mike lee | ted cruz | endorsement | president | 2016
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Mike Lee endorses Ted Cruz

Mike Lee endorses Ted Cruz

Just in time?

Presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz finally has the support of one of his colleagues — Sen. Mike Lee has endorsed him.

Politico reports:

Utah Sen. Mike Lee plans to endorse Texas Sen. Ted Cruz Thursday, making him the first U.S. senator to back Cruz’s presidential bid, sources told POLITICO.

In a blow to Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, whose campaign is on life support as he seeks to avoid a knock-out blow in his home state Tuesday, Lee is expected to make the announcement in Rubio’s hometown of Miami ahead of Thursday night’s GOP debate.

Lee is close with both senators, and he had resisted jumping into the race and potentially alienating one of them. He sat down with Rand Paul, Rubio and Cruz as the presidential campaign got underway one year ago and told them: “Look: I’m in an awkward spot because I’m really close to all three of you guys.”

“One of the weirdest things that can happen to a person is to have his three favorite co-workers all running for president of the United States at one time,” Lee said during a December interview. “It’s just weird.”

But that neutrality waned as Trump rose and Rubio faltered. With crucial primary votes in just five days, the chairman of the Senate GOP’s conservative Steering Committee still has a chance to make a difference in the race.

But it may come too late to make a difference, said Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, the most senior Republican senator.

“I don’t know that anyone’s one endorsement is going to make a difference unless somebody came back from the dead or something like that,” said Hatch, who has backed Jeb Bush and Rubio but seems to be warming to Cruz. “But I don’t think it’s going to hurt anybody. Any senator’s endorsement is important, and Mike’s would be important, too.”

Cruz’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Lee’s office declined to comment.

Ahead of tonight’s debate and next week’s primaries, Lee’s endorsement could be a big boost to Sen. Cruz. Earlier this week, former presidential contender Carly Fiorina also endorsed Sen. Cruz.

Yesterday, talk radio show host Mark Levin, too, officially threw his support behind Ted Cruz.

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Better late than never. Thank you, Senator Lee.

As the Wicked Witch* wrote “Surrender Dorothy” in the skies of Oz, we need a similar delivery for the messages “Suspend John” and “Suspend Marco” over Ohio and Florida, respectively.

[* I don’t think it was Hillary, but I could be wrong.]

Another lie by the Boogerman!

PS: Norris is still a Bruce Lee wannabe, that does not excuse Cruz’s lying about his endorsement.

    Recess is over kid. Wipe your nose and go inside.

    Sanddog in reply to HandyGandy. | March 10, 2016 at 2:37 pm

    Norris appeared on behalf of a pro-Cruz PAC. He, himself gave the impression he was campaigning for Cruz. The media reported it as an endorsement (gee, I wonder why). No one “lied”, you blithering, troglodyte.

      HandyGandy in reply to Sanddog. | March 10, 2016 at 3:40 pm

      It’s not Cruz’s fault that some newspaper reporteed Ben Carson was dropping out.
      It’s not Cruz’s fault that some newspaper reported Marco Rubio was dropping out.
      It’s not Cruz’s fault that some newspaper reported that Chuck Norris was endorsing him.

      Somehow all this misinformation favorable to Cruz comes out, but it’s never his fault. How Clintonesque.

        Sanddog in reply to HandyGandy. | March 10, 2016 at 4:50 pm

        How retarded.

        Now you’re claiming the Cruz campaign is writing the media’s stories for them? I guess you also believe they used some secret Jedi mind trick to get Norris out campaigning for Cruz.

        JackRussellTerrierist in reply to HandyGandy. | March 10, 2016 at 11:49 pm

        Heh. Spoken like a true humpatrump, breaker of promises, fraudulent scam artist, failed entrepreneur, bankrupter of businesses with vendors and small investors left twisting in the wind, like the students of joke “Trump University”. Everybody but humpatrump loses. There’s your “Clinonesque”. Oh, and that reminds me of the not one, not two, not three, but FOUR donation the hump made to the hildebeast when she ran against obastard.

        Mike Lee is first rate. That’s even better than Sessions.

        Suck it up.

“I don’t know that anyone’s one endorsement is going to make a difference unless somebody came back from the dead …”

I thought Cruz already had that guy’s endorsement sewn up. Hence the evangelical vote.

Lee just tossed his near-perfect Conservative Review rating out the window by endorsing the natural-born Canadian.

“Yesterday, talk radio show host Mark Levin, too, officially threw his support behind Ted Cruz.”

Levin, another reliable Obamacon, has been endorsing Cruz for over a month.

    JackRussellTerrierist in reply to Skookum. | March 10, 2016 at 11:54 pm

    LOL, Levin WAS supporting Trump before he came to his senses. He, himself, said he came to his senses and sees hump for what he REALLY is – a crook and a blowhard.

    Suck that one up, too.

Right now, a “natural born” Canadian would be infinitely preferable to a “natural born” Kenyan. Still, the likelihood is not Kenyan but fully American by Frank Marshall Davis.

Just in time?

LOL. Mike Lee? Who is that?