To say that Republicans in Congress folded like a cheap suit is an insult to cheap suits
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To say that Republicans in Congress folded like a cheap suit is an insult to cheap suits

To say that Republicans in Congress folded like a cheap suit is an insult to cheap suits

What an embarrassment.

To say that Republicans in Congress folded like a cheap suit is an insult to cheap suits.

The “fiscal cliff” was mishandled from day one.  There was a lack of strategy and the tactics could not make up for that.

To borrow Kurt Schlichter’s phrase:

a skilled lawyer understands the awesome power of being the craziest, most unreasonable and scariest guy at the table.

That guy was Obama, contrary to what the media and Democrats told you.

Obama insisted he was willing to go over the cliff, we insisted we weren’t.  He won, we lost.

The Republican leadership failed miserably.

Their lack of conviction is my liberation theology.  Liberation from the Republican leadership.  Liberation from the Republican Party as it currently exists.  We need to have an “R” after our names only because in our two-party system, third parties fail and/or hand elections to Democrats.  We need to change what “R” means.  Think how bad the deal would have been if there were not a block of Tea Party congressmen with backbone.

Remember, Marco Rubio was the Tea Party supported candidate against Charlie Crist.  Rubio stood out yesterday.

As Michael Patrick Leahy writes:

The good news is that tea party activists around the country are currently engaged in this quiet but important mission of building an electorally competitive infrastructure. The better news is that the Washington Post will continue to miss this development.

The mainstream media has resolved to periodically churn out even more “tea party is dead” stories in 2013. Tea party activists, in contrast, have resolved to use 2013 to build the infrastructure for political success in 2014 and 2016. We’ll see which obituaries will be written after those two very important elections.

We need to continue to vote them out, to challenge them in primaries.  Because we’re alone again, naturally.


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Hookers put up more resistance.

“The Republican leadership failed miserably.”

Habits are hard to break!

    snopercod in reply to aposematic. | January 2, 2013 at 10:31 am

    Drudge has a poll up asking whether or not John Boehner should be retained as Speaker. With 81,000 votes cast so far, 85% say “NO”. Too bad there wasn’t a “HELL NO!” category…

    serfer1962 in reply to aposematic. | January 2, 2013 at 12:29 pm

    The Speaker never puts up a bill unless at least 50% of his party are for it. 151 GOP weren’t, only 85 rinos were.
    The blame for this bill is solely Boehners.
    Primary out all the rinos

I am waiting to hear Boehner’s excuse for being a Tax and Spend Liberal.

    GrumpyOne in reply to VotingFemale. | January 2, 2013 at 1:14 pm

    “They” don’t want to be blamed for anything. But every rational person has already blamed “them.”

    Maybe revolution is the only process/option left…

Since all the “good” names are taken already, (Constitution Party, Libertarian Party, etc) how about we start a 3rd party called the “Math Party”?:)

Is anyone really fooled anymore by the republodemocrats?

What don’t the Republicans understand?! Obama wants to bring this country to its knees!! Quit helping him!! This is why I’m registered as an unaffiliated voter.

Kabuki theater does nothing for the national fiscal health nor does a Republican in name only.

So…, we didn’t fall off one side of the fiscal cliff. We backed up and fell off the other side. The Tea Party memebers are the only ones able to stand firm on what little ground is left.

January 20th, 2017 America wins by default?

I disagree with the theory that Obama was the “crazy” one at the table.

The “crazy” is naturally, the one who was the most sane, that thought tax cuts and spending cuts were the logical way to prosperity. The one willing to walk away from the table.

Everyone else assumed Obama was a “rational” actor in this whole mess. “Well, he won the election, and he’d never have the country’s interests in danger, so let’s see if we can make some deal and maybe we can saddle him the narrative”

In poker they say if you don’t know who the mark at the table is, you’re the mark. Boehner was the mark.

Obama only needed one GOP vote to call this bipartisan, and when it doesn’t work, it’s going to be “hey, the GOP thought it would work too” and “they wouldn’t let me do enough”

If this is a new American Revolution, the GOP are fighting like the British, by rules that are no longer adhered to and a “sense of honor” no one cares about. The goal is to win, not to be diplomatic or honorable in winning.

