Liberals hate Wal-Mart >> Wal-Mart helps the poor = Liberals hate the poor
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Liberals hate Wal-Mart >> Wal-Mart helps the poor = Liberals hate the poor

Liberals hate Wal-Mart >> Wal-Mart helps the poor = Liberals hate the poor

Just applying a little election year anti-Republican logic to the Black Friday union protests against Wal-Mart, which mostly were a fizzle.

Via Lachlan Markay’s Storify entry.

It’s hard keeping up with all the emerging social media tools; Storify is just another thing which, while probably useful, makes my head spin, like Pinterest. I just signed up for Storify, but I have no idea what to do with it.


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Something you have to keep in mind about the Collective as they claim to be “the friend of the working class”…

they deplore actual working class people. Consider their savage misuse of us, as shown in the Clinton years.

Like any other “victim class”, any working class person who poses a threat, or steps out of line will be treated like Paula Jones or Joe The Plumber.

    Radegunda in reply to Ragspierre. | November 24, 2012 at 12:02 pm

    I remember when some solid Democrat friends had to find a place to live between the two cities where they got university jobs. She complained that the place had too many chain-link fences and pickup trucks — i.e., too many of the blue-collar workers that Dems profess to sympathize with.

      LukeHandCool in reply to Radegunda. | November 24, 2012 at 2:34 pm

      That’s just it.

      Their love of the poor is purely theoretical.

      It’s like Maslow’s Pyramid. When all their material needs are satiated, the pinnacle of the pinnacle, self-realization, is thinking of themselves as noble, selfless beings.

      This process is rendered even more effective when they imbue the poor with all kinds of romantic qualities.

      Our side is trying to teach the poor how to fish, and, the leftists are standing on the other side of the lake, waving the poor over, yelling, “Screw that! Here … we’re handing out free fish … care of the government! We care more!”

    jdkchem in reply to Ragspierre. | November 25, 2012 at 7:03 pm

    They deplore working hence the reason so many become social “workers”.

“6. … the money has to come from somewhere. But where?”

A question that Dem-leftists never give much thought to.

I see Mr. Suderman’s error: He’s using logic and reason to explain “cause and effect” instead of using feelings and emotions. It’s sooooooo much easier to call the rich greedy.

    The purpose of which is to stroke the liberal / lefty’s ego …. it’s not about actually doing good things for the poor, it’s to FEEL good about your willingness to “do good things” for the poor (yes, with other people’s money).

    Point out that a liberal’s policies DON’T WORK and you get called heartless, greedy, etc.

Professor, could you please stop calling these lunatics “liberals”, they are radical lefties!

and they hate anyone and everyone. They’re never happy, they thrive on unhappiness, destruction.

Nothing but a bunch of unhappy radical lefty punks.

–coming from a former lefty!

Jim Jubak at MSN Money had a great piece he wrote around 2006 or 2007 called,

“Let Wal-Mart Fix US Health Care” which I posted here at LI a year or two ago. Looks like it is no longer available online … I can only find some short excerpts.

He talked about Wal-Marts walk-in clinics where, for $45 and no appointment, you could get your child immunized, have an ear ache or strep throat treated … and Wal-Mart has increasing numbers of generics available at $10 for a 3-month supply.

Jubak said that he has excellent health insurance himself, but he often uses Wal-Mart’s for the majority of his care because no appointment is needed and it’s cheap.

As Suderman says, kill this and you kill an affordable supplement to our health care system which provides immediate and cheap access to low-income consumers.

Cut off the poors’ noses to spite Wal-Mart, leftist loons!

As when illegal immigrants are deported, there are Americans with low knowledge or low skill (e.g. young) looking for jobs. There are also Americans who are seeking a low energy requirement (e.g. old) position. With over 8% unemployment and up to 20% underemployed, the unions’ cause is unsympathetic and they are willfully burying themselves.

It’s interesting to note that unions, especially public, are leaders of supporting inflationary or otherwise distorting policies to which they subsequently demand compensation for the emergent consequences.

Walmart should have held a job fair on the day of the strike. With 8% of Americans unemployed and up to 50% receiving welfare or “extended” benefits, it is an employer’s market.

I thought like everyone like knew about Storify. like OMG

Like, how 5 minutes ago is that?

(I just signed up like 4.9 minutes ago. wink!)

Wouldn’t Costco be a poor comparison, actually? They could be compared with Sam’s Club, but not really with Wal-Mart, as Wal-Mart is retail, but Costco is wholesale.

Costco seems a well-run company, and well-priced. But they’re not the same as Wal-Mart.

I worked for Wal-Mart a few years ago. They paid decent. I was paid according to my experience – in janitorial – not minimum wage. Attacks on Wal-Mart tend to be fantasy-based. Nothing more. 🙂

9thDistrictNeighbor | November 24, 2012 at 5:43 pm

Suderman obviously has never set foot in a Wal-Mart.

    Funny, I could have sworn I heard him say this:

    “Finally, as someone who’s actually been a regular, small-town Walmart shopper, I’d like to argue for its community benefits.”

    Did you happen to read any of his tweets above?

Jack The Ripper | November 24, 2012 at 5:57 pm

The most delicious ironies were when the “union” protesters outside a Wal-Mart in Las Vegas were being paid by the union that hired them $1/hour less than the Wal-Mart associates inside the nice air-conditioned store.

And, the local Chicago politician who was a strong critic of Wal-Mart on labor grounds (as opposed to, say, eminent domain), whose political campaign bought its poster boards and other supplies at a Wal-Mart, and one that was not that close by. Want to say it was a dozen miles away.

Bottom Line: This is NOT the Soviet Union. Nobody HAS TO WORK for Wal-Mart. There are other employers out there and even things like baby-sitting, house painting, and landscaping, waiting tables, bar tending, delivering pizza, handyman, courier, “car service.” I know someone who made good money during law school as a valet at an upscale hotel, plus some other “perks” like leftover champagne and food.

In the past six months or so, George Soros, the liberal patron of, has taken a big position (4.8 million shares = $300 million value) in Walmart stock. He knows a bargain when he sees one.

What with Walmart’s love of Obamacare and their fondness for eminent domain statism, you’d think the lefties would like Walmart.

Jack The Ripper | November 24, 2012 at 11:12 pm

At one point, it appeared that GM might get handed over to the unions, which I thought would be an excellent opportunity to let the unions show us how health care and retirement benefits should be run. Sort of like sending Elizabeth Warren and all Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protesters to Haiti so that they can show us how to fix a society.

[…] how the assault on Walmart is really going to hurt the poor. I like how Legal Insurrection puts it: Liberals hate Wal-Mart >> Wal-Mart helps the poor = Liberals hate the poor. And for some of the tweets by […]

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Honest Leftist loon: “I love mankind; it’s poor people I can’t stand.”

I have a coworker who claims to be Republican on economic policy but refuses to shop Walmart because somehow Walmart is EEEEEEEVVVVIIIIL.

Worth pointing out that Costco is a membership operation and, in fact, they make the bulk of their profits (as I understand it) from those fees. Not really a good pairing with Walmart.