How Brussels became Hub of Islamist Terror
Socialist rule turned Molenbeek suburb into No-Go Zone and Safe Haven for Isis

A series of bomb attacks that rocked Belgium’s capital on Tuesday, targeting Brussels airport and subway system, has now claimed more than 34 lives. Police are still hunting for suspects and just like November’s deadly Paris terror attacks, the trail once again leads to the notorious Molenbeek district of Brussels.
Just last week, the Belgian Police nabbed Salah Abdeslam, the suspect of November’s Paris Attacks from this very suburb of Brussels. The fact that Europe’s most wanted terrorist could be hiding in the heart of Europe without being detected for 4 month, highlights the extend of the problem Belgium and Europe face in combatting Islamist terrorism.
Belgium, with a population of 11 million, has send 440 Islamists to fight on behalf of Isis in Syria and Iraq — highest per capita in Europe. Most of these Isis recruits come from Molenbeek district.
The troubles for Molenbeek began under the administration of district’s socialist mayor Philippe Moureaux, who ruled from 1992 till 2012. Under his reign the law and order collapsed, and businesses fled the district unable to cope with rising crime. The district with migrant Muslim population of about 40 percent, has since turned into a No-Go Zone for law enforcement.
President Obama has been quick to pounce of Senator Ted Cruz for his statement calling to “patrol and secure” neighbourhoods with large Muslim populations “before they become radicalized,” ignores the tragic reality of suburbs turning into ungovernable No-Go Zones across Europe.
But President Obama is not alone in his denial, European media and political class is unwilling to acknowledge the problem of Islamic radicalisation in their towns and cities.
Right after November’s Paris Attack the German broadcaster DW dispatched a reporter to Molenbeek district. Brushing aside the concerns that Brussels suburb had turned into an Islamist hub, the reporter compared the place to a hipster bar:
My first impression is that there are many Muslims here [Molenbeek]. Most have decided to live here because they are surrounded by people of the same faith. It is similar to when hipsters live in certain parts of cities where there are lots of other hipsters. It’s all about being part of a community.
If Europe’s migrant Muslims marinating in the hate of Jihadist theology are nothing more than a bunch of harmless hipsters than Isis recruits are probably out playing Boy Scouts. This dimwit ignorance of the threat of Racial Islam in Europe isn’t funny anymore, it is now turning deadly and costing lives.
The decline of Molenbeek is the story of a declining European civilisation. Proudly bearing the nickname of “Little Manchester,” the district was once at the heart of Europe’s mercantile success story at the advent of capitalism. Decades of Socialist misrule and unrestricted migration have turned the suburb into “Little Beirut” — a safe haven for Islamic terrorism.
President Obama attacked Senator Cruz’s proposal of securing Muslim neighbourhoods by calling it “un-American.” But the truth is, America can only avoid Europe’s fate by securing its neighbourhoods and empowering its law enforcement.
WATCH: “Call Brussels” campaign lunched by the city earlier this year to downplay Belgium’s rising Islamist problem
[Cover image courtesy iTele , YouTube screenshot]; [Author is Indian journalist based in Europe]

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Not fair to pin this all on the socialist mayor. Whoever was in charge while the city Islamized would have had the same problems.
Real story goes like:
(1) WWII hits and most of the brave men are killed, leaving a population of weaker, low T, more cowardly men.
(2) Rejecting the weaker low T, cowardly men and their offspring, Belgium adopts feminism. Feminism encourages women to have few children later in life and destroys marital bonds.
(3) Belgium doesn’t have enough children to maintain its economic growth. Evil businessmen encourage population inavsions of completely alien culture.
(4) Unsurprisingly, different people are different. Enough migration has occurred that war is inevitable as the new populations assert their power over the aging, cowardly, low T host population.
War is coming.
Wow. Your REALLY are an idiot…
Actually – the demographics are correct. Native Belgians are disappearing. Withing a century – the number will drop by half.
If the numbers of immigrants continue to rise – at some point there will be violent push back.
