Word of the Day
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Word of the Day

Word of the Day


(I’m already preparing Pep Talk IV)


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Up early here in California, hoping to learn soon that we still have some of our freedoms, thinking about playing on a school playground in 1954, when one of the major responses to criticism was: “It’s a free country.” I haven’t heard my grandkids say that.
I am hoping for the best. A good result and wife and I will put up our holiday American flag.

Yea I know what ya mean Professor

While this ruling, regardless of the options, is a big f’n deal (as Biden would say), we still have a lot of work regardless. If it is bad, well we have more work. If it is good slightly less, but the battle goes on.

The Wall Street Journal notes President Obama “has been doing more than sitting back and waiting” for the Supreme Court’s health care decision. He has “three separate speeches prepared in anticipation of the ruling on his signature legislative achievement.”

“One of the speeches addresses a complete overturn of the law, while another is crafted as if the court strikes down the law’s individual mandate but upholds other provisions. The third speech, for if the court upholds the entire law, is more celebratory, according to this person.”

The TOTUS is ready.

Ah, you’re preparing for either outcome. “Dread” the day a President comes promising gifts for all at the expense of others. (court upholds)

Or, “Dread” the day, Mr. President, when you mess with the rights of the people according to the constitution. (court overturns part or all)

[…] Jacobson will have coverage throughout the day, so check in with […]

jimzinsocal | June 28, 2012 at 9:30 am

My dread beyond what SCOTUS decides is an Obama reaction that attempts to devalue any decision. I have nightmares of some Executive Order scheme that punts any change to at least after the election. That assumes parts of ACT are struck down or the entire ACT.
Pundits seem to think any Executive Order that reverses decisions is out of the question. I hope they are correct.
I worry about Obama attempting to “save face” given his limitless vanity. I might ask…do we think a President that adds himself to the various biographies of past Presidents is above an EO scheme?
I wish I were that convinced.
I hope the entire ACT is struck down.

Rick’s post above. I recall that. Also the one suggesting “you arent the boss of me”

That’s the word for me, Professor.
Maybe I’ll be able to nap when it’s all over…

Henry Hawkins | June 28, 2012 at 11:04 am

Thank God the GOP is running a firebrand conservative who would never have anything to do with an insurance mandate.

Oh, wait..