected with Cruz in any way has attacked Mrs Trump or said word one about her.

        janitor in reply to Milhouse. | March 25, 2016 at 4:44 pm

        Your opinion is that Ted Cruz’s PACs are “not connected with him” in “any way”, but a gossip rag that commenced to publish gossip it got from the Rubio and Stop-Trump camps somehow is Trump’s doing.

        Got it.

        amwick in reply to Milhouse. | March 25, 2016 at 7:51 pm

        When I finally got to read the garbage link, it didn’t tell me much. An unidentified source claims that Donald Trump and David Pecker are close friends… That really isn’t too specific. Newspapers, magazines and blogs generally support one candidate or another,, which I suppose is their right. As much as I would love to find this amazing piece of journalism 100% accurate, it just seems too far-fetched. Wait. And See, makes sense.

        Wisewerds in reply to Milhouse. | March 25, 2016 at 9:07 pm

        I read your link. It doesn’t prove what you seem to think it proves. Making your argument “garbage.”

    persecutor in reply to Milhouse. | March 25, 2016 at 3:46 pm

    But then again, they are the journal of record when it comes to illegal aliens of a third kind.

This is either opportunistic or a deliberate lie by Cruz about Trump:

“Ted Cruz today denied cheating on his wife with five women – and claimed it was Donald Trump and his ‘henchmen’ who were spreading a smear, prompting a scathing response from the Republican frontrunner.”

    persecutor in reply to janitor. | March 25, 2016 at 4:03 pm

    Janitor, in case you weren’t aware of it, Katrina Pierson is your knight in tarnished armor’s spokesperson.

    So I now ask for the third time, I wonder how much the lhasa apso killer’s paying her to take one for the team/

      janitor in reply to persecutor. | March 25, 2016 at 4:32 pm

      Mblockquote>”Spilling the beans is quite simple when it comes to Heidi Cruz,” Pierson said in an interview with MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki.

      “She is a Bush operative; she worked for the architect of NAFTA, which has killed millions of jobs in this country; she was a member on the Council on Foreign Relations who in Sen. Cruz’s own words, called a nest of snakes that seeks to undermine national sovereignty; and she’s been working for Goldman Sachs, the same global bank that Ted Cruz left off of his financial disclosure,” Pierson said.

      “Her entire career has been spent working against everything Ted Cruz says that he stands for,” she added.

        Milhouse in reply to janitor. | March 25, 2016 at 5:58 pm

        What a liar. Cruz never left Goldman Sachs off his financial disclosure; it’s been a major source of his family’s income!

      janitor in reply to persecutor. | March 25, 2016 at 4:41 pm

      Janitor, in case you weren’t aware of it, Katrina Pierson is your knight in tarnished armor’s spokesperson.

      So I now ask for the third time, I wonder how much the lhasa apso killer’s paying her to take one for the team/

      What I think is that this is an absolutely baseless and vicious smear on both Trump and Pierson. But that, apparently is okay when it comes from a Cruz supporter, right?

    Milhouse in reply to janitor. | March 25, 2016 at 4:15 pm

    It’s neither opportunistic nor a deliberate lie; it’s the truth. The National Enquirer is a Trump henchrag.

Trump releases personal statement:

I have no idea whether or not the cover story about Sen. Ted Cruz in this week’s issue of the National Enquirer is true or not, but I had absolutely nothing to do with it, did not know about it, and have not, as yet, read it.

Likewise, I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer and unlike Lyin’ Ted Cruz I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchman and then pretend total innocence. Ted Cruz’s problem with the National Enquirer is his and his alone, and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin’ Ted Cruz.

I look forward to spending the week in Wisconsin, winning the Republican nomination and ultimately the Presidency in order to Make America Great Again.

– Donald J. Trump

The most troubling part is Cruz may well have committed a John Edwards felony by having his PAC pay hush money to Carly Fiorina’s PAC.

$500k in money paid to Fiorina that NOBODY understood why he was doing it ???


How can any republican of good conscience vote for a natural born canadian who may not be constitutionally qualified to hold office of President and who might be indicted for felony campaign violations in next 6 months ??

Enquiring minds want to know ?

    Milhouse in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 4:22 pm

    Trump is far more likely to be indicted for fraud, after he testifies (as he must) in the “Trump University” case.

      janitor in reply to Milhouse. | March 25, 2016 at 4:38 pm

      Of course it’s somehow okay to claim that Trump is a criminal and a rapist and collectivist and whoknowswhat else. It’s not, however, okay to say anything negative about Ted Cruz.

        persecutor in reply to janitor. | March 25, 2016 at 5:02 pm

        The problem when your ego demands that you lend your name to any venture that might make you a buck is that if things go boom, you just may be forced to pony up for the dishonesty of those to whom you lent your name.
        As they taught us in law school, you can unintentionally create personal liability for yourself if you don’t take steps to stop someone trading on your name from defrauding others.
        The trial will certainly be interesting and as we all know, fraud comes in two flavors–civil and criminal;if the evidence is that damning, well, we could have a situation where both major party’s candidates are facing indictment.
        But I’m sure you’ll find a way to blame that on Cruz if that indeed was what we were looking at.