Get rid of these fools and put in someone who doesn’t care about optics and diplomacy and the other garbage insider beltway terms. Give me someone that wants to win.

    BannedbytheGuardian in reply to Crapgame13. | January 2, 2013 at 7:59 pm

    Not like the British. Britain had had bigger fish to fry including defeating The French Navy in the Caribbean & bankrupting King Louis hence the French Rev.

    No doubt they were sorry to lose these colonies but they just went out & got China India SE Asia & Oceania . They still got their slave labour cotton

    Obama knows British Imperial tactics . He seethes it every waking moment like daddy.

One amazingly pathetic point was the aftermath of the failure of the ridiculous Plan B. When he could not get that to pass, Boehner said the Senate would have to take action. So they did. Apparently, he did not expect they would and had no plan for what to do when they sent over what was guaranteed to be a lousy bill.

Yet he will probably be re-elected as Speaker. THAT he’ll fight for.

I was a Republican once. I have been an independent for a few years now. Leadership of the high quality of McCain, Romney, McConnell and Boehner is why.

There is NO hope for America as long as these are the people we depend on.

    Crapgame13 in reply to irv. | January 2, 2013 at 9:35 am

    I don’t even know who we’d get to run against Boehner. Bachmann? Could you imagine what a feeding frenzy that would be for our media if she got SotH? Does Sessions enjoy his positioning too much to try to get a promotion before “his time” seeing as he has his own issues with cronyism, etc.

Can anyone tell me what purpose the GOP serves?

    MaggotAtBroadAndWall in reply to lichau. | January 2, 2013 at 9:53 am

    P.J. O’Rourke used to joke that he votes Republican because they have fewer ideas (which is a clever way of saying Republicans presumably want less government involvement in the economy and how we live).

    Republicans seem to think that because they have no new ideas their role is to help Democrats with their bad ideas.

    raven in reply to lichau. | January 2, 2013 at 9:55 am

    Foil to the Left? All rising totalitarian movements need one.

    Their purpose is to show just how fast a cheap suit will fold.
    I have a cheap suit and it is sturdier than the RINO’s who voted for this disaster.

Oh for Pete’s sake. Iirc I said this after the election and I’m saying it again: our crazed reaction to the defeat worries me more than the defeat does.

Republicans had a terrible hand to play. Not only had they failed to defeat a failed President, not only had they failed to recover the Senate, but they actually lost seats in both chambers. They obviously did not have the confidence of the voters.

The polls were decisively favoring Obama in the budget confrontation. As I type, the Dow is up 220 points.

We don’t need no stinking polls! The polls are wrong! The stock market is wrong! Purity! Purity! Purity!


    raven in reply to gs. | January 2, 2013 at 10:18 am

    Haven’t been paying too much attention over the past couple of decades?

    Your post is actually a neat summary of GOP delusion, bromides and deeply incorporated confusion over cause and effect.

    “Republicans had a terrible hand to play. Not only had they failed…”

    Yes. The hand they had no control over and the failures which Fate unfairly inflicted on them through no fault of their own. It’s never how they play the hand or their own actions or inactions. Clearly the GOP had no power or ability to confront any of the Leftst/MSM Narratives over the past two decades and change their own fate. Clearly, the only decent and sporting thing to do is to keep taking it up the as* then complain about the “hand” they were dealt.

    “The polls were decisively…” Yes, the polls, once again. Just like the “polls” that told us Romney-fever would sweep the nation. Keep looking at polls rather than taking charge of your destiny and confronting the Left and shaping the public mind — like the Left has done.

    When does the GOP fight? When do they play to win? When even do they recognize the savage and exterminating psyche of the Left?

    The chronic stupidity and passivity of this party — and its perversely simultaneous passive-aggressive vindictiveness and terror directed at its own conservative natives — defies both nature and the political nature of man. It cannot survive, will not survive.

      stevewhitemd in reply to raven. | January 2, 2013 at 10:54 am

      Ok Raven, let me call you on this.

      You’re the Speaker. The House is what it is now.