But “low T”…?!?!?!
Please! The guy’s an idiot.
Then pick your synonym for low T.
Unmasculine, wimpy, un confident, fearful, cowardly, unattractive… I used low T because that best conveys the essential truth of personality traits that are visibly evident even in pictures.
110 years ago, Belgium was a world power with a colonial empire that included half of Central Africa. That’s gone and never coming back because the people in Belgium don’t have the makeup to accomplish that anymore. Today, the Belgian military is afraid to police its own neighborhoods.
(Meanwhile the migrants admitted to the country have an 8000 year history of being essentially desert bandits. It’s not surprising that the magic dirt of Belgium’s soil didn’t magically change them into Waldoons).
Russia, which abandoned feminism, and Japan, which didn’t admit migrants, will not have these problems.
Yeah, no. You are an idiot.
Russia has the same demographic death spiral as the rest of Europe, Iran, AND Japan.
Hell, in Japan, there are a lot of young people who are totally NOT interested in sex, much less marriage.
Idiot indeed. Or ignoramus. A slightly better summary of how this situation developed might be:
1. After WWII Belgium and other Western nations face a massive rebuilding task: Homes, factories, everything.
2. There is not enough labor, so they import cheap “temporary” workers from various Muslim nations.
3. The “temporary” workers become permanent.
4. The Muslims do not assimilate.
5. When the post-war rebuilding slows and stops, the immigrants remain and go on welfare and get angry.
6. When the economies take a downturn, the immigrants remain and go on welfare and get angry.
7. As happens regularly in Islam, there is a wave of radicalization. Unfortunately, this time it occurs in Europe rather than in Egypt or Turkey or some other place whose pogroms and genocides can be more easily ignored.
8. How did we get in this mess???
pst314 | March 24, 2016 at 9:57 pm
This is in the 1960s, not right after World War II.
French speaking Wallons have a lower birth rate than Flemish speaking people. And there is an economic boom.
They are recruited – immigrating illegally is not easy, and besides not many people go to a totally strange place. They look for people who speak at least rudimentary French. They chiefly get people from from the by-then former French colonies in North Africa – who are primarily not Arabs, but Berber or Kabyle and whose first or native language is Amazigh. They tend to know French better.
In Brussels, (which is almost an island in a Flemish speaking sea) they are particularly interested in getting French speakers so that neighborhoods do not get lost to the Flemish.
Forty years and more pass.
According to Amir Taheri writing in todays New York Post, we have two factors:
1) Belgium, (like Lebanon)is organized along community lines, and there are efforts to prevent the newcomers from being absorbed into the French community. Efforts are made to have them maintain a separate identity. They can’t be called Arabs, since a lot of them are not, and don’t speak Arabic, so they are called Islamic.
These Moslems know very little about Islam. It is mostly rites and they are consoderably secularized. After all, they were the ones who spoke the most French.
So the government proceeds to teach them Islam. It pays for courses in Islam, encourages the building of Koranic schools and mosques, and subsiizes pilgrames to Mecca.
2. Factories close as we get into the 1990s, and social workers have an interest in maintaining a client base.
It’s not postwar rebuilding – it’s the 1960s economic boom, which later is followed by replacing local factories with imports.
The radicalization is not something that happened before the 1980s or 1990s. The government makes Islamic preachers welcome and has no senstitivity to what some of them may teach.
It also gives asylum to all kinds of islamic groups. Members of Algerian terrorist groups that oppose the non-democratic government after they were prevented from taking power in an election in the early 1990s get asylum there. They do not get such asylum in France, but the Islamic Armed Group (GIA), which killed tens of thousands of people in Algeria, maintains an office in Molenbeek, and publishes a magazine, while the Islamic Liberation Party, which wants a caliphate, moves its headquarters to Belgium.
Brussels is not only the headquarters of NATO and the European Union but becomes the principle center for the publication of jihadist material in Europe.