        Milhouse in reply to janitor. | March 25, 2016 at 6:06 pm

        There is no doubt whatsover that Trump University was a fraud, and that Trump personally participated in that fraud. He promoted it, saying that he had hand-picked the instructors and taught them his techniques, when he knew that wasn’t true. the victims relied on that false statement to their detriment. How does that not make him a criminal? And his upcoming testimony, which he cannot easily dodge, may well yield actionable evidence against him, enough to justify an indictment.

        And yes, it is acceptable to say the truth about Trump. It is not acceptable to lie about Cruz.

    persecutor in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 4:26 pm

    Since my first attempt at getting the info from you is buried in the “older comments” portion, and as you say, “enquiring minds want to know”, I’ll re-post my question to you.

    Could you please provide a link, cite, or perhaps the video where the candidate (Cruz) HIMSELF said he was better than Jesus? Your certainty of that event having happened makes me want to see it for myself.
    I’m sure you wouldn’t be making it up or relying on hearsay, because you are, after all, a man of honor, right?

      janitor in reply to persecutor. | March 25, 2016 at 4:36 pm

      Because, unlike Trump, who is somehow responsible for everything, Cruz isn’t responsible for the actions or speech of his supporters, PACs, donors, advocates, or staff. And unlike Trump, who is required over and over again with creaming demands to “disavow” this and that, Cruz doesn’t have to.

        persecutor in reply to janitor. | March 25, 2016 at 4:39 pm

        Janitor, if it happened, then you can certainly provide me the proof of where I can find it–I’m not saying Trump has any involvement in it whatsoever; the intimation is that Cruz opened his mouth and said it. If he did, where can I find the proof your colleagues keep Trumpeting (pun intended)!

        Milhouse in reply to janitor. | March 25, 2016 at 6:39 pm

        Because, unlike Trump, who is somehow responsible for everything, Cruz isn’t responsible for the actions or speech of his supporters, PACs, donors, advocates, or staff.

        Fine, janitor, have it your way; which of Cruz’s “supporters, PACs, donors, advocates, or staff” said he was better than Jesus?

Ah, yes, circular firing squad time again.

I would vote for Cruz EVEN IF he had 5 affairs. Or 10. Or 30….

He stood up and took the heat for a REAL effort to stop Obamacare.

If someone is doing a good job, unless they are taking advantage of a young naive girl, I have no problem with them having affairs.

His wife, however, may take a much dimmer view of it….

To all of you troubled by affairs, hypocrisy, and other vices in candidates:

They’re running for president, not sainthood. They’re human and you can’t ask for more than that.

    Milhouse in reply to CloseTheFed. | March 25, 2016 at 6:26 pm

    American voters have never yet knowingly elected an adulterer to the White House. Trump would be the first.

      murkyv in reply to Milhouse. | March 26, 2016 at 4:45 pm

      Please tell us your not serious.

        Milhouse in reply to murkyv. | March 30, 2016 at 3:11 am

        I;m perfectly serious. In the 228 years the USA has existed, it has never yet happened that American voters have knowingly elected an adulterer. Do you really think they’re going to start with Trump?

Sleazy Does It
03.25.16 3:45 PM ET The Daily Beast

Ted Cruz ‘Affair’ Rumors Peddled by Marco Rubio’s Allies
The senator accused Donald Trump of planting a National Enquirer sex scandal story. If that’s true, Trump wasn’t the only Cruz opponent trying to traffic in smears.

If you enjoy day dreaming about Ted Cruz’s sex life, then today is your lucky day.

The National Enquirer alleged on March 23 that the senator has had five extramarital affairs. And the descriptions it provided of the women—along with barely-pixelated head shots of them—left little to D.C. insiders’ imaginations as to who the Enquirer had accused of being Cruz paramours.

“A HOOKER, A TEACHER & COWORKERS: 5 romps that will destroy Ted Cruz!” the Enquirer piece boldly claims, in an article that includes a wild “sex-in-closet” allegation.

    persecutor in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 5:22 pm

    And the cite for the statement that Cruz made stating he was better than Jesus can be found where?
    Enquiring minds still want to know; I’ll listen to the sound of crickets while you place me on hold to go get it for me.

    Why would Trump have anything to do with a story that implicates his comms director, Katrina Pierson?

    A: He wouldn’t do that.

    Milhouse in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 6:29 pm

    From your own link:

    You can’t blame Cruz for seeing Trump’s tiny fingerprints on the story—and it’s fully plausible that the mogul or one of his allies (rather than a Rubio booster) gave the story to the tabloid. After all, the supermarket tabloid is, for all intents and purposes, the Trump Train’s caboose.

    Did you not bother to read it before linking?

How long will it be before Ted Cruz comes to a wooden podium with Heidi standing next to him and begins to pound the lectern:

“I did not have sex with those 5 women……”

Enquiring minds want to know.

    persecutor in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 5:25 pm

    About as long as it’ll take for Donny to go to the wooden podium to deny he killed the lhasa apso that was Crazy Glued to his head.

Cruz new campaign slogans contest…

I’ll enter:

busTED or lusTED

Others ??

Sammy Finkelman | March 25, 2016 at 5:27 pm

Ted Cruz, in his stgatement, said the only source in the National Enquirer article who wa snamed was Roger Stone, and said that Roger Stone worked for Trump. But he doesn’t any more.

Trump campaign claims it fired top adviser — who says he quit

…Trump, who is currently leading national polls, delivered an explosive performance at the first GOP debate in Cleveland on Thursday, and went on to make inflammatory comments about Fox News host Megyn Kelly in an interview on CNN on Friday night.

