Feds want Zimmerman, any way they can get him
This no longer is about George Zimmerman, it’s about a Department of Justice serving political interests.
There’s a reason we stand up for the rights of individuals like George Zimmerman against an overreaching State.
It’s not just about the individual. It’s about all of us, and the reality that there but for fortune could go you or I.
The highly politicized Department of Justice desperately wants to bring federal charges to placate the race-agitators, and has joined in the witch hunt.
Via The Orlando Sentinel, DOJ solicits email tips in Zimmerman civil rights probe (h/t readers and commenters):
The U.S. Department of Justice on Monday afternoon appealed to civil rights groups and community leaders, nationally and in Sanford, for help investigating whether a federal criminal case might be brought against George Zimmerman for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, one advocate said.
The DOJ has also set up a public email address to take in tips on its civil rights investigation.
Barbara Arnwine, president and executive director the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law – who earlier in the day joined calls for federal civil rights charges against Zimmerman, said that later in the afternoon, she joined a U.S. Department of Justice conference call to discuss the prospects.
“They were calling on us to actively refer anyone who had any information,” that might build a case against Zimmerman for either a civil rights violation or a hate crime, Arnwine said. “They said they would very aggressively investigate this case.”
Arnwine said the call was convened at about 3:30 p.m. by Tom Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, and included representatives from the FBI, and several federal prosecutors, she said. DOJ officials also said they would open a public email address so people could send in tips on the case.
That email address, which is now in operation, is [email protected].
In addition to Arnwine’s group, Sherrilyn Ifill, President and Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund; Laura Murphy, Washington Chapter head of the ACLU; and several national, Florida and Sanford-based “human relations” groups participated, Arnwine said.
During the call, DOJ officials announced they had set up a way for people to send email tips that could help aid in their investigation. The email address will be operational later this week.
This no longer is about George Zimmerman.
It’s about a Department of Justice which does not deserve our trust and is a threat to our liberties.
Update: Hey, call me old-fashioned. I don’t think the government should be in the business of identifying political targets first, trying to figure out if a crime was committed second. In an era in which everyone is guilty of something, this is a prescription for prosecutorial tyranny, as Prof. Glenn Reynold wrote in Ham Sandwich Nation: Due Process When Everything is a Crime. See also my prior post, Racialized prosecutorial indiscretion in the Zimmerman case.
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What is missing is the Hispanic voice. It is now obvious that the black administration is going after a Hispanic man who was being beaten by a black youth.
At some point, the growing Hispanic voting bloc needs to see this as a race issue and tell the dems enough.
They would listen.
It probably will not come a a surprise to many that La Raza is on TM’s side.
Many years ago, a group of miscreants were prosecuted for several murders. As facts and evidence were presented in court, it was obvious that the entire group and particularly the leader was insane. That leader had a plan to pit White people against Black people and perpetuate a massive race war. All major members of this group were indicted and tried for murder. All are still in prison for the heinous crimes they committed. The plan initiated by the criminally brilliant leader was called “Helter Skelter”….
Now we have a government upon us who uses similar tactics, race baits, cares not how many are killed, enflames the weaker minds into believing that they are the recipients of hate and injustice. Problem is, the aforementioned are at the root of this hate and injustice. Where are we to find the court that can put these cretins in jail for life for misdeeds, criminality, and treason? This government and the race baiters that serve them are cut from the same cloth as Charles Manson and his weak minded murderous followers.
If you are saying that we have the wrong people in prison, well, if BDLR had hair and whatever happened to Squeaky Fromme who if she were to gain weight and dye her hair could go by the name Angela ……..Nah!
The administration wants to make the Zimmerman case into an attack on modern self-defense and right-to-carry laws. They also plan to “study” the issues a little, possibly so as to make guns an issue in the 2014 mid-terms. Quem Deus vult perdere. . .
In this case, it looks like Holder may be simply trying to postpone any meaningful action on the case. But, in the process, he fans the unjustified black rage that was started by the race baiters early on and encouraged by the media.
On the other hand, we know that the leftists view the private ownership/possession of firearms and the second amendment as big hurdles in their quest for power. His remarks on the stand your ground laws are consistent with that view. Big brother will protect you; you don’t need to worry about protecting yourself.
Reichs Minister of Injustice, Erich Heydrich Holder has just notified the volkische citizenry off the Reich Protectorate State of Florid-ostland, that all politically reliable members of the party are commanded to report any and all crimes, real or imagined, committed by the Jew(oops! make that white Hispanic) Zimmerman.
