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Saturday Night Card Game (Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you happy see that blathering progressive guy?)

Saturday Night Card Game (Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you happy see that blathering progressive guy?)

I knew I had seen that name before, I just couldn’t place it.

Mark Karlin of Truth-Out, the John Corzine look-alike, who was blathering on about Bush, Slave Labor and Arizona

He’s back, causing a ruckus two weeks ago, blathering about guns and penises.

How do they think this stuff up?

Many American White Men Worship Guns Because of Sexual Insecurity, Entitlement, and Profit:

You won’t find anyone willing to dare say it much in the media, but a good percentage of the white men who oppose gun control of any sort – and who back measures that would even allow alleged terrorists and straw purchases for drug dealers to buy guns – are just afraid that without their guns, their phallic power will be reduced to size.

You can feel at least temporarily reassured when a long-barreled assault weapon compensates for just another average manhood; it’s an irresistable [sic] testosterone high to the beleaguered white male….

A gun, particularly assault weapons and lethal militarized handguns, are at least two things: a prosthetic dick and a sign that even unemployed white guys still rule the Western World and sit at the head of the kitchen table….

The reality is that for many of the gun “culture warriors” (and remember that they have the gun industry with a profiteering motive egging them on through the NRA and other gun groups), they are standing at the edge of a cliff with the multi-cultural hordes surrounding them, even governing them.  And women are now supervising them in the workplace or in the same jobs as they do, if they are employed.  And many women are now sexually independent and don’t put up with a male sense of sexual prerogative.

Oh yes, and the American empire is facing threats on several fronts. Globalization is eating away at its post World War II dominance, with nations like “the yellow peril” of China becoming economic power houses….

This is not an issue about self-defense; this is about psychological need — born of sexual and curtural displacement — assuaged by the possession of a killing machine.


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“A gun, particularly assault weapons and lethal militarized handguns, are at least two things: a prosthetic dick and a sign that even unemployed white guys still rule the Western World and sit at the head of the kitchen table….” – A projectile of the envy sort.

So says a working white non-feminist parent who went to the gun range today to fire her handgun next to men and women.)

Creepy: Sexually insecure Mark Karlin of Truth-Out writes an article focused entirely on the size of male genitalia. It’s not Truth that he’s outing.

I’m not really sure anybody DOES think this stuff up so much as they kinda let it flow out, stream-of-consciousness style. Figures.

The interesting thing about this excerpt is that it comes across to this reader as an (embarrassingly) obvious bit of projection, albeit with a sick twist. They are haunted by their impotence, their inability to compete with the successful individuals in the pack in the face of rapid changes in the areas of business, politics, lifestyle, technology, the competition for partners with whom to procreate. In addition to this, in an era of seeming social disintegration, the prospect of failing to prevail (a self-fulfilling prophecy?) in the event of an attack involving lethal force, real or metaphorical, causes them to, first, freeze, then flee into a fantasy world in which, however illogically, all scores can be settled by THEIR rules and on THEIR terms.

Eventually, the ultra-libs and “progressives” come to their senses (?) and realize that the real world is very different from ProLibWorld and that other means must be used to accomplish their goals and assuage their shame. They resort to the not-terribly-logical tactic of lashing out and attacking their opponents. They seek to level the playing field by castrating their opposition.

Think about it. It fits, doesn’t it?

    jdkchem in reply to ZooMaster. | April 28, 2013 at 9:12 am

    “I’m not really sure anybody DOES think this stuff up so much as they kinda let it flow out,”

    Like taking a dump.

casualobserver | April 27, 2013 at 8:42 pm


More proof that it takes more than the ability to write with at least average English language skills to make any sense to anyone but yourself.

Well, this is easy.

Everyone needs to hand over their guns. Are government agents and criminals prepared to comply?

Then it becomes complicated.

Everyone will need to hand over their scalpels, pipettes, and vacuums. Are abortion “doctors” and women prepared to comply?

Everyone will need to relinquish democratic leverage. Is the Left prepared to comply? It would mean a perpetual state of chaos, but that is the sacrifice required to avoid involuntary exploitation. It would also only be possible in individual isolation, which would require a fantasy reality.

Anyway, drop your gun, vacuum, and bully, and prepare for assimilation into the singularity. Morons.

Hah! “Lethal militarized handguns.” The more numerous, repetitive, and/or inapplicable the adjectives are, the more persuasive he is.