“Mr. Trump fired Roger Stone last night. We have a tremendously successful campaign and Roger wanted to use the campaign for his own personal publicity. He has had a number of articles about him recently and Mr. Trump wants to keep the focus of the campaign on how to Make America Great Again,” a campaign spokesperson said in a statement.

Stone, however, told CNN that he “categorically denies” being fired, and provided what he said was his resignation letter.

This is from Mon August 10, 2015!

How can Ted Cruz say he’s still working for Donald Trump?

He would have to accusing trump os staging a separation – not imposisble, but you’ve got say it. Things are a little bit more complicated.

Again, I think the ties of the National Enquirer to the Clintons are stronger, and the fact that Roger Stone has writetn an anti-Clinton book does not exlude this. It’s anti-Clinton only in a certain way, about women.

This may be desigend as a trap, if it mixes in false allegations.

I would suspect the Clinton campaign is behind all of this, not Donald Trump.

Sammy Finkelman | March 25, 2016 at 5:35 pm

From the Wikipedia article about Roger Stone:

When he was a junior and vice president of the student government at a high school in northern Westchester County, New York, he manipulated the ouster of the president and succeeded him. Stone recalled how he ran for election as president for his senior year:

“[I] built alliances and put all my serious challengers on my ticket. Then I recruited the most unpopular guy in the school to run against me. You think that’s mean? No, it’s smart.”

This sounds very much like the sort of thing Bill Clinton would do. In 1984, Bill Clinton’s opponent in teh Democratic primary for re-election as Governor wa snone other than…Orval Faubus. And his year of course, we have Donald Trump. Stone may be Clintpns agent, not Trump’s. Although he’s stuck with Republicans.

I don’t know if anybody knows who he’s for, Maybe he just wants money

Another thing:

Stone’s political career began in earnest with activities such as contributing money to a possible rival of Nixon in the name of the Young Socialist Alliance—then slipping the receipt to the Manchester Union-Leader. He also got a spy hired by the Hubert Humphrey campaign who became Humphrey’s driver. According to Stone, during the day he was officially a scheduler in the Nixon campaign, but:

“By night, I’m trafficking in the black arts. Nixon’s people were obsessed with intelligence.”[3]

Sammy Finkelman | March 25, 2016 at 5:43 pm

From 2007:

Mr. Stone had an unlikely political relationship with the Rev. Al Sharpton during his 2004 run for the presidency, and some of Mr. Sharpton’s aides said Mr. Stone played a central role in the campaign. But Mr. Stone says his role has been greatly overstated.

Mr. Stone, who mostly does corporate consulting work now, has also been an adviser to the real estate developer Donald J. Trump, especially during Mr. Trump’s efforts in the late 1990s to prevent the expansion of gambling in New York. In 2000, Mr. Stone and Mr. Trump were fined by state lobbying regulators after an investigation revealed that the developer had secretly financed newspaper ads opposing Mr. Pataki’s plans to approve new casinos in the Catskills.

Sharpton also claimed Stone’s role was overstated.

One of the alleged Cruz affairs is with a “sexy Austin School Teacher” while Ted was Texas Solicitor General. That would be in the right time frame as when Heidi Cruz went crazy on two sips from a margarita and claims she walked to dangerous expressway not to commit suicide but just have a good cry.

Maybe the catalyst for Heidi’s breakdown was finding out about the “Sexy Austin School Teacher”.

    persecutor in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 5:56 pm

    Still waiting, Gary. Was the Enquirer the source of your assertion that Cruz said he was better than Jesus?

    (Enquiring minds already knew the answer to that one, sir but I was just waiting for you to confirm it.)

      Naw, that’s a riff on a Beatles quote. Trump fans like to dig up random quotes by anyone, along with movie and other pop culture memes, and then attribute it to Cruz. It’s bizarre in its way . . . and completely ineffective outside Trump chump ranks.

      Next, we’ll hear that Cruz left a horse’s head in someone’s bed and that he said “you can’t handle the truth” to a bunch of evangelicals regarding his being better than Jesus.

      It’s laughable. Sadder still that these people are so gullible that they don’t even recognize what they are doing.

    Ragspierre in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 6:08 pm

    OR…MAYBE Mrs. Cruz lost a pregnancy about that time, you lying, slimy SOS.

    You don’t have a clue. Your DO have a nasty, slime pig mind.

      If Heidi had lost a baby that would already long ago been common knowlege as reason for her behavior. Nice try and thanks for playing. Take one of our fine parting gifts on the way out.

      Ragspierre in reply to Ragspierre. | March 25, 2016 at 7:08 pm

      You’re…as usual…completely full of shit.

      A lot of women who lose a baby never talk about it to their own mothers…or husbands, for that matter.

      It’s like your limp dick. I doubt your best friend knows…

        Except for the ones that are in the public eye and need a better explanation for bizzare suicidal behavior than I had two sips from a margarita and went crazy. But thanks for playind in the consolation round.

Well the Washington Times just fired Drew johnson.
Drew is the guy that asserted two of the womens names were correct in a tweet.

Looks like the GOPe,is working overtime to hush things up.

    Ragspierre in reply to RodFC. | March 25, 2016 at 6:12 pm

    Looks like YOU are a lying slime pig SOS who will try to sell any filthy innuendo if it is about someone BESIDES your little yellow god.

