A Mother's Day call from Hillary?
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A Mother’s Day call from Hillary?

A Mother’s Day call from Hillary?

Hillary wants to talk to your mom

Forget about brunch, flowers, and sweetly worded, glitter-laden greeting cards this Mother’s Day. One unfortunate soul lucky mother will get a very special surprise this Mother’s Day — a phone call from Hillary Clinton on your behalf!

Though it’s not clear whether that call will come from a Blackberry or an iPhone, or how many devices she has to choose from…

Taking a break from her grueling yoga-filled schedule, Hillary will set aside a few minutes to chat it up with your Mom.

Just what every “mom you love” wants… a chat with this old chick from what appears to be a completely empty fake office!

Apparently, she really wants to talk to your mom.

Flowers? Pssh. Candy? LAME. Get your mom a Hillary!

All you have to do is enter your information to be eligible for this unforgettable gift:

Hillary Clinton mothers day call your mother

Want to increase your chances of winning though, and it’s gonna cost ya:

Pay to increase chances of winning hillary clinton mother's day call

A grand total of five winners will get a phone call from the embattled, scandal-shrouded, Presidential hopeful and a bumper sticker. That’s right, a bumper sticker. Which might produce another awkward conversation thanks to Hillary’s digital team:

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OK. But what if you don’t hate your Mom?

$25 … dozen of roses.
$25 … chance on a call from Hill.

Tough choices, huh?

Sammy Finkelman | May 6, 2015 at 11:04 am

She’ll get more money this way than if she auctioned it off.

1st prize, 5 minute call from Hillary. 2nd prize, a 10 minute call.

Is there such a thing as parent abuse?

    Eskyman in reply to rinardman. | May 7, 2015 at 4:34 am

    Hey, I’d just shoot Mum myself.

    I wouldn’t want to be cruel and subject her to Hillary.

    Mum never did anything that bad to me!

Which would be worse, call from Hillary or dirty old man?

Henry Hawkins | May 6, 2015 at 1:58 pm

Absolutely EVERYTHING in America is politicized.

buckeyeminuteman | May 6, 2015 at 2:17 pm

What if your mom would rather Bill call and talk dirty to her? I understand women love that raspy voice.

American Human | May 6, 2015 at 2:32 pm

I cannot imagine how this would go over. Is it going to be recorded so all can hear what a downright regular gal Hillary is, or are we only to hear one side?
It might be worth it to enter a lot of times and try and get the call and then prime “your mom” to ask why she lied about Benghazi.
Then again, my mom is in the Celestial Kingdom and I don’t think Hillary’s call could get through.

legacyrepublican | May 6, 2015 at 2:41 pm

Since my mother has sadly passed away, forget any donation.

Odds are that it will be far more likely that my mother will vote for Hillary now than when she was alive and a staunch Republican.

Oh please – sign me up – I have an earful for her! (I can see how this could back fire unless they rig it, so it has to be rigged.)

Will it be a 3 AM call?