George Stephanopoulos: By the way, I gave $50,000 to Clinton Foundation (Update: 75k)
Now he tells us? After raking ‘Clinton Cash’ author over the coals?

Remember how former Clinton advisor and now ABC News host George Stephanopoulos raked the “Clinton Cash” book author over the coals?
George Stephanopoulos worked in the Bill Clinton administration as a senior adviser. In what way is he qualified to question the author of a book which seeks to expose alleged corruption of the Clintons?
Peter Schweizer holds his own in this interview despite the aggressive and skeptical questions hurled at him throughout the discussion.
Stephanopoulos is not so much a journalist, he’s a member of the palace guard. It’s quite clear which side he’s on in this situation.
Rat confirmed, via Politico, George Stephanopoulos discloses $50,000 contribution to Clinton Foundation:
ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos has given $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation in recent years, charitable contributions that he did not publicly disclose while reporting on the Clintons or their non-profit organization, the On Media blog has learned.
In both 2013 and 2014, Stephanopoulos made a $25,000 donation to the 501 nonprofit founded by former president Bill Clinton, the Foundation’s records show. Stephanopoulos never disclosed this information to viewers, even when interviewing author Peter Schweizer last month about his book “Clinton Cash,” which alleges that donations to the Foundation may have influenced some of Hillary Clinton’s actions as Secretary of State.
In a statement to the On Media blog on Thursday, Stephanopoulos apologized and said that he should have disclosed the donations to ABC News and its viewers.
“I made charitable donations to the Foundation in support of the work they’re doing on global AIDS prevention and deforestation, causes I care about deeply,” he said. “I thought that my contributions were a matter of public record. However, in hindsight, I should have taken the extra step of personally disclosing my donations to my employer and to the viewers on air during the recent news stories about the Foundation. I apologize.”
Stephanopoulos needs to be removed from any ABC News coverage of the election. But that’s unlikely to happen, as this ABC News statement to Politico seems to indicate:
“As George has said, he made charitable donations to the Foundation to support a cause he cares about deeply and believed his contributions were a matter of public record,” the network’s statement read. “He should have taken the extra step to notify us and our viewers during the recent news reports about the Foundation. He’s admitted to an honest mistake and apologized for that omission. We stand behind him.”
It’s media bias and corruption down the line for 2016.
Update: Make that $75,000, and George is dropping out of the Republican debates:
George Stephanopoulos says he should not have donated money to the Clinton Foundation and that he will not moderate the ABC News-sponsored Republican primary debate in February after failing to disclose those contributions.
In an interview with the On Media blog on Thursday, Stephanopoulos said that while he made the donations “for the best reasons,” he now realizes he should not have given.
“In retrospect, I probably shouldn’t have, even though I did it for the best reasons,” he said.
Stephanopoulos also said that he has given a total of $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation. That figure represents charitable contributions of $25,000 in 2012, 2013 and 2014, respectively. ABC News initially said that Stephanopoulos had given a total of $50,000 to the foundation.
The “Good Morning America” co-anchor and host of “This Week” said that he would not moderate ABC’s GOP debate, which is scheduled to take place in February in New Hampshire. Republican Sen. Rand Paul said Thursday that Stephanopoulos should be prohibited from moderating any debates during the 2016 presidential campaign.
“I won’t moderate that debate,” Stephanopoulos said. “I think I’ve shown that I can moderate debates fairly. That said, I know there have been questions made about moderating debates this year. I want to be sure I don’t deprive viewers of a good debate.”

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Welp, either ABC pulls this little Clinton thug operative off the air, or it suffers (more) loss of viewership.
Let’s see where ethical reporters fall.
Let’s see where ethical reporters fall.
You’re killin’ me Rags. That’s hilarious.
“We don’t need no stinkin’ ethics.”
Dylan Byers @DylanByers
#Breaking: ABC News will NOT take punitive action against Stephanopoulos: “We accept his apology. It was an honest mistake.”
Well, we have a PARTIAL answer to a couple of questions this raises.
ABC HAS no ethics that they are aware of.