I guess this ends the hope of a “Trump-Cruz” unity ticket, then.

Breaking news. Statement from Cruz.

Ted Cruz says, “I confess I had the affairs, but I only did so because at the time CNN was reporting that I had gotten a divorce.”

    Um, no. Cruz did not say that, Gingrich said something close to it when he was cleaning out his skeletons in preparation for his own presidential run. What is wrong with you people? Does the truth really matter so little to you? Does smearing someone with outright lies really make you or your candidate better?

    Here is Gingrich’s statement:

    I can find no Cruz statement, so unless you have a link, stop spreading lies on this site.

    Meanwhile, you can contemplate The Donald’s approach to marital sex via one of his many many wives:

      Ragspierre in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | March 25, 2016 at 6:45 pm

      Yeah. It’s common in narcissists.

      They either love you or they regard you as the enemy.

      When the later, they cannot make love. They can only dominate and leave their partner violated.

        So true, Rags. I’m reminded of a study that I saw in which schoolchildren were “assigned” certain qualities associated with the color of their eyes. The “dominant” eyed group quickly succumbed to the tyranny of “superiority”; they bullied their classmates and became so full of themselves that they were totally shattered when the next week they were assigned the “dirty” or “bad” eye color. Sadly, though, the formerly-bullied subservient eye-colored students quickly donned the mantle of tyrant. It’s really sad that this appears to be human nature.

        In this, America has always been special and unique. Humans seem to gravitate to tyranny, whether as the oppressed/abused or the oppressors/abusers, and we’ve been a historical freak for over a hundred years. I guess that the American experiment was bound to fail; I just didn’t want that for my country. Apparently, our countrymen and women have other ideas, though. Sad that it happens in our lifetime.

      Are you really that dense?

      I want you to listen very very carefully.
      Hear that rumbling? You want to know what it is.
      It’s Air Force One. It’s Trump’s jet. It’s the entire fleet of Blue Angels. It’s the whole detachment of fighter jets on every deployed aircraft carrier. It’s the entire shuttle fleet. All going over your head.

        Oh. Interesting. You don’t deny that the fake quote you posted is a fake quote you posted, and instead, you change the focus of the discussion to “if you don’t follow Trump and post outright lies about his opponents, you don’t get it.” Yikes, that’s not only juvenile and ridiculous, but it’s anti-intellectual and, frankly, lame. You posted a lie. Period. You know it. Because you know it, you post some random crap about things going over my head. What does not go over my head is that you are incapable of defending your false “quote.”

        And I suppose all these military jets flying over my head are following your messaih’s unlawful orders? But then, having a CIC say that “his” military will do whatever he says, even if its unlawful, wouldn’t ring any alarm bells for someone as historically aware and knowledgeable and “awake” as you are, right?

        Uh huh.

        I get that you think I’m stooooopid for not supporting Trump, but you would do well to stop proving that you are not only not thinking clearly but are perhaps not thinking at all. Just a thought.

          Zachary in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | March 25, 2016 at 7:30 pm

          I get the impression that some of these trumpeter posters are actually juveniles. Or perhaps a similar level of arrested development as their candidate.

          Judging from the level of critical thinking in their posts, I’d have to agree that Trump fans are definitely emotionally and intellectually stilted. Arrested development is a good descriptor for Trump, but some of his fans are willfully obtuse. To me, that is even more inexcusable than being a narcissistic, stompy-footed man-child who thrusts out his pouty lip when displeased or challenged. Trump is clearly stuck–in all meaningful ways–at about age 10. His useful idiots are worse to my mind because they used to be adults and tossed it all to wear a beanie with a little windmill propeller on top. Their beanie may say “Make America Great Again,” but it’s made in China as is all Trump gear. When Trump sticks out his pouty lip, they all flail on the ground in fist-pounding, chubby-limbed thrashing temper tantrums. It’s all quite sickening, really.

          Please peeps, RocFC was making a joke, not a fake quote. Maybe not too funny, then again, maybe it was.

          BTW the shop for Trump website claims the official stuff is 100% made in the USA. I haven’t bought anything, so I haven’t actually seen it IRL. I am sorry that you think we are all so childish and idiotic.

          “I get that you think I’m stooooopid for not supporting Trump”

          No that isn’t the reason.

You know it occurs to me that Cruz is so over the top with anger on this story that it makes me believe this story is hitting close to home on something. It is a “I think the lady doth protest too much” situation. I don’t know if Cruz had affairs with all or any of the women identified but I bet he’s had one or more affairs. He seems afraid someone will start looking at his and Heidi’s separate lives – lived apart for many years.

My gut instinct is there is an affair maybe with the sexy Austin school teacher that is behind Heidi’s suicidal breakdown in Austin. She hasn’t been identified yet and she is gonna be found sooner or later.

    Ragspierre in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 7:25 pm

    Your “gut instinct” is where you live. In the normal wash of shit flowing through normal people’s alimentary tract.

    You are just a gut parasite, Britt. No better. And maybe worse.

      LOL. Having a really bad day Rags? It ain’t gonna be better tomorrow.

      Try not to do any rat coitus tonight.

      Ragspierre in reply to Ragspierre. | March 25, 2016 at 8:03 pm

      My day has been wonderful! My evening even better!

      I had a nice piece of rib-eye, baked potato, and asparagus with butter and lemon.