There were actually European Union subsidies for Islamist seminars and comferences and eventually, the creation of the European Fatwa Council. It is headed by Muslim Brotherhood televangelist Sheik Yussef al-Qaradawi.
In 2004, Iran, too, moves its European propaganda headquarters from the Vatican to Belgium.
Terrorists never do anything in Belgium, using it as a safe haven, until they caught and a crackdown starts after the Paris attacks last year.
You’re wrong: socialism is central to the decline because only socialists so fully reject their Western heritage. Even a country full of “low-T” cowards can win against invasion if they still love their country and are willing to enforce the law while they still have the majority.
Only a nation that hates itself will lie down for invaders. As the old saying goes “great nations aren’t murdered, they commit suicide.”
If they hadn’t imported them they wouldn’t have this problem in the first place. It ends one of two ways the moslems win and Europe become dhimmis or dead or the Europeans win and kick out the moslems.
There is no option ‘c’. See ‘Lebanon’ for what trying for ‘option c’ looks like.
All European countries are in the same boat. They have a declining work force and they began importing workers many years ago. Unfortunately the imported workers are now a political force and there is no going back. Almost all of the Western European countries are in this boat and they are basically doomed. There is no hopeful or polite way to state it. muslims DO NOT ASSIMILATE! That is a fact and any country that has a growing population of them is in danger of losing its freedoms and culture. The PC crowd around the world refuses to believe this and by the time they see the light it will be a train coming at them in the tunnel of islam!
Actually, historically they DO. Modern Islamists are an anomaly. Of course, the “carrying capacity” of an culture is part of the formula. Too many people with an insular culture, concentrated in too small an area is a real problem.
Mark Steyn reviews history at about 4:10
Rags, I would agree to your statement with a qualifier…. secular muslims tend to assimilate–the fundamentalists (with the help of centuries of inbreeding) tend to eschew assimilation.
Steyn’s point was that sharia law is a “reformist” movement in Islam. You didn’t see it 50-60 years ago as a common notion.
Pictures from Egypt and Afghanistan corroborate this.
That’s what I’ve been trying to tell people. All the terrorists, almost to a man or woman, are “born again” Muslims or outright converts.
But some people prefer to swallow Russian propaganda (not realizing it’s Russian propaganda)
“Socialist rule turned Molenbeek suburb into No-Go Zone and Safe Haven for Isis”
Unpossible. Trump told us this and the Trumpophobics all told us he was making it up.
Why use hyperbole when you can just use facts? Everyone I know and most of the writes that I respect on the web all agreed that there were no go zones throughout European cities. It has nothing to do with whether or not you support Trump. It is attacks like yours on those of us who want to know the facts of all the candidates instead of drinking the koolaid that Trump is selling that will make supporting him later. The Trump supporters have insulted so many of us that I would be amazed that any would support him. Have any of you Trump people ever heard the word TEAM? We are all on the same team but you personally attack everyone who does not support Trump. We are all not as gullible as Dr. Carson!
“The Trumpophobes have insulted so many of us that I would be amazed that they would support anyone else.”
“Have any of you Trump people people ever heard the word TEAM?” We are all on the same team but you personally attack everyone who does not support Trump. We are all not as gullible as Dr. Carson!”
I didn’t attack anyone but the trumpophobes that denied what he plainly said was true.
You desire to be part of a team and then denigrate Dr. Carson because of his “team” choice.
You’re just a flippin hypocrite. You want everyone to join YOUR team, or we’re not team players.
Please don’t bring Trump and Trump’s presidential campaign into a conversation about terror in Europe. Most of us would prefer to focus on that, and be spared the “you just hate Trump” diatribes. It’s an annoyance and a distraction.
“…the Trumpophobics all told us he was making it up.”
You’re a liar.
Post some links.
Go solve the problem with your civility.
You can’t lie with impunity. Liar.
They import terrorism then they get killed for it.
Darwinism in action.
VF, have you ever thought of running for president?
In case no one noticed, the entire world is a safe haven for terrorists thanks to the feckless national security agencies in every country. Cowardly, condoning, incompetent. Take your pick. There are Jamie Gorelick’s in every part of the world.