      Obama won his election handily. He’s in plus territory on job approval and you’re mired in the low 20s. In fact, Nancy Pelosi is more popular than you are.

      Opinion polls show that Obama’s position on the negotiation is strongly favored by the public. Yeah, yeah, we know the media has been jobbing that, but there’s the facts on the ground.

      You have an ultra-conservative wing in your party that won’t vote for any sort of deal out of ideological purity. You have the Tea Party folks who hate taxes. You have the mainstream Pubs who want a deal so as to preserve their seats. You’re dealing with Senate Pubs who want a deal and a Senate Majority Leader who is a snake — and a master pol.

      Go ahead, tell us what the winning play should have been. Show me, step by step, how doing it your way would have lead to a better outcome, and tell me, Speaker Raven, how you would have whipped the Pub caucus into line.

        The job of the opposition is not to roll over, it’s to oppose.

        OK, Steve. You send back to the Seante an amended bill with SPENDING CUTS. You don’t trust the democrats to agree to spending cuts after they have feasted on the hamburgers and fries. Tell the Seante that budget bills are initiated in the House, not the Senate. The ball is then in their court.
        What is wrong with this, besides the fact that the RINO’s are afraid of the big, bad Obama?

          stevewhitemd in reply to Towson Lawyer. | January 2, 2013 at 1:37 pm

          Okay, as Speaker I send the Senate an amended bill that contains some spending cuts.

          Reid refuses to bring that amended bill to a vote.

          Now what? And remember, Obama WANTS us to go over the ‘fiscal cliff’, and the DMM (and most of the public) is behind him, even if they don’t exactly know why.

          Again, now what? Plan C is not an option; there is no way to vote ‘present’ and not have this be a complete disaster for the Pubs.

          Those cuts, which you haven’t specified, would be lambasted by the Democrats and their media.

          They’d also have to get past the Republican caucus. It’s one thing to favor cutting spending. It’s quite another to cut spending on projects your supporters want. Iirc the press dinged Paul Ryan on this during the campaign.

    Crapgame13 in reply to gs. | January 2, 2013 at 10:58 am

    To quote WarGames, when the goal is mutual assured destruction, the only way to win is to not play.

    We should have not played. Or gone with the Professor’s Plan C and then walked away. any other outcome and we lose.

    Boehner and his yes men think they’re clever and can turn narratives and think the media will help deliver the truth. Yes, please tell me more about you can “take the argument to the American people” using avenues that Obama owns, Mr. Speaker. He’s stupid, and if he knew he was stupid, that would almost make him smart.

    I’m tired of this leadership. They learned NOTHING from McCain’s campaign. They’ve learned NOTHING from the Pelosi-Reid dealings, debt ceiling negotiations, etc. They still don’t get HOW they got the 2010 majority in the first place, and are more than willing to squander it because where else is the base going to go?

Actually, their plan worked to perfection. They got the conservatives on board with empty promises, strung them along for a couple of years while increasing both debt and spending, then kicked the can down the road from the last crisis to this crisis and then threw conservatives under the bus.

What I don’t understand is why Tea Party supported candidates, now Senators, like Pat Toomey and Ron Johnson actually voted FOR that abomination??

Also, since Boehner purged the Republican House leadership of all the conservatives, since he couldn’t count on their votes, what is he now going to do with Cantor, who showed the rare flash of common sense to vote against it??

casualobserver | January 2, 2013 at 9:59 am

It’s going to be a long, long year. What I see is a president who now has enough bravado after being reelected for 1,000 elected class people. And between his ego, the new found deftness of his team, and the utter political incompetence of the remaining House GOP (and maybe the Senate GOP), I’m betting this will continue through to the next election. The only resistance Obama will have to deal with has now proven itself to be outdone with only minimal artfulness. With a media willing to go along, all but the most drastic economic events will be presented…..or rather, spun to be an ‘improvement’ and those who voted him back in will be happy.

Anyone who really believes that a Congress even more diluted – if only slightly – will find it’s ability to stand strong and resist the next wave of “no cuts” with even more tax revenue (from closing loop holes, etc.) is delusional in my eyes. This next debt ceiling effort will be equally pitiful if you want to see the government become even remotely more solvent.