Snufflupuagus is a serial contributor…and on the QT…to the Clinton Slush Fund.
His excuse? It was disclosed on his tax return. So, proles, it’s YOUR job to ferret out my tax returns so you know my conflicts of interest. It’s not my damn job to tell you morons everythang…
LOL. Disclosed on his tax returns? Well then of course we all should have known, because we all have access to George’s tax returns, right?
STEPHANOPOULOS: That that is an issue for them, but its not a criminal .. its nothing that would warrant a criminal investigation.
Ethical reporters? Is that anything like humane jihadis?
The requirement for disclosure in this case was a no-brainer.
This is not some minor, technical glitch.
No glitch, he used his Democrat Privilege.
These Democrats just keep playing by a different set of rules. I truly hope, but am not expecting it, that ABC gets a measured amount of heat over this like NBC did re: Brian Williams. I can hope, can’t I?
He’s done the impossible. He’s made Peter “Two-Year-Old Tantrum” Jennings look principled.
A completely non-partisan mistake by GS and ABC.
ABC just happens to be completely incurious as to the continuing connection between GS and Queen Hillary…you know like they would be if Liz Cheney was an employee and a Bush was running for office.
Stephanopoulos and ABC are so full of shit. If GS cares sooo much about AIDS prevention and deforestation he should give his money to charities that actually funnel 85% or more of their contributions to bona fide programs instead of the Clinton Fdn which funnels 85% of its contributions to the Clintons and their cronies.
No news here. The Clinton’s created George. He owes them everything. Of course he supports them and carries their water. Just know that when he opens his mouth Clinton speak will follow.
I would have said ‘spew forth’ rather than ‘will follow.’
Guess Politico has already forgotten about GS’s morning conference calls:
“As reported by Politico reporter John F. Harris, four-party telephone calls occur every morning beginning at 6:00 a.m. between Stephanopoulos, Emanuel, former Clinton Administration hack James Carville, pollster Stan Greenberg and Paul Begala, who is perhaps the most shrill left-wing apologist in Beltway circles. The conferences, however, don’t end there. They continue during the day, discussing “what’s happening, what the implications are of what’s happening and what’s going on,” according to Emanuel. ”
” And in any given news cycle, it is quite likely that Washington’s prevailing political and media interpretation — at least on the Democratic side — is being hatched on these calls.
The process happens not by design but as the byproduct of pre-dawn badinage — a smart-set take on the world that gets amplified by the prominent platforms all of them hold and by the dozens of later calls and lunches and rants that they will carry on with others throughout the day.”
The MSM and the Democrat party are a seamless cartel. The elected faction are just dirty while the other faction are simply “presstitutes”.
If I were a Pub candidate for president (I have not yet announced), I would refuse to participate in any debate in which George was the moderator. If I were forced to participate, I’d take each and every opportunity to point out to the audience that the debate moderator is a Democrat, Clinton WH advisor, and Hilarity contributor.
I would likely lose votes, but then I don’t have that many to start.
What does it say about the R’s that they would allow a
crucifixiondebate moderated by a Clinton shill?I’d imagine that someone who cares deeply about causes would pick a foundation that spends a majority of its money on the actual cause.
A variety of primary conservative sites report spending levels south of 25%, most saying about 15 cents on the dollar. The Federalist claims “less than 10% of its budget on charitable grants”. (
CharityNavigator no longer evaluates the Clinton Foundation. ( “A lack of a rating does not indicate a positive or negative assessment by Charity Navigator.”
The “cause” Snuffleupagus cared about was keeping access to the Clinton crime family nicely greased.
So, even though GS is a former WH advisor under Bill, there’s still a price on his job in Hillary’s administration – about $75,000.
I think it’s time we put Dr. White in the WH.
That’s one! 🙂
I am honored you would have me as a supporter, sir.
We will need to be careful in how we use your last name in any slogans.
Who cares about his ‘apology?’
This business of doing something bad, then merely ‘apologizing’ because you got caught is, and always has been, b.s.
In any event, this fraudulent piece of drek is not forgiven.
BUT, leave it to the rino hacks running the GOP to make him a debate moderator.