This is less a card game than a parody of reality. Are you sure this isn’t an Onion production? Surely, not even the Left… Well, perhaps the far Left or Right, experience total dissociation from reality.

Anyway, back to the Middle-Rightish, where the terms and circumstance of reality are coherent as far as the eye can see and the brain can think.

In my experience, real men don’t blather on about the size of each other’s genitals. In fact, real men don’t blather. They do.

What a (little, flaccid) dick…!!!

Like HE doesn’t have penis problems.

The citizens of this country are not entitled to guns, they HAVE A RIGHT TO OWN AND BARE THEM!

Secondly, as for penis envy, I don’t think that people are discussing who’s more macho during a break-in or mugging/rape attempt. A gun is a great equalizer for sure in such circumstances, and the testosterone level of a rapist is sure put in check by a woman wielding a gun. Does such a woman have penis envy? Hmmmmmm….

Insufficiently Sensitive | April 27, 2013 at 9:48 pm

…but a good percentage of the white men who oppose gun control of any sort…are just afraid that without their guns, their phallic power will be reduced to size.

Only an intellectual could spout such sniveling bilge. Hates white men (probably is one himself), can’t compete with them on some psychological level, so tries to get even by his cranky projection of penis envy.

He could never beat my sister at a rifle contest.

So, if a gun is a substitute for someone’s penis, what does that say about someone who wants to take the first person’s penis away?? Just an idiot.

Mark Karlin: sexual powerhouse? This?

Here is his LinkedIn profile:

Shorter version: Lives in Chicago. Got a Masters Degree in English in 1979, hasn’t held a real job since.

What the hell is a “lethal militarized handgun”? I carried an M1911 for 5 years and the civilian models had a whole lot more “bling” than what we were issued.

Small penis must go hand in hand with the humanoid’s pea size brain.

    myiq2xu in reply to jdkchem. | April 27, 2013 at 11:32 pm

    I carried one of them for 3 years. Those are really great handguns. They are ugly and heavy but you can abuse and mistreat them and they’ll still fire when you pull the trigger. Best of all, what you hit goes down and stays down.

      jdkchem in reply to myiq2xu. | April 28, 2013 at 9:20 am

      At the time I didn’t think much of what we were issued. Partly because I’m a lefty and had to make the usual accommodations to keep the righties from whining. Thankfully we have a vibrant M1911 private sector.

Here’s some more Karlin:

Of course, black and Latino youth are being shot down in urban areas like ducks on a pond, but the white guy gun lobby could care less about that. Given their reaction to the “post-racial” Obama presidency, many of them probably figure the fewer blacks and Latinos the better.

    Juba Doobai! in reply to myiq2xu. | April 28, 2013 at 9:08 pm

    So whites shouldn’t have 2nd Amendment rights because some young punks kill each other? Ridiculous.

    I don’t even like the idea that people need a license or a permit to buy a gun because permits and licenses are a product of slavery-era and Jim Crow racism. Every body should be able to go and buy a gun if they want one, and the government should not be mediating how we exercise our constitutional rights. Balance this off with we should be held accountable for our misuse of those rights, and that’s where the government should come in, with swift and sure punishment. Instead, they want to treat us all as though we are all irresponsible and need to be guided through life by the wizards of smart.

    I would argue that even the black and Latino punks wantonly killing each other have a right to a gun. Now, if the government would enforce the laws on the books and stop creating new ones that would punish the lawful by ignoring the lawless, we would all do well. Besides, an armed society is a more polite society.

There’s brinkmanship among leftist useful idiots to get attention: a giant kiss-ass contest. This is good example.

Similarly idiotic statements by Hollywood clowns and obscure teachers at universities, is yet another.

It is my opinion that we need to devote our energies to making our own noise, and not merely amplifying theirs.

Conservative Beaner | April 28, 2013 at 7:47 am

Sounds like liberal/progressive projection to me. I don’t need a gun to “compenstate” for any perceived shortcomings but I think the lib/progs have some issues of their own to worry about.

Maybe if they were to concentrate on their own problems they would just leave us alone, then again maybe not.

Lady Penguin | April 28, 2013 at 8:47 am

Would this be the point where one says, “better than being a eunuch like him”?

Given the rate of gun violence perpetrated by young black males (most of which is directed against other blacks) it would seem that, using this guy’s reasoning, it would be the young black males who are sexually insecure.