Why are feminists slut shaming the Planned Parenthood whistleblower?
Making sex dirty again

The Center for Medical Progress’ investigation into Planned Parenthood’s body parts-for-profit scandal has the pro-life community screaming for change, and the pro-choice community scrambling to circle the wagons before their entire system of “sexual freedom” and “fertility management” comes crashing down.
One prog-feminist website decided to take a different approach to CMP’s revelations. Rather than focusing on a defense of Planned Parenthood and choice, they decided to go after Holly O’Donnell, whose on-camera testimony about what she saw during her time as a procurement tech for StemExpress has served as a definitive nail in the coffin of Planned Parenthood.
RH Reality Check author Sharona Coutts did some digging online, and figured out that O’Donnell’s sexual preferences were a far cry from what progressives believe is the stereotypical norm for conservative, pro-life activists. Using content pulled from various dating websites and social platforms, Coutts ran a sexually-charged dox on O’Donnell, claiming that O’Donnell’s propensity to enjoy sex like a normal human being somehow unveiled the hypocrisy of the pro-life movement.
Fortunately, this little act of pillow talk terrorism backfired spectacularly.
The article was removed, but has been archived. You can read it here without contributing to their click count. Here are some snippets:
O’Donnell’s posts indicate that her views may not be as politically palatable as the wholesome, socially conservative image that Daleiden and his tightly run PR machine have sought to cultivate over the course of their seven-week PR campaign against Planned Parenthood.
Instead, O’Donnell is vocally in favor of same-sex rights and describes herself as “heteroflexible” and looking for a “Mistress.”’
Her accounts contain images of Hitler, include posts indicating eugenicist sympathies, references to abortion that are most accurately described as ambivalent, as well as considerable sexually explicit material.
A sexually fluid female who prefers to play the role of the submissive in bed? Obviously every progressive’s worst nightmare…right?
The “images of Hitler” drop is also a nice touch—makes me think of Berchtesgaden in the spring. (Too bad those images constitute jokes that make Hitler look ridiculous.)
For her OkCupid profile, O’Donnell uses the handle Algernon90, an apparent reference to Flowers for Algernon, which she lists as one of her favorite books, along with a smattering of science fiction titles as well as more canonical authors.
Excellent. Now we can stalk her and shame her for her sins!
Elsewhere in her OkCupid profile, O’Donnell says that the “six things I could never do without” are: “Morning sex, Chinese food, Running, sex, love, sex and more love.” But, she notes, she “Doesn’t have kids, and doesn’t want any.”
O’Donnell’s responses to the OkCupid dating survey echo the anti-choice views she has stated in the videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress.
One question reads, “For you personally, is abortion an option in case of an accidental pregnancy?”
O’Donnell’s response: “No. I work at Planned Parenthood, and if you are OK with this, sorry it makes me sick.”
This isn’t counterintuitive or contradictory. Holly likes sex (raise your hand if you hate sex…no one?) doesn’t want kids (even some conservatives can sympathize with this,) but wouldn’t consider abortion if she did get pregnant. That sounds like the majority of conservative women that I know and work with—and many of the progressive ones, too.
The post goes on to describe Holly’s account on the “Fetlife” dating site, which contains descriptions of her more singular preferences in the bedroom; the author also makes a point to include vague references to various “racist” and otherwise problematic Instagram posts.
RH editor Jodi Jacobson included the obligatory “not that there’s anything wrong with kinky sex…” qualifier, then tweeted the smear to her more than 10,000 followers:
Reaction online was swift and critical to the point that RH removed the post, and published a simpering apology:
Our reporting on O’Donnell was intended to focus on the hypocrisy of a person who has and wants to enjoy sexual freedom and autonomy all while seeking to deny this right to others. Full stop.
We believed answers to the question, “Who is Holly O’Donnell,” were germane to the political debate in which she has placed herself front and center, and from which she has never sought to recuse herself in the weeks since the videos including her came out.
That said, our piece clearly crossed a line by providing far too much information about her personal life, which in turn made it seem like we were engaging in the same practice of shaming someone for sex we decry on the right.
It didn’t “seem like it”—it’s what you did. Besides, by the time this joke of an apology was published, the damage had already been done. Holly had been exposed to the world, portrayed as a sexually ravenous ideological deviant, hell-bent on denying other women the right to engage in the sort of sex that allegedly makes pro-life people run for cover.
This is how they who choose to defend the indefensible operate. Get in line, or be shamed.
