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“The Blind Leading the Blind” Week at College Insurrection

“The Blind Leading the Blind” Week at College Insurrection

The Blind

Leading The Blind

While in the land of the blind, the one-eyed student is king


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Re: the water bottle ban:

New store-bought disposable water bottles are way too thin, almost worthless anyway. They leak in your purse, book bag, etc. Ruined one of my favorite Bibles. I wrote the company to complain, but that did no good. Not even an apology.

Now, I use old plastic diet coca cola and seltzer bottles, wash them in the dishwasher on low heat dry and re-fill them with filtered water at my kitchen sink. I keep a bucket full of water bottles in my car and at the back door to take to the gym, etc. Works great.

Let them dare try to ban my system. Eco-green idiots – bring it!