I’ve already contacted my representative – a Republican who voted for this mess – and informed him that I’ll be voting against him, both in the primaries and in the general election if he happens to win the primary.

I’d rather have a full Democrat than the half-assed Democrats that support Obama while promising to be reasonable people.

Professor, I normally love your work, but I think you’re off base on this one. The Republicans did the best they could under the circumstances (though Boehner’s Plan B would have been preferable, Republicans have no one to blame but themselves for that). I think a lot of conservative bloggers/commentators are living in some kind of alternate reality in which taxes were not set to go up on everyone in the absence of a deal. If that wasn’t the case, and Obama was just proposing a new tax increase on the rich, I’d say hold the line. But Obama had a really strong hand here, and the GOP had a really weak one. I’m not happy about taxes going up, but I thought it was a fait accompli ever since Obama’s reelection. Blame the voters for that, not Congressional Republicans. The GOP could either make a deal like the one they did, or they could have taxes go up on everyone and take almost all the blame before probably caving in on an even worse deal.

Honestly, I think that’s what Obama wanted. I don’t think he really cares about keeping taxes low on the middle class. If it was up to him, all the Bush tax cuts would expire. But he knows that would be political suicide, so he has to keep railing against the rich (a tactic that was unfortunately proven to be smart). But with the tax cuts permanent for the vast majority of Americans, Obama can no longer hold the country hostage with the threat of raising taxes on everyone. And since he finally got his precious tax increases on the rich, he doesn’t have his favorite scapegoat anymore. I’m sure he’ll try to demand more tax increases in the future, but that just isn’t going to happen (he’s going to look like a guy who demanded a big raise from his boss, got it, and was back in his boss’ office a couple months later demanding an even bigger raise). His hand is significantly weaker going forward. All things considered, this isn’t quite as bad as I thought it would be (I was prepared for taxes to go up at the $250,000 level and for all the spending cuts to be relinquished), and the Republicans live to fight another day.

    stevewhitemd in reply to JSG1982. | January 2, 2013 at 10:56 am

    Finally, someone gets it.

    george in reply to JSG1982. | January 2, 2013 at 11:56 am

    Well said JSG.

    I think we should all pause and recognize that the debate was about politics and not about policy.

    From a political point of view, Obama did not get much, and the republicans did not give much.

    It would not help any Republican (or conservative or Tea Party member) to be blamed for sending the nation into a depression/recession. (And we know that is what would have happened) Now the blame-the-republicans game is weakened considerable.

    Next up: Cut Spending. BO is not capable of doing so. Republicans look like they compromised and were reasonable this round. This strengthen their hand going forward and will make BO look bad next round.

    The ALL IMPORTANT POINT IS KEEPING THE HOUSE from 2014-2016. THAT IS A MUST FOR THE USA. All else is secondary at this point.

    lichau in reply to JSG1982. | January 2, 2013 at 12:28 pm

    Similar reasoning to the abused child: “I know I am going to be beaten,I will do whatever you want if you just stop. “

    raven in reply to JSG1982. | January 2, 2013 at 1:18 pm

    “And since he finally got his precious tax increases on the rich, he doesn’t have his favorite scapegoat anymore.”

    Wrong. You fail to understand the Left. Scapegoats don’t expire or exhaust themselves to the Left. Look at history. Their entire success is based on fanatical repetition of propaganda. Obama and the Left are establishing a world of compounding crises, defining the socially acceptable precedents and solutions as they go along. Obama forced concessions on tax increases knowing full well this wouldn’t solve anything. When the future crisis hits he simply imposes the same template of limited solutions based on class warfare and intended to serve the expansion of the State. What would stop him? Decency? The GOP? They just demonstrated their ineffectualness (a useful marker for Obama). Also, by utterly failing to link Obama’s financial profligacy to the “crisis” (a wider macro failure of Romney and the GOP) and organizing or even trying to organize an effective counter-Narrative public information campaign as opposed to serving as crisis-management janitors, the GOP assured future defeat and destruction.

