Mia B. Love will be speaking at the RNC tonight with the theme “The America I Know.”
As you know from prior coverage here, she’s in a tough fight in the newly formed and heavily Republican Utah-04 district against incumbent Jim Matheson, who has family name recognition (his father was a former Governor) and a knack for strategically voting against his party when convenient and when his vote is not needed in order to portray himself as a moderate on TV.
The latest public polling, which is two months old, shows Matheson with a strong lead, but that will change as Love gains more name recognition and hits the airwaves both on her own and with help from Republican-aligned groups.
Matheson has a tremendous money advantage, having spend years cultivating business PAC money and not having to face a primary. Matheson has $1.2 million cash on hand versus $277,000 for Love.
This race has been our focus since early January when Love was barely known and given close to zero chance of winning the primary. She came on strong as people got to know her and won an overwhelming majority of the vote at the convention.
Now it’s time to give her some monetary help, which she needs right now. While Love will get advertising help from outside groups (as will Matheson), that help cannot fund her campaign. This race is one of our 10 Operation Counterweight races.
In conjunction with her speech tonight, Love has launched a money bomb, aptly named Love Bomb!
Please go over there and donate now. I just did.
Just made a donation to Mia Love mialove.nationbuilder.com/love_bmb_don?r…
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) August 28, 2012

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
What? Another “Conservative Black Chick” (ref Crystal Wright at http://conservativeblackchick.com/)?
I don’t know why, but it makes me think of Arlo Guthrie’s song “Alice’s Restaurant” which I haven’t heard for years. Yet, there’s something in the lyrics about one person singing the song and people will think so and so.
And if two do it, they’ll think so and so. I forget what the number is at which is it considered a movement. Maybe, something not quite of a movement is happening, but there’s some momentum in that direction.
The Love Bomb website leaves uncertainty. Pressing the ‘Process Donation’ button causes some internet file action, but brings the viewer back to the same screen before pressing the button – complete with would-be donor’s name, address, credit card number etc – and no acknowlegement of the donation.
Please improve.
All you need is Love …
All you need is Love …
All together now, Ellen Barkin …
What has a has-been, washed-up, dried-up old former starlet like Ellen Barkin got to do with the price of facelifts in Malibu?
I heart Love.
[…] ANNOUNCING THE MIA LOVE LOVE BOMB. (Via Prof. Jacobson). […]
She’s giving a great interview on Meagan Kelly right now.
She’s a good candidate, but the district was drawn specifically so any Republican without a felony arrest record could retire Matheson this year.