Personally, I’d rather be shamed than cave in to the demands of the likes of RH and Planned Parenthood.

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“Get in line, or be shamed.”
This is the M.O. of sociopaths — submit to control or be destroyed. These PP apologists/Sanger desciples are having trouble defending the indefensible.
100% True!
The Feminists and pro-choicers are afraid that they will be brought before a court on accusations of mass violation of human rights (e.g. genocide). I suggest that because of the large number of individuals involved, that the only rational and practical course is for society and humanity to allow them to repent and reject their dysfunctional orientations and behaviors. Debasing human life for convenience and profit has consequences for society and humanity.
“The Feminists and pro-choicers are afraid that they will be brought before a court on accusations of mass violation of human rights (e.g. genocide). ”
Shiver me timbers, o what a horrible fate awaits us Pro Choicers! I can visualize the endless line waiting judgement! And included in the long long long line no doubt, the millions of women world wide who have had abortions. And the hundreds of thousands of doctors and nurses who performed them. Oh woe for us!
Another example of language being hijacked by the left. You and your ilk aren’t ‘pro-choice,’ you’re pro-abortion, pro-death and dismemberment. PP doesn’t promote the other side of choice, being life. Death. Death and dismemberment.
“the millions of women world wide who have had abortions”
We don’t blame the victims of systematic lying by scum like you.
I should say sociopaths and totalitarians…
Gee. Kinda like calling women “trailer trash” or seriously delusional when reports of your husband’s philandering surface.
They’re not only projecting, but attempting to displace culpability. Their pro-choice doctrine is wrong in principle, not merely in the exception. Since it is a commonly held doctrine, the fault is accurately assigned to the group, not just to individuals.
Still, because of the scope of the violation, there is no practical alternative to repentance and amnesty, even for mass killing. It seems the most rational outcome is that we stop promoting or normalizing an objectively dysfunctional orientation and behavior, and review how we managed to reconcile individual dignity and intrinsic value to justify indiscriminate torture and killing of [wholly] innocent human lives.
Being called a slut or being a murderer. I’d say PP loses on this deal every time. They butcher babies. They are on par with the ‘Rape of Nanching’ that Iris Chang wrote about.
PP is on the par of the Nazi Death Camps?
This is how the Collective does digitally what they’d do if they could in real life.
Hound out the heretic, strip her for the world to mock and strip of any shred of personal dignity, then rend her into pieces and hang the bits about town as a message to all those who would step out of line.
Somehow I don’t think it will work this time. Call me naive but I have real hope about this battle.
Heaven forbid a normal sex-enjoying young female believe that if she gets pregnant she has a responsibility.
And let’s be clear her videos don’t necessarily damn all abortion, just the partial birth and really sadistic stuff.
You know, the kind of stuff that all the leftist strawman arguments wilt under. Like the fact that these sadistic abortions are 33% of all abortions (meaning there is time and room for an abortion before this)…or the fact that a rape victim or the most of the medically dangerous pregnancies can abort in this early phase.
Planned Parenthood – a FABULOUSLY GREAT national health care service!!
And guess who knows that to be true – the vast majority of its thankful patients!
Doubt it? Here’s a suggestion: check them out on your local YELP search address.
I DARE you to read the reviews, from patients who use Planned Parenthood services.
Yes, there are some negative reviews, mostly about wait time and paperwork. A few about rude desk personell- about the same kind of complaints about my high-end Kaiser office visits.
Here’s one to get you started:
Check out the PP offices where you live. See what the hundreds of thousands of American woman who actually visit PP offices for health care help think of them.
Unfortunately, many of their youngest patients were unavailable for comment.
Having been dismembered and sold off for parts, and all.
“Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?”
How many of the thousands of PP offices distribute fetal tissue for medical science?
Hum? All of them? Most of them? Or is it about six total?
And, so far, there’s NO PROOF planned Parenthood is selling fetal tissue for profit.
And if it is proved , as I’ve stated before, those doing it should be prosecuted.
But even if only a few rogue individuals are involved, you’ll still try and shut them down, because of your anti abortion mind set. And it’s that prejudice that’s led to the distorted, dishonest attacks against Planned Parenthood from anti abortion bigots like the majority of LI posters and your think-alike zealots on the Right.
“How many? I have no FLUCKING idea, BUT I will drag that red herring across this”.
“Pwooofff. I scream PWOOOOOFFF. That works for Hellary”.