We do not recognize and will not tolerate self defense against any action, no matter how heinous, committed by members of OUR RACE.
Ein Reich! Ein Race! Ein Fuhrer!
Heil Holder!
Heil Hussein Obama!
If anything justified Nazi comparisions, this does.
We don’t need the DOJ. Florida is still prosecuting Shelly Zimmerman. The IT director is still fired. The investigator is still demoted. Is anyone on the prosection side charged?
Evil surronds us. Injustice surrounds us.
The first Law of Holes is to put down the shovel. Holder and Obama are doubling down on digging their hole deeper by threatening Zimmerman with prosecution. Given Rachel Jantel’s admission that her and Trayvon were profiling Zimmerman as being “gay” and therefore a rapist, combined with the creepy ass cracker remark, Trayvon’s motivation would be relevant to any future attempt at prosecution. There is no excluding the evidence of Rachel’s admission as she is a first hand witness to Trayvon’s rationalization to physically attack Zimmerman.
The idea that the death of a racist homophobe in the commission of a hate crime should be somehow avenged by this “Administration” turns the entire liberal agenda on it’s head. Let the self parody by liberals continue!!! This would a hysterical oxymoron if Holder wasn’t so serious about sticking his foot in his mouth after stepping into a pile of dog dirt. But there it is…
So all you who support gay rights, how does it feel that Barack Obama and Eric Holder support Trayvon’s world view that it is okay to attack someone perceived to be gay? And then has the attitude that IF you are gay you are automatically a pedophile seeking to rape little boys? Well, if you find that objectionable you had better start telling your Democrat politicians that you will refuse to financially support them in the 2014 election cycle. If you don’t speak up now and object to the gay baiting by Trayvon and now authorized by Obama (who wished for a son just like Trayvon) then it will be the official policy of the US government that only when politically expedient, violence on gays will be prosecuted on a case by case basis depending on the race and gender of the perp. Are you ready for that when you walk down the streets of any big city like Philadelphia, DC, Chicago or NYC? How safe do you feel now? What good is gay marriage to you cowering in the corner when the same Democrats will only prosecute a perp if it suits their political purposes at the time?
Although that’s what most of us thinking persons thought when the Obama campaign began their “war on women” meme with the ridiculous Sandra Fluke. Yet it paid off in November. The same goes for Occupy Wall Street, which mysteriously lost much of its steam after the Nov elections. Guess Wall Street no longer stands. He may be looking to 2014 elections.
I doubt Obama’s spent a single moment worrying about the 2014 elections; he’s far too busy running our country!
Here’s a story from “my neck of the woods”. You may notice that the race of the teens is not mentioned in any of the stories about this case. I’ll let you guess why.
We’ve talked about this enough. It is time to organize a revolt – one where the taxpayer removes the financing of the Obama administration.
Maybe we should not work at all the last quarter of this year. Liberty from the tyranny of Obama/Holder regime is going to cost us but it will be worth it.
Almost half of the country is already doing that.
Or at least congressional oversight of DOJ budget
[…] I blame the media: Feds want Zimmerman, any way they can get him […]
Two words – “Witch Hunt”
A black Florida man shot and killed an unarmed Hispanic teen. He used Stand Your Ground and will be released.
Now we have a possible explanation for the Martin Family’s real motivation for stirring racial strife in this faux moral drama over Trayvon’s death…legalized extortion – Lawfare.
“We are not asking that he [Zimmerman] be convicted; We are asking that he be arrested”
“We are not asking that he [Zimmerman] be convicted; We are asking that he be arrested”
-Benjamin Crump Esq.
Attorney for Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fuller
(Quoted to Piers Morgan on 4/3/2012)…
…Without an arrest there is no standing for a civil case awarding monetary damages to Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fuller against George Zimmerman, the HOA for The Retreat At Twin Lakes, and possibly the City of Sanford and all of their respective insurance companies.
The same people involved in Lawfare in another case are involved in Trayvon’s case. The NOT Guilty verdict weakens their civil case.
[…] DOJ has also set up a public email address to take in tips on its civil rights investigation. https://legalinsurrection.com/2013/07/feds-want-zimmerman-any-way-they-can-get-him/ (I Know What Tip I’m Giving Them) […]
I predict that within 48 hours of going live this email box will be filled with:
1) Allegations of how the Obama administration and/or Holder Justice Department have violated the civil rights of American citizens
2) Evidence of how Trayvon Martin and/or Angel Corey’s prosecutorial team violated the civil rights of George Zimmerman
3) Offers of how Eric Holder and company can make money from home when they’re no longer at the Justice Department.
