Branco Cartoon – Frankenquester
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Branco Cartoon – Frankenquester

Branco Cartoon – Frankenquester

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. 

To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.  Branco’s  page Cartoonist A.F.Branco

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More Chicago-style bipolar disorder.

Indeed, it is the legislation in search of a brain! oh wait that would be a zombie 🙂

For Frankenstein, it is the search for a PURPOSE! Indeed, the sequester is being villified for it’s purpose.

Great Panel, Branco! You once again show the Emperor has no clothes and is a hypocrite extraordinaire.

Hilarious cartoon… President Obama shows how he’s skilled in passing a ‘shart’ from both ends of his body!

Nailed it.

The Two Faces Of Barry

[…] Illustrating Obama’s Hypocrisy On The Sequester He Demanded And Now Opposes: […]

B.S. artists can’t fathom cognitive dissonance. Political cartoon artists like Branco fathom them perfectly.