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Recycling Obama appointees from private sector to govt and back again

Recycling Obama appointees from private sector to govt and back again

Obama’s EPA Chief Lisa Jackson, Apple’s newly announced head of environmental policy, is exemplifying “sustainable career moves” after completely recycling her career from private sector to government appointment and back.

Jackson, appointed by the President in 2009, had worked for two years in the private sector before embarking on a series of career stops in green government roles.

While at Apple, Jackson will be tasked with delivering on the company’s renewable energy directive, “we won’t stop working until we achieve 100 percent throughout Apple.” That’s 100 percent renewable energy. A lousy goal for shareholders if ever there were one.

Jackson’s tenure at the EPA was marred by an odd incident where she was found to have been using a fake email address with a man’s name, “Richard Windsor,” to conduct business. Some suggested that the alias may have been an attempt to “dodge congressional oversight and public records laws.”

The incident seems to contradict her EPA bio, which states that her goal was “unparalleled transparency” and “renew public trust in EPA’s work.”

Nowhere is that connection between business and government cozier than in the manufactured “green” job title department. In fact, the Religion of Green is more a cloak for government-business collusion than for any lofty goals.

If we are to take anything from Jackson’s career recycling story it is that a shortcut to corporate prestige is best found through the halls of government.


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Let’s also note the revolving door between leftist universities and the OBOZO regime as typified via the heads of the Council of Economic Advisors…

“OBOZO’s LONG LIST Council of Economic Advisors/BOZOs”

First there was the incompetent, simpleton romer (who said “crazy dingbat pelosi’s ONE TRILLION DOLLAR PORKULUS will definitely keep unemployment UNDER 8%”) who screws up the economy and then proves that “Those Who Can’t Do, Teach” by re-joining a university faculty. STRIKE ONE

Then there was even more incompetent and even bigger simpleton goolsbee who screws up the economy even more and then, once again, proves that “Those Who Can’t Do, Teach” by re-joining a university faculty. STRIKE TWO.

Then there was STRIKE THREE, Alan Krueger, another clueless academic, who – surprise – absolutely, positively, certainly further prove that “Those Who Can’t Do, Teach” so when he ALSO failed horrifically he leaves to re-joining a university faculty.

And now there is Jason Furman – another head-up-his-butt academic Keynesian who, therefore, simply repeats FAILED POLICIES OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN hoping for a different (better) result (Einstein calls that “INSANITY.”) Only in lunatic-left-ville does a FAILED PRESIDENT get FOUR STRIKES in one of the most important jobs before some people begin to think it’s way past time to remove him along with all of his failed appointments.

moonstone716 | May 29, 2013 at 7:13 pm

Apple’s on it way down; it won’t survive the loss of Jobs for too long.

Time to short Apple.

Gotta wonder about a couple of things:

#1) Isn’t it a good thing that people DON’T make a career out of government?

#2) Did Apple hire this person to navigate the labyrinthian EPA regs to find loopholes in order to “comply” with the EPA while still maintaining profitability for shareholders?

#3) Is the “!00%” renewable energy even possible with current technology? And will Apple invest R&D towards this goal which might then be licensed out if it proves viable?

#4) Isn’t giving public sector people some experience in the private sector a good thing?

#5) What will it all matter when North Korea or Iran decides to destabilize the region by flagrant misuse of nuclear technology?

Interesting questions, and some things to consider, in my opinion.

    Not A Member of Any Organized Political in reply to Paul. | May 30, 2013 at 11:27 am

    RE: “#3) Is the “!00%” renewable energy even possible with current technology? And will Apple invest R&D towards this goal which might then be licensed out if it proves viable?”


    But it is possible with centuries old technologies.

stevewhitemd | May 29, 2013 at 10:09 pm

I think the rationale for Apple hiring Ms. Jackson is rather simple:

1) Mr. Tim Cook, Apple CEO, is getting hammered in public and in Congress over the taxes that Apple isn’t required to pay under the law and thus doesn’t pay (shocker!).

2) Apple is indeed using international law and national laws around the world to avoid paying taxes. So is everyone else who can. But Apple is the most visible.

3) Apple would like the pain to stop.

4) They hire Jackson. No doubt she’ll get her own “” email account and won’t need to borrow Richard’s.

5) Apple now says to Champ and the White House that they took care of Jackson, and so now can the pain stop?

6) Champ’s insiders call off the dogs, and the pain stops.

It’s simple. Really.

Hence the expression, ‘bad Apple.’

James Comey, the guy who appointed Fitz, presented by Chuck Schumer during Asst AG confirmation.

Forget the part about Bush.

This reminds me of the old “interlocking directorates” of the 19th century that J. P. Morgan used to control other companies and “harmonize” them to his wishes.

Remember how the left claims the right are corporatist because corporatism is “the merger of state and corporate power,” and how it was the Republicans that wanted to have “big business” running the government?

Lisa Jackson is the perfect example of “the merger of state and corporate power.”

[…] course, it goes much deeper than that.  Obama’s EPA director, Lisa Jackson, worked in the private sector, but was brought on board the EPA as one of […]