I would have loved to be the Speaker “Negotiating” with the President. “Fine you want tax increases, then you SHALL LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS! No more debt increases! Nothing more than horrific cuts to the programs you love most. 4 Years of of your 47% being Tossed off the Dole. Go ahead, go blame us, but it will 2 years before you can make your case. But until then you can rule over the rubble. Ready to deal Mr President?”

Did I violate some posting rules by asking that we start a 3rd party named the “Math Party”, since it no longer appears?

    William A. Jacobson in reply to ClinkinKy. | January 2, 2013 at 12:57 pm

    Both were caught in spam filter, not sure why (maybe the username sounds like clicky?), but your other one accidentally was thrown out with the spam. Sorry.

Viewed a live feed last evening/early morning. Had the sound off deliberately. You know, the entire scene/process looked similar to an ant hill, when it’s stirred up.

Ants, have more sense.

fearandloathing | January 2, 2013 at 11:04 am

I’m with JSG1982 on this, and was happy to see his/her post because I’m disappointed in those who decry those with whom they have (in the big picture) slight disagreements about tactics and/or strategy as “not tea party” (NTP) and “RINO” and start talk about a third party. Breaking up the R coalition, using always present tensions between campaign idealism and governing realities as the wedge is Obama’s real victory here. My fear for the tea party is watching factionalism develop within and among groups. Condemning Pat Toomey and Paul Ryan and many others (Boehner included, IMHO) as NTP and RINO without acknowledging that their analysis of the situation might be at least as valid as the opinions of those of us watching intently from the outside only helps the Ds get stronger. Last night, Rep. Camp said something like “Now the Bush tax cuts are permanent and a ceiling has been established for revenues to the federal government. Let’s start working on the real problem – bringing spending into line with revenues.” Let’s help make sure the tide starts turning now!

Our Republican leadership is not as ineffective as we would like to believe, they’ve completely blindsided their supporters.

We once had an effective Speaker of the House, arguably the most effective Speaker in modern times. He balanced the budget for the first and last time in modern history, he constrained welfare programs more than ever before or since and then he shutdown the government to reduce spending.

Did we Republicans support him? No, he took up with another woman after his wife moved out; we simply can’t have that. The RINOs in the house revolted and removed him from power; why would we Republican voters support someone who can’t even hold his own party together?

Republican voters are just like Democrat voters; they voted for flash, kabuki and the soaring promises of the bright young men who gave us Homeland Security, the TSA and Medicare prescription drugs.

We Republican voters go on to run guys we don’t want in national elections and then act surprised when the other side doesn’t want them either. What?

Then the few remaining Republican politicians are stuck in the middle and do the fast dance; listen to my words, don’t watch my feet. They vote for sequestration with no intent of following through; worse, that which they voted to sequester was exactly what the Democrats wanted sequestered.

We did it to ourselves folks, now, just like Democrats, let’s blame the Republicans.

Very little said about the gutless Senators who caved, including my, supposedly conservative Senator Cornyn! How does the Senate get a pass? How many Republican Senators voted against this thing, 5? Jim DeMint was AWOL for whatever reason, still haven’t heard! Of course, everyone seems to agree (not everyone), that he will be so much more effective over at Heritage! Hopefully he shows up for work! Hard to be effective if one is invisible!

The real shocker for me was Paul Ryan! Obama (actually JayBoy)is constantly defending his votes as a Senator by arguing that whatever it was he voted against was gonna pass anyway! Paul Ryan who is the Prophet for the disaster that is coming voted AYE, knowing that his vote wasn’t needed!! Where the Hell does Paul Ryan stand?? Boehner voting AYE is not surprising, Paul Ryan for goodness sakes?

***This deal is projected to yield $620 billion in revenue over a decade—increasing projected federal revenue by about 1.7% over that time.***

[Except it won’t really even do that. The sitting ducks assumed in that static analysis will not stay sitting for this. Wanna see…

People targeted by this tax increase will find ways to beat it. Just like they always do.

