Public Shaming Week at College Insurrection
Your weekly dispatch from the world of higher education.
In case you haven’t heard, some students at Appalachian University have taken up the practices of Mao’s Red Guard.
- Appalachian State University Publicly Shames ‘Privileged’ Students
- Appalachian University Housing Defends Bulletin Board That Shames Privileged Students
When it comes to shame, some people have none.
- Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Stands by Fake UVA Rape Story
- No Evidence Of Rape At UVA Fraternity Say Charlottesville Police
- There Will be Lawsuits Over False Rape Story at UVA
Speaking of shame…
- Frat Member from University of Oklahoma Apologizes Publicly
- University of Oklahoma Responds to Racist Video by Hiring a Diversity Officer
Diversity. Is there any problem it can’t solve?
The state of New York has a problem with due process.
- Andrew Cuomo and the No-Due-Process Club
- NY’s ‘Victim and Survivor Bill of Rights’ Harms Students’ Due Process Rights
And the federal government has a problem with transparency.
- Colleges Found to be Risky for Students and Taxpayers Kept Secret by Education Dept.
- Two People Have Filed Over 1,700 Sex Discrimination Complaints with the Dept. of Education
Speaking of transparency…
- Are Colleges Destroying Admissions Records?
- University of Virginia Students Locked Out of Meeting About Large Tuition Hike
Anti-Semitism is still an issue on campus.
- Liberty University’s Young Women for America Stand up Against Anti-Semitism
- George Washington University Bans Jewish Student Over School’s Stupid Mistake
- Southampton University Holds Anti-Israel Conference
Leftism 101.
- Writing Teachers Talk About ‘White Privilege’ at Composition Instructors’ Meeting
- Ohio University Student Argues That Women Can’t be Sexist
- Students Accuse Missouri Museum of Censoring Ferguson-Palestine Event
Tough times to be a young man on campus.
- College Student Describes What it’s Like to be Accused of Sexual Assault
- College Men Fight an Increasing Number of Sex Assault Allegations
Compare and contrast.
- College isn’t a Place to Hide from Scary Ideas
- Disturbing Book Discovery Causes North Carolina Frat to be Suspended
No surprises here.
I know who would get my vote at the science fair.
- Students at State College Presbyterian Turn Guns into Garden Tools
- George Mason U. Students Invent Device That Douses Fire With Sound
Thanks for reading College Insurrection!
Featured image is a screen cap from Campus Reform.

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Heather MacDonald is the hawtness…!!!
Pushing diversity is divisive.
Further, this “cultural appropriation” meme exacerbates the divisiveness, prevents a melting- pot culture, and increases the likelihood of violence. It seems that those results are some of the goals of American haters.
I don’t see University-goers Privilege section there.
All that’s missing is murder – which is coming.
Thank God I retire in a few years. This upcoming generation is going to be unbearable to work with.