      In a bit, I’ll have a nice Islay single malt (you’re too stupid to know…) and a fine cigar.

      Tomorrow, I’ll mow my small acres and think about your wife…

      the poor, beaten woman that she is…

      I hope she has a good priest…

    Zachary in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 7:34 pm

    Wow with instincts like that could you please share your ncaa tournament predictions? Gotta call my bookie.

    spartan in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 9:56 pm

    I’ll see your Hamlet quote and raise you a Macbeth:

    It is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
    Signifying nothing.

    That pretty much describes your posting history on this forum. I am getting a bit tired of your battles with ragspierre, but your posts on this matter are beyond the pale.

    Trump is a loser today and he will be a loser in November (if he actually gets the nomination). Trump’s unfavorables with women voters are at 67% (26% have no problem w/ Trump). No amount of money, violent rhetoric, negative stories on opponents, and fake hair is going to change that.

    Now, you and your little trumpets can ding me down to your hearts content.
    I used to wonder where all the Ron Paul cranks who used to post all sorts of crap about Paul’s opponents in 2008 and 2012 went. It was unreadable then, it has become worse. This used to be such a decent forum.

    I look forward to the end of this campaign.

      If thine eyes offend thee pluck them out.

      Do something but stuff your critique up your ass if you can get them past your head.

        spartan in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 11:32 pm

        Thank you for reaffirming my post.

        It appears you have pluck out both of your eyes as well.

        So much for he who is without sin casting the first stone.

    “it occurs to me that Cruz is so over the top with anger on this story that it makes me believe this story is hitting close to home on something”

    Riiight, because it’s completely inconceivable that someone could be “over the top with anger” due to being slimed in one of the worst ways possible via untrue accusations that are hard to refute (since it’s impossible to prove a negative) and would leave a lasting stain on one’s reputation while possibly torpedoing via dirty tricks a bid for arguably the most important job in the world…

    Mr. Britt, if you can’t grasp why an innocent man might be “over the top with anger” over something like that, it says a hell of a lot more about your own mental state than it does about Cruz’s.

      An innocent man secure in the knowledge that his wife knows he has never had an affair doesn’t have the need to over react and put on such a show.

      A man whose wife may have already had a suicidal episode over past affair may need to put on a really big show of anger and denial.

Cruz is suddenly loading up his facebook page with bible quotes and pictures of the wife and kids.

Cruz is feeling guilty about something and running to the bible for cover just like Jimmy Swaggert or Ted Haggard.

The tell on Cruz affairs will be when one or more of the following starts happening.

1. Heidi disappears from campaign trail unexpectedly.
2. Heidi begins to appear to be heavily medicated.
3. Heidi has to suddenly resume her christian counseling.
4. Cruz has an accident walking into a door or something causing scratches or bruising on his face
First place for both pictures at the same time that I have seen.
April 1, 2014->Tuesday.

    Just see a picture of Cruz at that link?

      RodFC in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 10:27 pm

      There are two pictures. Cruz with hios sleeve rolled up showing the Big Al tattoo. Amanda Carpenter taking a selfie with the tattoo on her shoulder. You can’t really see her face because the dufus doesn’t know that when you take a selfie in the mirror, don’t use your flash.

The allegations have been made. The people involved have issued categorical denials.

So, either someone has to come forward with actual, real evidence proving the allegations are true, and the denials are false (in which case Cruz can kiss his campaign goodbye), or

People need to move on from the wholly unproven allegations on to something else.

If no one steps forward with actual evidence by, say, Monday, I for one am moving on to something else.

    CloseTheFed in reply to Wisewerds. | March 25, 2016 at 9:54 pm

    You – and all other America-lovers – should move on now, and indeed, should never have stopped.

    This is all part of getting rid of a GREAT candidate, by someone who wants someone else to win.

    No basis for ditching Cruz.

    Now, his support for TPP and fasttrack – now THOSE are real problems….

    Quit being led by the nose. Stop it!

Rut Row.. There is a video compilation out there showing a regular Cruz booty call with the same woman every Tuesday and Thursday. Now that sounds exactly like Cruz’s anal retentive personality. A regularly scheduled booty call. I bet they are in his day planner as well. This could be the hooker or other umidentified mistress on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

One such outlet was Breitbart News, which was shown “a compilation video of Cruz and a woman other than his wife coming out of the Capitol Grille restaurant and a hotel on Tuesdays and Thursdays,” a source inside the publication told The Daily Beast. (Leave it to a politician to keep a standardized booty call schedule.)

The Breibart source confirmed that they’d received the video from “a Rubio ally,” but ultimately decided against running the story because, “There was no way to verify the claims.”

Absent in this still-unfolding story is a motive for a Rubio “ally” — whatever that means — to run a smear campaign against Cruz, unless it’s true and the suspended Rubio campaign anointed itself the role of morality police.

    RodFC in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 9:58 pm

    Very good, but you missed one detail.
    When the Rubio insiders talked about that video, they called it #thething.

    So now we know where the name came from.

    Look at my post above about the tattoo of “Big Al” that both Cruz and AC got on the same day. A Tuesday.

    But I suspect NE has more. They talked about five women not just one.

      amwick in reply to RodFC. | March 25, 2016 at 10:17 pm

      So there is all kind of buzz about some video, but it hasn’t been actually leaked? Wait. And See. Now I get the, and see, part of that.