How to make money from home — LOL.
“. . . highly politicized DOJ . . .” should read “. . . highly racialized DOJ . . . .” Zimmerman was the victim of an aggravated assault being perpetrated by Martin. Should “young black men” be able to commit aggravated assault without fear of harm? These people are racist morons. They are now looking for a thought crime that they can charge Zimmerman with.
Why not? There is precedent after the New Black Panthers were not prosecuted despite their armed intimidation at poling places.
[…] Legal Ethics Forum, Legal Insurrection, […]
I don’t see any federal interest in investigating a private citizen, not acting under color of law & not engaged in a conspiracy with others, who has already been acquitted after a jury trial conducted lawfully. Zimmerman is being treated as if he deserved a “special prosecutor” yet no such resources appear to be focused on Benghazi or the IRS political targeting. Does Zimmerman have a cause of action against DOJ to enjoin this type of targeting?
Holder’s motivation can be summed up in one word: 2014. The Administration and the Democrats did the math as realized that had they been able to sustain the same level of black voting in the 2010 mid-terms they did for the 2008 Presidential election that they very well may have held on to the House. Absent a rock-star Black candidate to motivate their base in 2014, they saw the value of a star-quality “cause” in 2012. Holder will bring charges against Zimmerman, regardless of how bogus or weak they are because they need to milk this episode long enough to have it run into the 2014 election cycle. I anticipate the DOJ either dropping their case or (best case for them) loosing in a spectacularly publicized and telecast show trial about this same time next year. Imagine being able to use the outrage from that to drive otherwise disinterested voters to the polls.
[…] is taken from Legal Insurrection. Do go there and bookmark that site for daily […]
Actually, the Zimmerman defense team needs to be thinking offense via Civil litigation against the DoJ arrising from the criminal conspiracy to deny him his Civil rights. The Crump “Scheme Team”, the State of Florida and the Justice Department protest negotiation team, working with the other potential civil defendents, have engaged in a classic CONSPIRACY AGAINST RIGHTS (18 USC 241) and DEPRIVATION RIGHTS UNDER COLOR OF LAW (18 USC 242) violations.
See these criminal Federal Civil Rights statutes, whose violation gives rise to civil liability for damages too:
“Conspiracy Against Rights (18 USC 241)
If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or
If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—
They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.”
“Deprivation Rights Under Color of Law (18 USC 242)
Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both;
and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.”
There is no way that the AG Holder Justice Department will allow such criminal cases see the light of day, See the “Fast & Furious” scandal, the same is not true of Civil litigations.
Zimmerman can use civil litigation to recover damages for criminal civil rights violations using (42 USC 1983) and RICO (18 USC 1961). The latter would be trebled. Plus statutory attorney fees.
To quote a lawyer friend of mine on a similar litigation:
“This is a classic civil conspiracy, to use unlawful means to achieve lawful ends, in addition to achieve unlawful ends, and every person who agreed to act in concert to do either is liable for the acts of all. See Halberstam v. Welch, 705 F.2d 472 (D.C. Cir. 1983). And they need not have committed any overt acts themselves – that’s the difference between civil conspiracy and criminal conspiracy.”
“Only those defendants subject to possible criminal liability, i.e., those who committed overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy, can plead self-incrimination to avoid answering the civil discovery. And only individuals can assert 5th Amendment rights.
Public and private entities cannot, and it is the latter who have custody of the email servers.”
Mr. Zimmerman can sue for the costs of his criminal defense, extra living expenses arrising from the shooting, lost income, his wife’s criminal defense costs, slander, and the cost of an A-list Hollywood star 24/7 security detail for the next decade. And he can get triple that plus “reasonable attourney fees.”
Filling the lives of Florida State prosecutors Corey, BDLR and the Holder Justice Department with lawyers & legal discovery of instutitional e-mails via a Federal Court appointed Special Master seems to be “Justice” to me.
“The Crump “Scheme Team”, the State of Florida and the Justice Department protest negotiation team, working with the other potential civil defendents, have engaged in a classic CONSPIRACY AGAINST RIGHTS (18 USC 241) and DEPRIVATION RIGHTS UNDER COLOR OF LAW (18 USC 242) violations.”
