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5 Signs BuzzFeed May Have Peaked

BuzzFeed May Have Peaked"> 5 Signs BuzzFeed May Have Peaked

I will take credit for the “Everybody Be Like BuzzFeed” mania sweeping politics, with my post Do not underestimate BuzzFeed Politics, which ran on February 6, 2013.

I pushed the mania into overdrive when I mentioned the word … (shhhh)


Obama laughing

Has BuzzFeed peaked already?

Sign No. 1

House Republicans …

may be copying BuzzFeed.

Even if not, people are speculating about it.

Buzzfeed LOL

Nat Journal BuzzFeed RNC

Remember when little old ladies went heavy into telecom stocks in 1999, and people quit their jobs to become house flippers in Vegas and Phoenix in 2004?


Signs Nos. 2-5

No need to pile on.  See Sign No. 1.

The End.


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I wanna play, too! More signs BuzzFeed may have peaked:

Something in the air….

(picture of dog sniffing another dog)

We will blow the lid off the story!

(animated GIF of exploding oil well)

The streets are quite….

(picture of seriously ugly topless Femen protestor)

Women, children and minorities hardest hit!

(picture of grumpy baby)

Check back for more later!

(animated GIF of drag racing car)

I am not sure why (or if) NRCC believes in Buzzfeed strategies. I cannot speak for other conservative political junkies who visit sites like LI, but I have never knowingly visited Buzzfeed since the day that I found out that ex-Politico writer Ben Smith was “in charge.”

David Weigel at Slate writes:

It’s going to work, because quick-fix Internet readers only share the stories that make them feel something. If they laugh at it, they share it. (This NRCC meme got 12,000 shares in a hurry.) If they’re outraged, they share it. If they’re amazed by how stupid it is, they share it.

That sounds like the Facebook (and maybe Twitter) crowd – but that ain’t me. Does the NRCC want votes or website hits?

[…] As usual, William Jacobson was way ahead of the curve. […]

Word up! (Cameo gets credit for that one, a long time ago):

What we need now is to raise the word “DOWNWORTHY” to the level of Obama’s policies.

Political morons — literally.

We have got to get rid of these hacks. Anyone not passionately on board about doing so cannot complain about what comes.

2nd Ammendment Mother | April 5, 2013 at 11:35 am

So Prof, tell us how you really feel….