***And that’s about it. The Democrats have made the Bush tax rates permanent for 98 percent of the public, which Republicans couldn’t even do when they controlled both houses of Congress and the presidency.***

[And they did it by employing the crassest, most cynical class warfare in American history. Yay, morons…!!!]


    Which is why the GOP really screwed up on it’s PR, the wealthy are smart enough to avoid the theft of government. They were smart in demanding $400k as the cut off and not $250k to save small businesses.

    Let’s face it, the libs are good at lying and the GOP isn’t.

    So Obama got his PR victory and the GOP got the victory for the rest of us, the Clinton tax rates are permanently gone and replaced by the Bush tax rates. After about a week or two the left is going to wake up and realize they got snookered and cry foul. The best thing is Obama is going to claim the victim in this by greedy Repubs.

    Next battle, Debt Ceiling… Those greedy GOPers are going to unemploy a bunch of bureaucrats. Boohoo, boohoo.

MISSION: The GOP needs to go directly to the American people, and bypass the Democrat media, and have the guts to stand up to Hitler — I mean Obama. If they do, Obama will tumble like the house of cards he is. This requires very gutsy, unwaivering people.

We know Boehner misses that description by a country mile, as does Cantor and GOP Chairman Preebuss Reebuss.

That said, we need a laser-like focus on an effort to force Boehner, Cantor and Reebuss’ leadership resignations very quickly.

Otherwise, enjoy “the Germans marching into the Rhineland.” Also enjoy the crisis atmosphere that will be perpetuated by Obama for the next 4 years, with attendant destruction of our country. And destruction is the right word.

The incompetents at the top of the GOP must go — now.

While there is unpleasant to watch the pathetic John Bohener so publicly and continually humiliated (our booting him out with be the finale), remember his backstabbing the very people who voted him in, and the destruction he has wrought on our country by his 2 year cowardice. Then enjoy watching him cry as he gives his resignation speech.

    stevewhitemd in reply to | January 2, 2013 at 1:41 pm

    MISSION: The GOP needs to go directly to the American people, and bypass the Democrat media, …

    Sure. Tell us how.

    Point well taken, but going around the media isn’t the answer. Confronting the media is. This a war and the only response is direct, offensive engagement. But you’re right — this group of people is incapable of it.

      jacksonjay in reply to raven. | January 2, 2013 at 3:18 pm

      The good professor is the best I know on the Web! Did he stop Liz from getting elected in Mass.?

      Will confronting Davy Gregory illuminate the hypocrisy of the MSM and elitist ruling class?

      Did all the coverage of early dividend payments by Obama crony capitalist illuminate the hypocrisy of crony capitalists?

      Newt went after the media in the primary debates! He was able to win one primary! (The moon base lunacy (intended) didn’t help!)

      Yeah, let’s confront that media, don’t hold back, but so far we haven’t been very successful!

        raven in reply to jacksonjay. | January 2, 2013 at 3:58 pm

        A lot of misunderstanding here.

        Attacking the media or media critique, as Breitbart often said, is not the same as direct face-to-face confrontation.

        No, conservatives do not practice media confrontation as a disciplined strategy, one intended to draw out both the shallowness and corrupt advocacy of alleged “journalists” to their faces and force a response and a derailment of their interrogatory supremacy.

        A deliberate and concerted strategy of confrontation would absolutely — easily and quickly and more effectively than anything the GOP could do — damage the Left and radically alter the national political dynamic.

        Yes, confronting David Gregory — forcing him to defend his position (forcing all media into the defensive) — would most certainly illuminate the hypocrisy of the MSM and elitist ruling class.

        The media is our principal enemy. The Left operates through the media. To ignore them simply yields too much ground in the war. To continue to treat them with deference or as good-fath interlocutors continues the charade designed to demoralize and marginalize us. I can’t believe this isn’t more obvious. Question their premises, question their questions, challenge their legitimacy, shame them, mock them — all to their faces. This can be done evenly and calmly; in fact, this is only how it should be done.

        The risks involved are mediated entirely through our understanding of who they are, and our conviction and insistence that they perform as impartial professionals and tell the truth.