    Ragspierre in reply to Gary Britt. | March 25, 2016 at 11:28 pm

    Soooo typical of the lying SOS Collectivist Britt, citing to Salon.

    A true slime pig.

BTW has anyone noticed the Cruz nondenial. Very artfully done. Almost as good as Slick Willie.

Breaking news!
Charlie Sheen Endorses Ted Cruz!

    amwick in reply to RodFC. | March 25, 2016 at 11:26 pm

    I hear jets. Not too surprising since the airport is two miles away.

    Ragspierre in reply to RodFC. | March 25, 2016 at 11:30 pm

    I hear dog-feces-eating slime pigs…

    And we all know their mating calls. And we all know their names, because they’ve self-identified.

      DuraMater in reply to Ragspierre. | March 25, 2016 at 11:50 pm

      What a shame to see another of my favorite websites get dragged into the sewer by just a handful of Trump Trollops.

        amwick in reply to DuraMater. | March 26, 2016 at 7:53 am

        I felt the same way about some of the passionate anti-Trump posts. It is all a matter of your perspective. But Rags was right, if a post is offensive, you can ignore it (avert your eyes) and move on.

    I hear Ted is in a heap o’trouble. Women are starting to come forward. rut roe.

    Who will the establishment support now? Donald J. Trump?

A video compilation of Cruz and a woman coming out of the same restaurant every Tuesday and Thursday. That requires staking out the restaurant or Cruz with video equipment over a several week period of time. That narrows the list of possible sources for that video. Here are possibilities for source of that video.

1. Surveillance camera from nearby business happens to catch it.
2. One of the other campaigns like Bush, Rubio, or Fiorina has Cruz under surveillance.
3. Divorce lawyer for Heidi has Cruz under surveillance.

Normally you would list news media as number 4, but they can be eliminated because if news media shot the video it wouldn’t get shopped to other news outlets.

If its 1 or 2 that video is coming out sooner or later. If its 3 then some possibility video never comes out.

The news media has been sitting on this story for many months. Most likely because they don’t want to help Trump lock up nomination quickly and end their ratings bonanza.

Cruz campaign operative shows how Cruz campaign started attacks on Mrs. Trump first.

It was from this early Cruz strategy the Liz Mair Super-PAC “Make America Awesome” took their marching orders and began sending controversial flyers of Melania Trump to upcoming states. Thus kicking off the response from Donald Trump in defense of his wife.

    Ragspierre in reply to Gary Britt. | March 26, 2016 at 7:00 am

    Gaghdad Bob Britt will republish any lie that even APPEARS to support his little yellow god.

    Even on Easter weekend. Some “catholic”.

      persecutor in reply to Ragspierre. | March 26, 2016 at 8:51 am

      Take it easy on the lad, Rags–his hemorrhoid transplant didn’t take and they’re not sure they can re-suture his head back on his neck.

    Always a slant toward Trump from “The Last Resort” blog – always attack the anti-Trump conservatives. Perhaps we need to heed the lyrics of the Eagles song with the same name:

    Who will provide the grand design?
    What is yours and what is mine?
    ‘Cause there is no more new frontier
    We have got to make it here

    We satisfy our endless needs and
    justify our bloody deeds,
    in the name of destiny and the name of God

    That is G-O-D not T-R-U-M-P.

    Milhouse in reply to Gary Britt. | March 30, 2016 at 3:01 am

    You lie yet again. Since when is Andrea McWilliams a Cruz campaign “operative”, whatever that means? You’re full of sh*t, as usual.

Top 5 most outrageous scoops by the National Enquirer:

4. Jeb Bush Snorted Cocaine On Night His Dad Became President!
3. ‘Family Man’ Marco Rubio’s Love Child Stunner!
1. Supreme Court Justice Scalia — Murdered By A Hooker

Heck of a track record there. BTW, Roger Stone is cited in story #4 as a source.

Blow … Trumpets … Blow … (from The Horse Soldiers a John Wayne movie)

    janitor in reply to spartan. | March 26, 2016 at 9:40 am

    So why did Cruz respond to this and put it into the mainstream news.

    And why did he blame it on Trump.

    (Trump is not responsible for what Stone does, any more than Cruz is responsible for what his PACs and staffers do.)

      Ragspierre in reply to janitor. | March 26, 2016 at 11:15 am

      You are NOW again simply lying. You’ve gone beyond a mere delusional cultist to being another lying SOS for your little yellow god.

      spartan in reply to janitor. | March 26, 2016 at 5:38 pm

      “So why did Cruz respond to this and put it into the mainstream news.”

      Because it is a damnable lie. It goes against every fiber of who Ted Cruz is and what he believes in. A lot of people will believe a lie (especially one which attempts to destroy the character of a person) before they will believe the truth. A lie that is not addressed becomes fact and truth.

      “And why did he blame it on Trump.”

      The operative Latin phrase here is cui bono; who benefits.
      The only person who remotely benefits from this garbage is Trump. As the good professor has explained on this forum, Trump thrives on chaos. What better way to promote chaos than to throw a monkey wrench of a lie into the Cruz campaign to take Cruz off message. What better distraction to take the heat off of Trump’s problems with women (67%-73% negatives among women) and polls that are showing Cruz ahead in WI (Cruz wins WI and all momentum will be with Cruz)?

