How Republicans celebrated #Selma50
Turns out Rep. John Lewis has quite a few GOP admirers

Members of both political parties descended upon Selma, Alabama earlier today. Partisan politics were shelved as members of Congress were unified in remembering the sacrifice of those who marched for freedom.
So how did Republicans commemorate the day?
Take a look:
Such a special day in Selma as we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the #SelmaToMontgomery marches. #Selma50 #FPI15
— Rep. Bradley Byrne (@RepByrne) March 8, 2015
This picture really encapsulates the day. It was an honor to experience the trip w/ @repjohnlewis #Selma50
— Rep. Kevin Yoder (@RepKevinYoder) March 8, 2015
.@RobPortman: "I’m A GOP Senator & I’m Marching In Selma On Bloody Sunday. Here’s Why" #OHSen
— NRSC (@NRSC) March 7, 2015
I joined Rep. John Lewis – his bravery on this bridge 50 years ago was a turning point for civil rights. #Selma50
— Rob Portman (@senrobportman) March 7, 2015
.@RepJohnLewis thank you for sharing your memories about what happened here 50 years ago. #Selma50
— Tom Emmer (@RepTomEmmer) March 8, 2015
With Margaret on the Edmund Pettus Bridge and the great @repjohnlewis. Thank you for an amazing day #Selma50 #FPI15
— Rep. Martha Roby (@RepMarthaRoby) March 7, 2015
At the base of Edmund Pettus Bridge with one of the original foot soldiers from #BloodySunday. #Selma50
— Rep. Will Hurd (@HurdOnTheHill) March 7, 2015
What an experience. Indescribable the feeling as we walk across the bridge. #Selma50 #FPI15
— Tim Scott (@SenatorTimScott) March 7, 2015
"Listening to civil rights attorney Fred Gray who got court order allowing 2nd march" — SC
— SenatorSusanCollins (@SenatorCollins) March 7, 2015
From early this morning on the bus to Selma sitting w/AL @senatorsessions #Selma50
— SenatorSusanCollins (@SenatorCollins) March 7, 2015
No matter how often I am able to talk with @repjohnlewis I remain in awe of his strength and dignity. #Selma50 #FPI15
— Tim Scott (@SenatorTimScott) March 7, 2015
.@RepCurtClawson in front of Brown Chapel. Sign reads "Still leading the March from struggle to salvation" #FPI15
— Faith & Politics (@FaithNPolitics) March 7, 2015
With @Reince Priebus at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. #Selma50
— Rep. Will Hurd (@HurdOnTheHill) March 7, 2015
Great to be in Alabama for #Selma50! #FPI15 @GOPLeader
— Tim Scott (@SenatorTimScott) March 7, 2015
Honored to stand with the Congressional delegation on steps of historic 16th Street Baptist
— Gary Palmer (@USRepGaryPalmer) March 6, 2015
Pres George W. Bush, First Lady Laura Bush, Pres Barack Obama & First Lady Michelle Obama on stage in Selma #FPI15
— Faith & Politics (@FaithNPolitics) March 7, 2015
Proud to have been part of @FaithNPolitics pilgrimage and visit the site of the historic Selma March. #Selma50
— Reince Priebus (@Reince) March 7, 2015
Appreciate President & Mrs Bush being in Selma today. Got a selfie w/ a great photobomb from Rev. Frederick D. Reece
— Rep. Martha Roby (@RepMarthaRoby) March 8, 2015
@SenatorTimScott @SenatorCollins welcome to Alabama @ALGOP #Selma50
— Terry Lathan (@ChairmanLathan) March 8, 2015
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Is there one picture of Lewis smiling? He stood with the R’s but hated every minute of it. He is so partisan that it isn’t funny.
Yawn, don’t care.
And lest we forget,
the Holder Justice Department has vigorously supported states that check the skin color of a citizen, and if the skin color is black, then proceeds to hold that citizen to a different standard, a lower standard, in state hiring, state contracting and university admissions.
It’s all just pointless window dressing and not a single African-American will actually change his or her opinion of Republicans no matter what.