        Newt won South Carolina by a massive margin after challenging the media in a non-belligerent, straightforward and fearless manner in two debates. No candidate had ever come close to this kind of sustained and impersonal challenge to the media’s narratives. But Newt pretty much dropped this strategy. It might seem a mystery why, but I don’t think it was. He was taking heat for his “attacks” and was too much of a Washington establishment guy not to be hurt by this. It was Newt’s fatal flaw (not to say he didn’t have serious disqualifying baggage).

          jacksonjay in reply to raven. | January 2, 2013 at 5:50 pm

          Let me get this straight! You say I don’t understand, then you seem to agree with me!

          “No candidate had ever come close to this kind of sustained and impersonal challenge to the media’s narratives. But Newt pretty much dropped this strategy. It might seem a mystery why, but I don’t think it was. He was taking heat for his “attacks” and was too much of a Washington establishment guy not to be hurt by this.”

          Breibart is dead! Who has taken up the cause? I loved Breitbart, but “calm and even” is not how I would describe him! Do you think that he could have been an electable candidate anywhere?

          As I posted on another thread, Jim DeMint was supposed to the be the great conservative warrior. Is he still the Senator? He didn’t show up for the vote! Great opportunity to get some face-time and confront the “media”! Great opportunity for a segway over to Heritage! Anyone in SC heard from Jim? Maybe he had become too much a part of the Washington establishment!

          Maybe you’re right! Maybe Rubio is the guy! I like Bobby Jendal! Maybe Paul Ryan is the guy? No, he voted with Obama! Maybe Chris Christie is the guy, he’s pretty confrontational! No he gave Obama such a slobbery kiss after the huricane that some of us lost faith in him!

          Please tell me who we have that can and will confront the MSM?

          raven in reply to raven. | January 2, 2013 at 7:04 pm

          I didn’t say we had anybody. I’m discussing a strategy, a practical warrior mindset and discipline for the modern conflict with the Left. I was trying to clarify what this means, how it could take form and action. Breitbart was a cultural warrior, not a politician. He was also a freak; no one has done what he did. A politician would have to adapt the technique. Breitbart showed what it means to take the fight to them. This is something politicians can do in their own way at every instance of public or media interaction.

          None of the politicians you mentioned impress me as modern warriors capable of fighting the Left in this sedulous way. That’s the problem. We are stuck with clods and naifs. The Left remains a cipher to too many within the GOP. It’s like a virus we can’t name or diagnose and for reasons of fear and self-interest (and compromised political backgrounds) wouldn’t if we could. It is really the darkest of times. To fight a desperate war is one thing; to be in a war and not know it, against an enemy you fundamentally cannot name and refuse to confront, is simply torturous. And yet that is where we are.

          I can say with absolute confidence that the Left is NOT hard to defeat. They are shallow, emotional, smug and scared of open and extended dicourse. But the fight requires qualities of awareness and character in short supply these days, qualities the Left is doing everything it can to stamp out of existence (and doing very well at it).

    The GOP needs to go directly to the American people, and bypass the Democrat media, and have the guts to stand up to Hitler — I mean Obama.

    Bush Obama is Hitler.

    Godwin alert!

Exactly right. While the Left is united by the singular monetary/material incentive, the Right has no similar consensus.

We need to have an “R” after our names only because in our two-party system, third parties fail and/or hand elections to Democrats.

There’s the open question.

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to n.n. | January 2, 2013 at 2:09 pm

    Actually, several open questions.

    1) will there be elections in 2014 and 2016?
    2) will the votes be counted honestly since the Republicans cannot fight vote fraud? see:
    3) will the Institutional Republicans allow candidates who will fight both their control and the Democrats to run? Keep in mind that at the last convention they changed the nominating rules to place candidate selection firmly in the hands of the party and not the grassroots.
    4) is there enough time to save the country by electoral means; especially since the number of those who are willing and eager to vote to be slaves has reached critical mass?

    Much of our future turns on those answers. And the prognosis is not sanguine.

    Subotai Bahadur

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BannedbytheGuardian | January 2, 2013 at 10:01 pm

I see there is a Rum rebate in there for PR & the Virgin Islands.

Singing Rum & coca cola
Working for the Yankee Dollar.