Obama takes inside hit from new Defense Secretary
3-year timeline for ISIS campaign “political”

Barack Obama is fighting a losing battle to defend his foreign policy—and the latest blow has come from inside his own cabinet.
Today, new Defense Secretary Ash Carter went on the record as a critic of the three year plan to defeat ISIS contained in President Obama’s request for use of continued military force in the Middle East.
“I wouldn’t assure anyone that this will be over in three years or that the campaign will be completed in three years,” Carter said, before admitting that he understands why that sort of timeline was included in the request.
More from Fox News:
He said the three-year sunset “is not something that I would have deduced from the Department of Defense’s necessities, the campaign’s necessities, or our obligation to the troops.”
He added: “I think it has to do with the political calendar in our country. I understand that. That’s a constitutional issue wherein the executive branch and the legislative branch share responsibility for the conduct of military operations.”
Carter recently took the helm of the Defense Department, replacing Chuck Hagel whose tenure was marked by disagreements with the Obama administration.
While Congress is weighing the request for military authorization, the president already has launched airstrikes and other military actions in Iraq and Syria. The White House nevertheless committed to putting the issue to a vote.
Asked Wednesday if he thinks additional U.S. troops will be needed in Iraq, or whether U.S. troops would be introduced in Syria, Carter left the door open.
“That is a question that will hinge upon what is required for success there,” he said.
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen a DefSec push back against the aspirational foreign policy goals of the Obama Administration. Before he was sloppily deposed, Chuck Hagel went on the record several times with information that contradicted the Administration’s talking points about ISIS, Syria, and the continuing regional conflicts in the Middle East. Hagel refused to downplay the threat that ISIS poses to the international community, and both he and Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey remained publicly at odds with the Administration over pledges to keep US troops out of combat.
Carter is now in the same boat, but he’s taken it a step further by criticizing the one provision in President Obama’s request that served to ease the fears raised by yet another foray into Middle Eastern conflict.
Obama is quickly losing control of any remaining influence he has on the international stage, and it’s not the fault of Carter, or Netanyahu, or any other Choose Your Own Fall Guy©; but if there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past few weeks, it’s that control is the one thing this Administration thrives on. It doesn’t matter if we’re looking at good plans, bad plans, or no plan at all, as long as they are the ones with control over the direction of the speeding train.
Carter has done more here than challenge a talking point; what he’s done is shine light on the non-strategy used by the Administration to cook up this authorization. Their choices had nothing to do with the needs of the mission, but everything to do with what would make Obama look good before an increasingly hostile audience.

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Carter is obviously incorrect … does not have a Nobel, and is not a black messiah!
President Mommy Pants! (or President Poopy Pants)!
Ash Carter has “Spoken Truth to Power” … or in this case, “Pointed Out the Obvious to an Obliviot”! ISIS is a Big Problem for us now precisely because Obama pulled our troops out of Iraq on his timeline without regard to the likely consequences and in spite of the advice of the military.
This sad sack will soon learn never to tell the truth.
Truth telling is the biggest sin in Washington
Dude! The wars are OVER.
Barracula The Great has so decreed!
Whaaaaat? An honest man in Washington? *thud*
This may be the reason he was brought. Obama is a military failure without respect and someone (Ash Carter) & congress has to be the fall guys for his code pink base.
You and I are thinking along the same line. This supposed butting of heads is not happening by accident. This administration plays out EVERY scenario before it is public. In other words: I trust nothing from this White House.
The way it will probably work out may go like this.
We either fight them there or here.
We will fight them until we kill enough Muslims for them to request a truce. Islam will only allow a truce for 10 years or less. We will have to sit on them and kill some more Muslims until they stop fighting. The alternative is to completely eliminate them. This will be achievable because they are very inefficient fighters. Mostly alligator mouths and tadpole asses.
Only a week on the job and Ash is already way tired of Barry’s shit. Gotta be a new record.
As I have said before (thank you Ash for your candor) Barry’s effete foreign policy, personified by the nasally French speaking toady John Kerry and directed by Valkyrie Jarrett is just mirror on the wall political maneuvering and “What difference does it make” hubris.
I will be surprised if Ash Carter does not get fired over that. What he said was not politically correct. We all know how vindictive Obozo can be.
Obama will declare victory by the end of this year and announce he’s opening a dialog with the new nation of ISIS.
President Obama quote: “I One!”
Should we start a pool right now on when he gets fired or has to retract his comments?
I say he is fired in three months max!
You beat me to it. I was going to say:
“We can now expect the White House to
coercerequest Ash Carter’s resignation in 5… 4… 3….”Need a fifth Defense Secretary, Mr. Obama? Bowe Bergdahl, come on down!
Obama say he’ll love a fifth!
Obama is well known for his opportunistic leadership. ISIS is the outcome of a politically motivated premature evacuation.
Shouldn’t his title now be “Soon to be Former Sec. Def.”?