“Woogues! Wennagades! They’re all in Cinncinati I tells ya! And there’s not a smidgen of corruption! Pay no attention to the director-level ghouls haggling over price!”
“It’s YOU who are dishonest. Yah, THAT’S it! HIGHLY EDITED!!! That’s the key!”
Whadda putz.
How many Nazis actually made lampshades out of human skin?
Hum? All of them? Most of them? Or is it about six total?
Well alrighty then! Nothing to see here, kids, move along, move along…
Why, that’s positively … Clintonian … in its parsing.
Of course they didn’t make a profit. They did, however, recover princely sums as “compensation” for “expenses”. Let us have a proper accounting of that compensation and their expenses, shall we? I’d very much like to review the spreadsheet.
If PP made no money off of this, the quickest way to shut down the debate is to open the books.
Oh, yes. Salaries and bonuses are expenses, aren’t they?
“Of course they didn’t make a profit. They did, however, recover princely sums as “compensation” for “expenses”.”
They received princely sums – for losing money?
Medical experts questioned by FactCheck say they probably were losing money providing fetal samples:
Annnndd , you get to define what “proof” is, right?
Why, SURE!
And President ScamWOW has BILLIONS of followers on Twatter and FacePlant.
You are a miserable excuse for a human being, and really remarkably stupid.
And you’re a coward insulting me, protected by the anonymity of a psydonym.
What? You’d be LESS appropriately “insulted” if you had my address?
No part of me is a coward. Prof. Bill has my name and address, you lying sack of shit. Ask him to give it to you.
He’ll contact me if he does. I’d call you what you are to your face, and no hesitation.
I guess he couldn’t read the warning on your button – Do Not Push This Button.
Mussolini made the trains run on time.
Adolph built the autobahn.
The feudal system produced great art.
And JJTrombone is a moron.
Alinsky’s Rule 13 in action:
“Pick the target; freeze it; personalize it and polarize it.”
Sex is only dirty if you do it right.
Can somebody voxplain to me what dismembering live babies has to do with enjoying sex?
Or for that matter being pro-aborition?
I can see somebody being pro-abortion and STILL think it’s wrong to dissect living babies for fun and profit.
“Wanna see something cool”
“I can’t help being ‘Curious George'” (when poking around in the lasagna dish of baby parts PP keeps in the fridge)
“It’s all just line items”
Yeah, I can even see some pro-abortion people having a problem with that.
But Jodi Jacobson seems to think only a hypocritical “anti-choicer” who is against other people enjoying sex could have a problem with it.
WTH?!?! Maybe somebody should investigate her sex life. It could solve some Dahmer-like crimes.
jayjerome66, Your attempts to justify evil are stunning. You are in an exclusive club of totalitarians and their sycophants. You must be an extremely troubled person to care not for helpless babies — live babies getting cut up for fun and profit. I hope and pray that you get the help you desperately need.
That’s a d@mn sight better than the help I’d like to see him/her/it get.
All I can say is at least conservatives can feel shame if they do something wrong. Liberals are immune from shame as they have no moral compass or ethics.
Those interviews over lunch were really bad, about what one would expect of the Nazi’s chatting about death camps.
Wonder why you didn’t see this coverage blow up and continue?
Planned Parenthood celebrated Tuesday night as the nation’s largest abortion provider recognized 16 journalists by bestowing upon them the coveted “Maggie Awards for Media Excellence,” named after the organization’s founder and eugenicist Margaret Sanger.
NewsBusters reports that among those journalists recognized at the gala event were
The Nation, via Katha Politt, which won the Excellence in Media award;
Buzzfeed, via Casey Gueren;
Cosmopolitan, via Jill Filipovic; Ebony, via Jamilah Lemieux;
Esquire, via John H. Richardson;
MSNBC, via Irin Carmon;
Salon, via Valerie Tarico;
Teen Vogue, via Phillip Picardi.
Sex is liberating, unless of course you don’t support partial birth abortion. Then, you deserve to live in a chastity cage. Liberal is such an ironic designation.
Also, I would suggest that her approach-centrist ideology would lend more creedence to her testimony as she is unskewed by partisan bias.
Only in liberal logic land are you discredited by your biased partisan affiliation or lack thereof. Unless, of course you are part of the collective…then you are smarter, faster, better, stronger.
Did. Anyone. Check. To. See. If. Those. Were. HER. Accounts? It wouldn’t be the first time a smear campaign used the wrong persons info.