      Why Roger Stone is relevant here is because this is his M.O.. This is what he is best at. As pointed out, he was a source in the allegations against JEB in the Enquirer story. But now, we are to believe this allegation came from an “ally of Rubio”. How does this even help Rubio? What does Rubio get out of this allegation?
      This is plausible deniability for Trump and Stone. If it were not connected to Trump, why not give the name of the “ally of Rubio”?
      After all, Rubio has suspended/end his campaign. And when this lie has been thoroughly debunked, we know exactly who brought this lie on behalf of Rubio.
      This is the wilderness of mirrors in politics that Roger Stone thrives in. It is why I am convinced that Stone orchestrated the deed and Trump had knowledge. Hence, the Trump line of:

      Gee, I hope this allegation is false but the National Enquirer has a pretty good record of getting these things right.

        Sammy Finkelman in reply to spartan. | March 27, 2016 at 9:01 pm

        “And why did he blame it on Trump.”

        The operative Latin phrase here is cui bono; who benefits.
        The only person who remotely benefits from this garbage is Trump

        Not the ONLY person, but maybe the first one it might occur to blame, but it the connection to Trump is almost certainly a red herring.

        There are 3 things about which we can be reasonably certain about this:

        1. Roger Stone is tied into the people spre3ading this story – but not the sole originator.

        2. Roger Stone is not doing this for free.

        3. Roger Stone is not being paid by Donald Trump.

        Who benefits from this? Bill and Hillary Clinton. It further divides the Republican Party and keeps Trump mad at Cruz and Cruz mad at Trump, and, in short, increases the probability the nominee will be repudiated by many important people in the Republican Party.

        Sammy Finkelman in reply to spartan. | March 27, 2016 at 9:08 pm

        But now, we are to believe this allegation came from an “ally of Rubio”. How does this even help Rubio? What does Rubio get out of this allegation?

        That was back in the beginning of February. At that time, the people spreading this or similar stories were supposed to be or claimed to be, trying to help Rubio.

        I don’t think it was then actually people who actually were motivated by a desire to help Rubio, and I don’t think it is now people who want Trump to become president, but in both cases they were working for the Clinton machine, through cut-outs, probably without any money ever passing through any Clinton-controlled entity.

      Milhouse in reply to janitor. | March 30, 2016 at 3:04 am

      Of course Trump is responsible for what Stone does. Stone is his unpaid henchman. Cruz is responsible for what his staffers do; he’s responsible for what PACs that he set up or has influence over do; and none of them have done anything wrong. How is Cruz repsonsible for some random person who has absolutely no connection to him?

    Guein in reply to spartan. | March 26, 2016 at 9:00 pm

    The article on Salon left one out:

    6) Presidential candidate John Edwards fathered a child out of wedlock with his mistress and used campaign funds to buy her silence.

Katrina Pierson


What’s worse? People who actually believe the trash in tabloids, or the ones who know it’s false &spread it anyway? #stupidity on all levels
10:14 AM – 25 Mar 2016

1,076 1,076 Retweets

The whole “war on women” theme will certainly be harder for T-rump to battle now. As it should be. The guy’s a pig.

I’m still waiting for some cruzbot to explain a couple things I can’t get my head around.

1. How did Trump make Cruz and Amanda Carpenter get the very same tatoo on the very same day when there is nothing going on between them? Maybe Roger Stone held a gun on them? I’m sure there is some logical anti Trump conspiracy at play here but what is it?

2. How did Trump 10 years ago get Heidi Cruz to have a bizarre suicidal episode requiring police intervention? I’m quite sure it was Trump’s doing and had absolutely nothing to do with Heidi learning about Lyin Ted’s affair with the “sexy Austin school teacher” but I’m having trouble pinning down the Trump connection to this event. Any ideas?

    Ragspierre in reply to Gary Britt. | March 27, 2016 at 1:17 pm

    (…psst…Gari…butt boi…nobody cares about your bullshit… It’s Easter…you’re drunk…go home…)

    Three dollar temporary tattoos applied by Cruz and his employee on the day that Ted appeared on Fox News – where the discussion focused on the full body tattoo photoshop pic with Cruz’s head above a tattooed torso. Now there is conclusive proof of – perhaps a sense of humor? If the employee had been male, would we be discussing Ted’s gayness?

    JackRussellTerrierist in reply to Gary Britt. | March 27, 2016 at 4:56 pm

    The only thing you need to get your head around is an anvil so you come to your senses. ‘Think’ Wile E. Coyote finally gets enough schooling to avoid the bottom of the mesa.

    persecutor in reply to Gary Britt. | March 27, 2016 at 6:34 pm

    Hey Gary, I’m still waiting for your cite or link to where Cruz said in his own words that he’s better than Jesus.

    Seems that some of you buds here tried to uphold your honor, but even they couldn’t give us the proof that Cruz said it, and your silence certainly calls into question your integrity, or lack thereof.

    Take the rest of the Easter holiday off, but please get on this first thing Monday morning……as you said, “Enquiring minds want to know!” and yes, we sure do.

    Oh and about Donny not being involved with Pecker publishing the article in his rag……why’re you so upset? When you blamed and continue to blame Cruz for things others have said, you guys said (and continue to say)the candidate is responsible for every supporter’s comments.
    Can’t the same be said for Trump, or is only Cruz held to the high standards you set?

      Milhouse in reply to persecutor. | March 30, 2016 at 2:58 am

      How about a cite or link to any Cruz staffer, spokesperson, or even any Cruz supporter saying it? It didn’t happen.