See the ACORN connection in the Criminal Conspiracy to deny George Zimmerman his Civil Rights —
The Zimmerman legal team needs to be thinking in terms of offering shares in a contingent fee recovery to “prospective investors”.
[…] Click Here To Read The Rest of Feds want Zimmerman, any way they can get him […]
Frederica Wilson (D-Mars) is speaking on the tv. This should calm the waters.
Obama has turned the presidency into a lawless, post-constitutional seat of imperial power, where executive discretion rules; his DOJ is a politicized disgrace, featuring an Attorney General who had people fired on his way to ensuring commutations for Puerto Rican Separatist terrorists, represented Muslim extremists while in private practice, and who know has turned the full weight of his office not on some terror group (like, for instance, the Mexican drug cartels he helped arm), but rather on a private citizen who had the temerity to refuse to be beaten to death, an offense that frustrates the sensibilities of totalitarian-minded politicians who believe we need to be disarmed so that, as with an increasing number of other things, we are forced to live in fear and rely on the government to act as our protectors.
– Jeff Goldstein (protein wisdom)
[…] Embarrassing Yourself!’ We’ll soon be hearing about “black Hispanics” Feds want Zimmerman, any way they can get him No, the bruthas want Zimmerman any way they can get him Obama’s race-baiting on Trayvon […]
Why would they need a NATIONWIDE tip line? Are there suspicions that GZ was out violating civil rights in Montana? Does the DOJ have information that he might have called someone a nasty name in Delaware?
Do they REALLY expect to get reliable tips from some hippie in Seattle? Or some gang-banger in Los Angeles?
Or are they setting up a future press conference where they say that they have received thousands of tips that all point to GZ being a murderer and (even worse) a racist. Of course they do not have to mention whether ANY of those tips were found to be credible or not.
I’m really, truly sick of this ignorant tribal bullsh*t. What’s next? Our version of Hutu vs. Tutsi?
[…] Enough with the witch hunt. You just woke the sleeping giant, and yes – we ARE filled with a terrible resolve. […]
[…] posted a link about this earlier: Feds want Zimmerman, any way they can get him Posted by William A. Jacobson LegalInsurrection.com Tuesday, July 16, 2013 at 7:02pm This no […]
Everyone needs to go the website and report “I Didn’t See or Hear Anything”. Overload the e-mail server!
[…] fact, Eric Holder has signaled that he might be willing to use the force of the federal government to re-prosecute Mr. Zimmerman in an effort to placate President Obama’s low information […]
[…] tips from the public in order to build a case against a single citizen.” [@radleybalko, William Jacobson, @andrewmgrossman] Apparently, Florida Gov. Rick Scott has the power to remove prosecutor Angela […]
[…] Feds want Zimmerman, any way they can get him […]
I believe this is simply BO and EC pandering to their base … the link will remain active for 3-6 months, 99.9% of the email sent to it will just be the base venting and offering up hearsay evidence regurgitated from the lying MSM. From time to time, Holder or one of his cronies will take the mic and do some sabre rattling, but in the end he’ll announce there is insufficient evidence to prosecute GZ … but of course the DOJ will pledge they’re ever vigilant to protect everyone’s civil rights so nothing like the GZ/TM tragedy occurs again.
The base will groan – we’ll throw up in our mouths a little and the administration will find something else to manipulate the people with …
I meant EH, not EC … been drinking some CC and mistyped …
This may be the same approach that prosecuters use on a weak criminal charge. A jail-house informant suddenly appears out of the woodwork and swears that the defendant admitted his guilt. Case closed.
By trolling for witnesses with “information” the DOJ is trying to get what they want even if they have to manufacture it. If somebody will say what they want, they will not likely be too skeptical. All it will take is a handful of people to come forward and claim “Zimmerman called me a n***er every day” or “he told me he was sick of black people ripping off his neighborhood and said he was going to get them”. Case closed.
(robbi | July 17, 2013 at 12:33 am)
(Micha Elyi | July 17, 2013 at 3:33 am)
Kalama Sutta:
[…] Feds want Zimmerman, any way they can get him This no longer is about George Zimmerman, it’s about a Department of Justice serving political interests. […]
[…] Cornell Law Professor William A. Jacobson of Legal Insurrection had these observations: […]
[…] But, eager to find something they can charge Zimmerman with, the Justice Department has established a tip line: […]