From Dr. Peter Hammond’s book: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat
Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life.
Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components.
Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges.
When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious
privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well.
Here’s how it works:
War photographer Teun Voeten writes in Politico about trying to gentrify the Brussels neighborhood where so many terrorist plots are hatched:
I called Molenbeek my home for nine years. In 2005, it was the city’s last affordable neighborhood — in large part because of its bad reputation. My apartment, just across the canal from the city center, is close to the home where two suspects in the Paris attacks were based, and around the corner from where the shooter from the foiled Thalys attack in August had been staying.
I was part of a new wave of young urban professionals, mostly white and college-educated — what the Belgians called bobo, (“bourgeois bohémiens”) — who settled in the area out of pragmatism. We had good intentions. Our contractor’s name was Hassan. He was Moroccan, and we thought that was very cool. We imagined that our kids would one day play happily with his on the street. We hoped for less garbage on the streets, less petty crime. We were confident our block would slowly improve, and that our lofts would increase in value. (We even dared to hope for a hip art gallery or a trendy bar.) We felt like pioneers of the Far West, like we were living in the trenches of the fight for a multicultural society.
Slowly, we woke up to reality. Hassan turned out to be a crook and disappeared with €95,000, the entire budget the tenants had pooled together for our building’s renovation. The neighborhood was hardly multicultural. Rather, with roughly 80 percent of the population of Moroccan origin, it was tragically conformist and homogenous. There may be a vibrant alternative culture in Casablanca and Marrakech, but certainly not in Molenbeek.
Over nine years, I witnessed as the neighborhood become increasingly intolerant. Alcohol became unavailable in most shops and supermarkets; I heard stories of fanatics at the Comte des Flandres metro station who pressured women to wear the veil; Islamic bookshops proliferated, and it became impossible to buy a decent newspaper. With an unemployment rate of 30 percent, the streets were eerily empty until late in the morning. Nowhere was there a bar or café where white, black and brown people would mingle. Instead, I witnessed petty crime, aggression, and frustrated youths who spat at our girlfriends and called them “filthy whores.” If you made a remark, you were inevitably scolded and called a racist. There used to be Jewish shops on Chaussée de Gand, but these were terrorized by gangs of young kids and most closed their doors around 2008. Openly gay people were routinely intimidated, and also packed up their bags.
I finally left Molenbeek in 2014. It was not out of fear. The tipping point, I remember, was an encounter with a Salafist, who tried to convert me on my street. It boiled down to this: I could no longer stand to live in this despondent, destitute, fatalistic neighborhood.
The author of the article can describe the features, but won’t connect the dots. Islam especially with sharia is totalitarian, intolerant, and stifling.
It’s not an accident that the Muslim world had no noteworthy accomplishments in several hundred years.
Long the ‘Hub of Pedophilia,’ at least Brussels has another Hub it can call its own.
The old adage that says all that needs to be done to allow evil to thrive is for good people to do nothing is true. What socialism and the politically correct, SJW movement does is to provide an overwhelming impetus for good people to do nothing.
The troubles for Molenbeek began under the administration of district’s socialist mayor Philippe Moureaux, who ruled from 1992 till 2012. Under his reign the law and order collapsed, and businesses fled the district unable to cope with rising crime. The district with migrant Muslim population of about 40 percent, has since turned into a No-Go Zone for law enforcement.
One of the stark memories I have is the moment I heard –FOUR weeks after it occurred–that the huge bomb that was supposed to topple one of the Twin Towers onto the other, killing everyone in each and everyone nearby, was NOT perpetrated by ANY State sponsorship and that it was, well…do I remember the exact content of that announcement? No.
The “road to 9/11” was paved with the actions and in-actions of the Clinton “two-fer” Administration. I thought it then, I think it now and the Molenbeek result appears quite similar: that is, a result of Leftist-Progressive philosophy expressed at the level of public policy–complete disaster.