Uh-oh! Newest CA poll shows Trump losing his lead. Cruz now trails by 1%. I’m guessing the voters of California didn’t feel like waiting to see.
They’ve decided to pass judgment now, and it’s against Trump.

Heckuva job, Trumpkins. Heckuva job.

    Trump fans really believe that they are all it takes to win the presidency, and their attacks on their former allies among the conservative, evangelical, and TEA Party base are evidence of their hubris.

    Trump cannot win and will not win the White House on the backs of his, as he so disparagingly calls them, “rightwing nutjobs.”

    He thinks that conservatives and Republicans who rallied behind (er, held our noses and voted for) McCain and Romney will do the same for Trump.

    On this, he is wrong. While some will, many many more won’t (Trump has, if you can believe it, higher unfavorables than even Hillary!). And Trump can thank his divisive nature and the campaign its spawned for that. We’ve seen here at LI in the comments people so turned off by Trump fans that they vow to either not vote at all in November or to write-in their choice (what I will be doing should Trump actually win the GOP nomination).

    Where Jeb thought he could glide along to the nomination without conservatives, Trump thought he could do so by riding a bunch of fringe, disaffected voters. That was his plan all along; the same plan he tried in ’12 with a different bit of red meat. While Trump hit the red meat button this time, both are wrong. Jeb was proven wrong already; without any support from actual conservatives his giant war chest was meaningless. Trump? He’s so divisive and his fans are so horrific that anyone who is not already on the Trump train will never get on it.

    The fact that the Trump train riders see this as a badge of honor tells us all we need to know about Trump’s chances of winning the White House.

    “We don’t need you” translates to “Fine, you don’t have my vote.” Simple. One would think.

    Hilariously, and as a bit of an aside, Trump fans seem to be the same people who refused to vote for McCain or Romney over Obama. Now, though, choosing not to vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary, a mark of the traitor, a choice that makes one seditious and . . oh, who knows, smelly.

    It’s impossible, absolutely impossible, to take Trump or his fans seriously.

      conservative tarheel in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | March 28, 2016 at 7:26 pm

      True … I will probably vote Libertarian .. wife plans on leaving it blank …
      will vote down ticket …

      persecutor in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | March 29, 2016 at 6:38 pm

      I’ve often said that Trump will do better than Romney did in ’12 and continue to believe that. Four million “stayed at home” for Mittens, and I bet 6-8 do that for the Donald.

      I plan on voting in November, but this will probably be the first time I leave the presidential slot blank–assuming the yuuuuge man with the tiny fingers gets the nod. Way too much has been said by his supporters–including some friends who I thought were smarter than that to allow me to vote for Trump in clear conscience (and after Mittens I vowed no more nose holding when I vote). I guess the need to give half a Cub Scout salute is more important than saving the country or preserving the Supreme Court.

Good points, Sammy. While I don’t think the Clinton machine is all powerful (if it were, she’d be president right now and not Obama), I do agree that they have their dirty little tentacles in everything.

I’ve yet to see any clear evidence that Cruz has had even one affair, let alone the dozens people here are claiming, but I do find it interesting that the same people who are condemning Cruz are perfectly okay with the scores of affairs that Trump has publicly admitted to (erm, bragged about because he’s got the emotional maturity of a 12-year-old boy).

Holding one’s “enemy” to their own standards is classic Alinsky, and frankly, Trump and his fans, like Hillary and hers, are nothing but Alinskyites . . . and in every meaning of the term.

JackRussellTerrierist | March 29, 2016 at 1:53 pm

This story appears to be losing steam.

    Sammy Finkelman in reply to JackRussellTerrierist. | April 5, 2016 at 6:22 pm

    This story appears to be losing steam.

    It never was intended as a means of preventing Cruz from being nominated for president. It couldn’t do that.

    It was probably just intended to prevent Ted Cruz from being nominated for vice-president, and in that, it probably succeeded.

    After this, I don’t know how Ted Cruz would pass the vetting process vice-presidential (but not presidential) candidates usually go through (since 1972.)

Sammy Finkelman | April 5, 2016 at 6:29 pm

Roger Stone on this story:

If I were going to plant the story as a dirty trick, why would I be quoted on the record in same story? I wasn’t born yesterday. Why would I leave a big old thumbprint if I was trying to do something surreptitious?

This story, as the actual story says, came from private detectives who were working for a presidential candidate who was not Donald Trump.

Probably true.

And who’s believed to have hired private detectives in the past to investigate the sex lives of various people, and come up with something that can be leaked, true or false?

And I believe that the campaign in question was most likely that of Marco Rubio, based on a lot of published evidence, and the Rubio people, I can confirm personally, were peddling this line to reporters.

Or people who said they were for Rubio.

I think in the end they never got a buyer or they pulled back, and of course his candidacy collapsed so it became moot. Then I think the private detectives may have collected twice on the story. But I responded to a call from the National Enquirer.

IOn this senetence, Stone has the detectives acting on their own initiative!

First he says they were working for a presidential candidate and then he has them working on spec.

I never discussed this with Donald, nor with his campaign. So it’s entirely unfair. There’s as much evidence that I planted this as there’s evidence that Ted Cruz has fooled around with five women.

Probably correct. There are people who would know if he discussed this with Donald Trump.