Some Palestinians have celebrated the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers by holding up three fingers, among other celebratory imagery like three rats hanging from a pole.
In response, an IDF Arabic language spokesman tweeted out his own three finger salute.
Elder of Ziyon blog, an invaluable resource on the Middle East, explains:
The IDF’s Arabic spokesperson, Avichay Adaraee, tweeted this cartoon making fun of the three-fingered salute that Arabs are using to celebrate the kidnapping of the three Jewish teenagers. I translated it.
To add insult to injury, Adraee tweeted Koranic verses with the photo, from Sura 83:
Woe to those who give less [than due], who, when they take a measure from people, take in full, but if they give by measure or by weight to them, they cause loss.
Someone on Twitter sent me an image of a single finger salute for Israelis to use towards those celebrating the kidnapping.

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If only the Palestinian leaders and terrorists put all the energy they put into terror into building a civil society.
But, that’s not as sexy.
Of course this three finger salute requires a one finger response with the word FREEDOM written on it.
Never give up, never surrender. -SQ
Ack! Didn’t read about the tweet until after I commented.