George Stephanopoulos | Geraldo Rivera | double standard
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Stephanopoulos so bad, he’s making Geraldo look good

Stephanopoulos so bad, he’s making Geraldo look good

Stephanopoulos-gate – bad for America, good for Geraldo

The Stephanopoulos story keeps getting worse, especially when compared to the experience of other journalists.

Geraldo Rivera of FOX News claims he was fired by ABC News in 1985 for a paltry $200 donation to a friend who was running for mayor in New Bedford, MA.

It’s amazing what you can learn by following Instapundit’s Twitter feed:

Here’s the related story from Jessica Chasmar of the Washington Times:

Geraldo on Stephanopoulos apology: ABC fired me over $200 donation

Geraldo Rivera on Friday questioned why he was fired from ABC News 30 years ago for making a $200 political donation to a family friend, while the network appears to be standing firm behind George Stephanopoulos, who apologized Thursday for donating $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

“In 1985, after fifteen great years, I was fired by ABC News,” Mr. Rivera wrote in a Facebook post, Mediaite reported. “The official reason for my firing was a non-disclosed $200 donation to a family friend running in a non-partisan mayoral campaign in New Bedford Massachusetts.”

Rivera discussed the issue on FOX and Friends this week:

ABC News is hoping the story will blow over, but other media outlets aren’t playing along.

David Bauder of the Associated Press:

ABC Faces Credibility Crisis Over Stephanopoulos Donations

George Stephanopoulos apologized to viewers Friday for donating $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation and failing to disclose it earlier, as ABC News now finds its chief anchor in a credibility crisis on the eve of a presidential campaign.

Stephanopoulos said on “Good Morning America” that the donations, made in three increments to the foundation started by his one-time boss, former President Bill Clinton, were a mistake…

Network leaders must weigh how the issue will affect public perception of its top on-air political journalist, just as NBC News executives are wondering whether suspended anchor Brian Williams will be believable to viewers following revelations that he embellished details of stories he was involved in.

Schweizer said Friday that Stephanopoulos’ donations “highlight precisely the lack of transparency and cronyism that I report on.”

“It is incomprehensible to me that after George Stephanopoulos went out of his way to state on-air that I wrote speeches for President George W. Bush, Stephanopoulos hid from viewers the fact that he is himself a major Clinton Foundation donor,” Schweizer said.

Who’s smiling now?

Geraldo, that’s who.

Featured image via YouTube.


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“Well, I’ll be damned…this is funny!” Doc Holliday

Some times, you just can’t top a tubercular gunfighter and killer.

LukeHandCool | May 16, 2015 at 4:41 pm

“Stephanopoulos so bad, he’s making Geraldo look good”

Is that a fair and balanced headline?

Is it Geraldo’s fault that Al Capone’s Vault turned out to be empty while the Clinton’s Vault is full of illicit treasure?

I well remember the weepy eyed Geraldo broadcasting from the snowy exterior of the state pen in Utah on January 17, 1977, just after the very, VERY deserving double murderer, Gary Gillmore, was executed by firing squad. Po’Wittle Geraldo…Soooooo sensitive to the fates of tried sociopaths. Wanted to slap the poop outta him then…and that impulse still hits me when I see/hear him now.

    Paul in reply to NeoConScum. | May 17, 2015 at 4:34 pm

    I remember the melee on Jerry’s TV show where somebody smashed his face in with a chair and broke his nose. Now if somebody would just do that to little George, maybe he’d slink back under his rock.

As one twitchy poster put it – “don’t worry, ABC will bring in the respected journalist James Carville to replace Stephanopoulos”.

    NeoConScum in reply to 4fun. | May 16, 2015 at 9:18 pm

    James would at least be a helluva lot funnier than Stephie.

    What, in Gawd’s name, was Mary Matalin thinking..??!!

    Never mind.

I laughed out loud when Gerry Rivers had the crap slapped out of him by the so-called skinheads that were guests on his show. Then he claimed that he was viscously attacked for no reason. From what I could see, he was the one that started the whole confrontation.