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Update: Hating Breitbart returns in May 17 dvd release, screening in NYC confirmed

Update: Hating Breitbart returns in May 17 dvd release, screening in NYC confirmed

There is good news for those of you who were unable to see Andrew Marcus’s excellent Hating Breitbart documentary, released late last year. It has just been announced that the movie will be released in theaters and on DVD and video-on-demand on May 17.

After I was able to see one of the screenings in St. Louis last year, I wrote this review. It was enormously entertaining, bittersweet, and exciting. It was more than a documentary, rather a documentation of the causes Andrew Breitbart awakened us all to: the venality and condescension of politicians and mainstream media in our culture.

I wrote then that it was a must-see, but many couldn’t see it for lack of more widespread distribution. Be sure to pick it up in May, and for those of you who live in the New York City area, Marcus has been hinting on twitter that a free screening may be coming your way on the anniversary of Andrew’s death, March 1:

hating breitbart nyc

The movie, which had earned an “R” rating, has been recut for PG-13 audiences, and has picked up a new distributor, Freestyle Releasing. The R-rated version will be available in addition to the PG-13 on DVD.

Update: Marcus confirms to LI that New York City on March 1 is a go, although the capacity is very limited and…EXCITING NEWS there *may* be a limited number of seats for the small capacity screening. Email [email protected] with your name, email, and phone to be put on the list. Tickets will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

Follow @HatingBreitbart on Twitter.


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Yay! Now I can buy it. I have about thirty people that have been wanting to see it.

Thanks for the great news, Anne!

[…] Hating Breitbart returns in May 17 dvd release, screening in NYC hinted ( […]