Police critic shoots first, asks questions later
To Shoot or Not to Shoot, That is the Difficult Question

Via Bearing Arms (h/t Rebel Pundit):
In his Twitter profile, Reverend Jarrett Maupin describes himself as a, “Progressive Baptist Preacher. Civil Rights Campaigner. Radical Political Activist.”
He’s led numerous civil rights protests in Arizona, including recent protests of the death of Rumain Brisbon, a suspected drug dealer, at the hands of Phoenix police.
The details of Brison’s death aren’t surprising. Like the overwhelming majority of those killed by police officers, Brisbon was violently resisting arrest when the officer shot him…
Reverend Maupin didn’t think justice was served when the non-compliant Brison ran from the officer, and then physically fought the officer’s efforts to take him into custody.
His perspective now is just a little bit different, now that he’s had an opportunity for a “cop’s eye view” in three force-on-force training scenarios.

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All these clowns need to go through this. I know I’m preaching to the choir, but though I never pulled the trigger, I was in several incident that came DAMN close and ended up with pretty heavy force being used. It all happens in the blink of an eye.
So, when does Rev. Al, Holder and the rest of the Professional Race Baiters show up for their sessions?
I do admire the Reverend’s ultimate admission about compliance.
I don’t think the Reverend Maupin is a real progressive, even though he identifies himself as one.
A real progressive would have refused to take part in the training exercises, because smarter than you.
Congratulations, Reverend! You just killed Mike Brown! Your career is over and the whole world hates you. Did you do the right thing?
The guy he shot never laid a hand on him.
At least George Zimmerman endured a thorough ass-kicking before opening fire, and Darren Wilson had to fight for his own gun. What’s this Reverend’s excuse?
Big guy keeps advancing despite orders to stop. Justified shoot.
Google “Dennis Tueller study”
I’m extremely impressed with the pastor, first for being willing to do it at all, then for actually going through the scenarios properly (it would have been easy to say “well, I know this isn’t real, so why would I even fake shoot him?”), and finally for realizing what it meant for the situations that he had been protesting.
I did notice that in his statement at the end, he didn’t actually say “I was wrong.” He simply talked about how important it was that people comply, with no reference to the fact that it meant the officer he had been protesting may have been completely innocent. Perhaps that was editing, but I can’t imagine they’d have cut that out, since it was the point of the sequence.
Good on the Civil Rights Activist for stepping up and seeing what is really going on. Police aren’t always right and some police are out and out power trippers, but they are IMO rare. One thing that really strikes me is that the pastor said that he now understands how important compliance is. This is VERY important, you are not going to get anywhere with an officer on the side of the road, that is for a court of law. Have good legal counsel and deal with it in a civil manner in a court of law.
Honestly, I suspect if most people went through this sort of self defense and force on force training there would be far fewer shootings.
It is hard to imagine how hot you can get under such a situation until you’ve been there in at least a simulated way, and it’s hard to put out a fire like that until you know it exists in the first place.
Here’s something he retweeted since doing this exercise:
“respect! We cops need to ride with citizens & see how it feels on the receiving end of biased policing. We can get better!”
So, he didn’t learn very much.
Hopefully, he’ll take this experience to heart and let others know how it felt.