Northeastern Univ allows probationary reinstatement of anti-Israel group
Students for Justice in Palestine reinstated on probation for the fall semester, after agreeing to modify its conduct

In early March, Northeastern University temporarily suspended Students for Justice in Palestine after SJP did a “dorm storming” in which it slid anti-Israeli mock eviction notices under 600 dorm room doors in the middle of the night. SJP already was on probation, and the dorm storming resulted in temporary suspension.
SJP then launched a protest march at which students chanted anti-Israel slogans, including Long Live the Intifada (the bloody Palestinian attacks that killed thousands).
More importantly, SJP’s allies ran a publicity campaign claiming SJP was the victim of speech suppression and censorship. The campaign garnered local Boston media support, even though the charge of censorship was specious. SJP had no right to invade the student dormitory much less student bedrooms.
SJP could just as easily have gotten its message across by leafleting as students entered and exited the dorm or on the street in front of the dorm. But SJP wanted to intimidate students, particularly pro-Israel students, which is why they shoved their leaflets literally into other students’ bedrooms in violation of campus policy.
In a new development, Northeastern has agreed to a probationary reinstatement for the fall 2014 semester, on several terms and conditions.
SJP and its supporters are painting this as a victory.
In fact, SJP had to make numerous concessions including submitting to civility education, changing its leadership, and other actions to modify its aggressive behavior. And thus SJP continues a long history of anti-Israel elements declaring victory after a loss.
The full reinstatement letter via the SJP website is at the bottom of this post, here is an excerpt:
After a thorough review of your appeal letter dated March 14, 2014, along with the facts and circumstances of the case, I find that the decision rendered is appropriate. Further, as you have indicated in your recent meetings with Associate Dean Jose and me, SJP is willing to take certain steps, as set out below, tbat viii enable the organization to meet the requirements for university clubs and organizations:
• The group will identify a new executive board as outlined in your constitution, convening elections this spring;
• The identified leadership will immediately work with Associate Dean Jose to map out a plan that includes:o An Organizational Development Plan and Student Organization Advancement Resources (SOAR) workshops, including succession planning and sustainability;
o A leadership training plan that includes topics addressing integrity, character and social justice;
o Compliance with your existing constitution;
o Developing a proposed program plan for the fall semester, which may include:• Ideas you raised in our meetings, such as programming focusing on the history of political move1nen1S around the world, the factors that led to these movements, and why they are important;
• Programming in collaboration with other groups, such as groups within the Political Action Leadership Council, or programming within the CSSH Civility series;
• Identified leadership will have 1nonthly meetings with Associate Dean Jose beginning in May 2014. D1uing these meetings, Associate Dean Jose will help facilitate the scl1eduling and logistics associated with the proposed programming for the fall sen1ester; and
• Active and consistent participation in the Political Action Leadersltip Council.As discussed, if SJP adheres to these conditions, the organization may operate provisionally during a probationary period in the Fall 2014 sen1ester. The purpose of this probationary period is to allov the organization to develop literacy and competeucy in the areas of community and civic eugage1nent and leadership, in anticipation of restoring full organizational status in January 2015.

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With the American Left and their media enablers, free speech is a one way street. One need only look at Susan B. Anthony List v. Driehaus
This is hardly surprising. It is just like what happened at UC Irvine when the MSU disrupted the speech of the Israeli ambassador. The one year suspension was cut to one quarter by Vice Chancellor Manuel Gomez on his last day before retirement.
They’re in a race with Brandeis to open the first openly antisemitic sharia compliant University in the US. At least ex Obama White House officials can find a place to land when he leaves office.