Congressional Choice not Bibi v. Barack – but Western Civilization v. Iranian Mullahs
The List: Who in Congress is boycotting Netanyahu?
Bibi will address Congress Tuesday morning to discuss the dangers of a nuclear Iran.
At the time this post was published, 34 members of Congress have confirmed they will not be attending the Israeli Prime Minister’s speech.
Not a lot of surprises here RT @ianbremmer: 34 Members of Congress confirmed not attending Netanyahu speech
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) March 1, 2015
To commemorate the occasion, Secure America released this seriously rad video:
Meanwhile, the White House is feverishly working to save face.
Sources indicated the White House was trying to cobble together an Iran deal to pre-empt Bibi’s speech. So far, that hasn’t happened. But they did release this lovely piece of fiction Sunday afternoon:
Here are the five key facts you need to know about the U.S.-Israel relationship under President Obama:
1. A strong defender: President Obama has strengthened Israel’s defense in concrete and unprecedented ways.
2. An international ally: Under President Obama, the U.S. has led global efforts to defend Israel’s legitimacy on the world stage.
3. A proponent of peace: The President has strongly supported Israel in its quest for peace with its neighbors.
4. An economic partner: Under President Obama, the U.S. has a strong and robust commercial relationship with Israel.
5. A support system for refugees and migrants: Under President Obama, the U.S. has invested millions in helping Israeli immigrants.
The statement elaborates on each point by providing what the White House believes to be sufficient examples. It is a sad last ditch effort to suggest the President, you know, cares. ]
The issue is bigger than all that. It’s Western Civilization versus the Iranian Mullahs.
Choose wisely, Congress people.
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Imagine Imperial Japan with…
1. a crap economy
2. a slide to demographic death, and
3. a nuke…or several, AND…
4. a messianic kink in Shinto that sorta requires an apocalypse
About that list — African-Americans and the hard left. I wonder what those two groups have in common regarding Jews.
Lots of Congressional Black Caucus members in the Netanyahu boycott list.
What is 5 more lies to this administration. Obama thinks we should pay attention to what he says, not what he does.
It looks lime most of House members boycotting are members of the Black Caucus. Why to marginalize yourself even further.
From the Senate, Vermont has decided to take itself out of play.
I just tried to email the representative from my home state and express my displeasure. But since I am outside his district he will not accept my email.
I’ve never had a problem contacting Representatives and Senators from outside states and districts by phone, using the numbers posted on their websites.
Just call ’em what they are: mullah loving liberals. If it is bad for the U.S., it is good for liberals.
Woo hoo! Jan Schakowsky has decided she’s not going. When she was challenged by Joel Pollak, she claimed a “100 percent pro-Israel” voting record. She’s not actually going to be asked to vote and she can’t be bothered. Yes indeed, Communist trumps everything.
What speaks loudest is that Obama has to persuade people he’s an ally of Israel at all. Not even Carter had to do that. No US president has ever been doubted on US support of Israel that I can recall.
Is it just me, or does that list have the exact same tone as the “Life of Julia” presentation?