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Obamacare Veritas Week at College Insurrection

Obamacare Veritas Week at College Insurrection

Your weekly report from the world of higher education.

Veritas is Harvard’s motto and it means “truth.” There was a lot of veritas over Obamacare in Cambridge this week.

And yet…

Harvard Law School was also in the news.

Meanwhile, over at Princeton…

You’ve got to watch out for those Microaggressions.

I’m sure this is completely unrelated.

Here’s a good question.

Troy University stood up for itself this week.

Everyone is concerned about the cost of college.

You know what would probably help? Labor unions!

This too…

And now, the news in sports.

Remember freedom of the press?

It’s about time.

No surprises here.

No complaints from the left about this.

A course about nothing.

Thanks for reading College Insurrection!

Featured image via Wikimedia Commons.


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“Higher” Education?

I only graduated from High School but at a time and in a school that actually taught things useful to learn.

Now Colleges seem to be mostly about indoctrination, propaganda and fleecing the American public with outrageous costs provided through the Gov’t.

I’m glad I didn’t go.

83% of high school students everywhere are unready for college and never will be. It not the fault of the high schools, its the inadequate IQ’s of the students themselves. Not more than 10% of high school student can actually benefit from a BA/BS, which is why so many are unemployed.