Forced Quotas Week at College Insurrection
It was another crazy week of news and politics in higher education.
Title IX started out as a great idea but along the way devolved into a system of proportional representation or in other words, quotas. Sports programs for men are feeling the most pain.
At least there’s still a way to make money through college sports.
Speaking of money, some colleges just don’t need it.
- Brooklyn College Rejects $10 Million Grant from the Koch Brothers
- Business Prof Criticizes Brooklyn College for Passing up Millions from Koch Foundation
And some colleges make up for their losses in other ways.
- University Paying Hillary Clinton $225K for Speech Also Raising Tuition 17%
- U. South Carolina Increases Tuition To Pay for Employees’ Obamacare
- Leftists Want to Soak Taxpayers to Make College ‘Free’
Some professors have money to burn.
This week’s history lecture is brought to you by Prager University.
Rape Culture update:
- Sexual Assault Education at UCLA Found Insufficient by State Audit
- Critics of George Will’s Column on Rape and Higher Ed Misrepresent his Arguments
- National Association of Scholars Examines the Real Data on Sexual Assault
Welcome to college. Would you like a drone or a puppy?
- University of South Florida to Start Lending Drones to Students
- Some Colleges Now Offering Students Loaner Puppies
Perhaps we need longer study periods.
- Florida Atlantic University May Lose Millions in Funding Over Poor Academic Performance
- Only 37 Percent of New York High School Grads Are Ready For College
- South Carolina State Suffers Accreditation Downgrade
There was some good news on campus last week.
- University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Pulls Out of White Privilege Conference
- Supreme Court Affirms Community College Employee’s Free Speech Rights
- 72 years after WWII internment forced him to miss graduation, California man gets diploma
And there was some truly stupid news on campus last week.
- American Student Gets Stuck in Giant Stone Vagina in Germany
- Columbia Student Accused of Faking Injuries After Dorm Ceiling Fell on her Head
- Vanderbilt University Includes ‘Occupy Wall Street’ in Tribute to Freedom Exhibit
- Spelling Error Found on Diplomas for Northwestern University’s Journalism School
Thanks for reading College Insurrection!
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One of the great advantages of being my age is that I can find CH Sommers the hawtness…
And so I DO…!!!