EPA climate change regs don’t change climate
But they do destroy money and jobs.
EPA Chief Gina McCarthy recently testified before Congress; when questioned by Chairman Lamar Smith over ineffective regulations that raise the cost of energy and thereby punish low income Americans, she admitted the regulations would have virtually no impact on climate.
All that effort, basically for nothing.
Transcript and video via Marc Morano of the Climate Depot (emphasis added):
CHAIRMAN LAMAR SMITH: “On the Clean Power Plan, former Obama Administration Assistant Secretary Charles McConnell said at best it will reduce global temperature by only one one-hundredth of a degree Celsius. At the same time it’s going to increase the cost of electricity. That’s going to hurt the lowest income Americans the most. How do you justify such an expensive, burdensome, onerous rule that’s really not going to do much good and isn’t this all pain and no gain.
ADMINISTRATOR GINA MCCARTHY: “No sir, I don’t agree with you. If you look at the RIA we did, the Regulatory Impact Analysis you would see it’s enormously beneficial.
CHAIRMAN SMITH: “Do you consider one one-hundredth of a degree to be enormously beneficial?”
ADMINISTRATOR MCCARTHY: “The value of this rule is not measured in that way. It is measured in showing strong domestic action which can actually trigger global action to address what’s a necessary action to protect…”
CHAIRMAN SMITH: “Do you disagree with my one one-hundredth of a degree figure? Do you disagree with the one one-hundredth of a degree?”
ADMINISTRATOR MCCARTHY: “I’m not disagreeing that this action in and of itself will not make all the difference we need to address climate action, but what I’m saying is that if we don’t take action domestically we will never get started and we’ll never…”
CHAIRMAN SMITH: “But if you are looking at the results, the results can’t justify the cost and the burden that you’re imposing on the American people in my judgement.”
Watch the entire exchange below:
It’s important to point out that the EPA’s numerous regulations are also job killers.
Nicolas Loris of the Heritage Foundation recently wrote:
The Many Problems of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan and Climate Regulations: A Primer
This summer, the Obama Administration will finalize climate regulations for new and existing power plants under the Clean Air Act. While the regulations largely target coal-fired power plants, the costs of more expensive energy will be borne by all Americans. Higher energy bills for families, individuals, and businesses will destroy jobs and strain economic growth—and it will all be for naught. No matter one’s belief on the climate effects of man-made greenhouse emissions, the regulations will have a negligible impact—if any—on global temperatures.
North Carolina congressman Richard Hudson also recently addressed the issue:
EPA standards would kill jobs
As a member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, my top priorities are getting folks back to work, keeping energy affordable, advancing an all-of-the-above energy strategy and reining in the Environmental Protection Agency. I continue to hear from countless of our neighbors who are concerned with the EPA’s overreach and what it means for their jobs, their paychecks and their electricity bills…
The EPA is not only threatening the American dream, but our very livelihood. Businesses and manufacturers of all sizes in our district require reliable power to not only keep the lights on but to keep their operations thriving. The EPA’s pending power plant rule will cause electricity prices to skyrocket for families and businesses alike, forcing businesses to trim elsewhere and leaving hardworking folks with less take-home pay and fewer jobs.
Featured image via YouTube.

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Oh, no. Not for “nothing.”
It’s all about CONTROL, and using our “caring” and “feelings” and our love for our world to steal our liberty, our money, and our ability to stand against them.
It’s by design – a feature, not a bug.
AND … paying for it with our tax dollars, which is a nice touch. I wish we had an opposition party that would push back from time to time.
Marie, Jim, that is “classic” psycho behavior. They are out of control in their own lives (drugs, alcohol, sex addition, etc.) but spend their time trying to control others – so they can be “smug.”
Oh yeah, “End the EPA!”
There is no mandate in the Constitution…or, hell, the Clean Air Act…to be “trigger” for global action WRT ANY damn thing.
How ’bout the FEDs spend NOTHING imposing NO regulation on American exports of clean natural gas?
THAT would do more to reduce REAL carbon emissions in the developing world, as gas cooking replaced cooking with wood and other combustibles. PLUS, it would improve the health of millions of people, virtually overnight. (Within a few years.)
But noooooooo. Because it ISN’T remotely about science. It isn’t about benefiting humanity. Remember, the Collective HATES people. It is ANTI-RATIONAL.
And the EPA has NO business promulgating regulations for its STATED purposes.
Natural gas is not the best choice for cooking in the third world. It requires a distribution piping system which is very expensive. Trying to compress it into cylinders is too dangerous because of the pressures. The better choice is propane. It compresses at much lower pressure. And all the technology necessary exists. You may have a propane grill in your back yard. You probably have a propane torch. Your kitchen stove probably came with a propane conversion kit. Natural gas can be made into propane and crude oil can be cracked to produce it. Many houses in the US have giant propane tanks in their back yard, but in third world countries the stuff is transported in small tanks of 20 to 100 lbs. It’s almost as clean as natural gas. However, there is leakage every time a tank is changed. That’s a problem for the greens. A great part of the Middle East uses propane for cooking. Most are poor and they consider propane to be expensive, but they do use it.
It’s way beyond time to kick the EPA down to advisory status, reduce its staff by 90% which would end the pursuit of the impossible by a gang of unelected bureaucrats…
Why kick the EPA down to advisory status? Congress has the power to totally eliminate the EPA, just as they had the power to create it in the first place. The EPA was a DemocRAT idea that Nixon was forced to implement, because the law that created it was passed with a veto proof majority.
I’m with Stan. End the EPA.
…we need to address climate action, but what I’m saying is that if we don’t take action domestically we will never get started and we’ll never…”
We? We? We? Does she have a mouse in her pocket?
The good old collective mouse, I guess.
How anyone can sit and testify to such idiocy is beyond me. These people are just nuts, hungry for power. To hurt all of the people with higher costs, fewer jobs, for some symbolic gesture is one of those steps on the way to hell. Who in the heck do they think they serve?
ADMINISTRATOR MCCARTHY: “The value of this rule is not measured in that way. It is measured in showing strong domestic action which can actually trigger global action to address what’s a necessary action to protect…”
Wow what scientism jabberwocky!
In other words…”We must act before actual science catches up with us!!!”
“In other words…”We must act before actual science catches up with us!!!””
Those coal plants don’t shut themselves down, and even if the science is proven to be BS the decommissioned ones won’t be coming back.
I’ve never understood why liberals are so on fire for solar energy, given that you have to replace the few tens of acres a coal or nuclear plant takes with thousands of acres of solar panels. You’d think covering up and damaging all that land would bother them.
Logic? Reason? Foreign language to these folks.
All they do is damaging – and of course, the unintended consequences give them lots of reasons to create even MORE regulations……. It’s a vicious cycle.
Abolishing the federal, executive-controlled EPA (like NASA, the EPA is directly answerable to the POTUS, like his own little toy to play with) – which, by the way, exists in ALL 50 states – is the best option.