Does this suprise anyone? Oh, to not agree with Rahm Emanuel in Chicago:
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is not returning calls from the Ricketts family and is “livid” over a New York Times report that Joe Ricketts commissioned a proposal for a multimillion-dollar ad campaign linking President Obama to the president’s former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, according to an Emanuel aide.
Joe Ricketts’s children, which include Obama bundler Laura Ricketts, bought the Chicago Cubs in 2009 and have been in talks with the city about renovating the team’s 98-year-old stadium, Wrigley Field.
That appears to be on hold now.
Ricketts now has a target on his back, and despite the fact that the proposal was just a proposal to him which was not acted on, his ability to deal with government will be severely hampered.
Now had Ricketts been a major liberal billionaire, and had the proposal been to go after Mitt Romney based on his connection to the Mormon Church and its racial history, there would be no retribution by Republican politicians. And The NY Times not only would not have cared, it would have fed the information to its columnists.
How’s that 2008 election working out for the country, Senator McCain?
“Senator McCain is very proud of the campaign he ran in 2008,” said Brian Rogers, the spokesman. “He stands by the decisions he made during that race and would make them again today.”

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Do we have anyone on our side with enough resources and guts to run this ad campaign? It needs to be told.
Yes. And yes.
And, right, it does need to be put out there. Often and repeatedly.
This is a job for Breitbarts.
Maybe us “little people” should combine to fund this, since the Obamic ENEMY machine would have NO success at targeting us, and many of us don’t give a flying FLUCK…
Grassroots are hard to intimidate.
I would contribute to a fund along the lines you suggest.
It’s about $10k just for one billboard. Maybe we could start a PAC? Anybody know how to start a PAC?
1. Begin the process of moving the team. Explain why. The burbs are one possibility. Out of state is another.
If Scott Walker survives his recall as seems likely, talk to him about a site right across the WI border.
2. When I first heard about this brouhahaha, I wasn’t interested in the anti-Wright ads, but the Left always telegraphs what they fear.
3. “Obama remains personally well-liked.” Maybe the theme of a negative ad campaign should be something like America, whatever you decide in November, you can’t say nobody warned you.
A “site right across the border” would be called, “Milwaukee,” wouldn’t it?
I doubt they could support two teams, although the loss of prestige to Chicago under Rahm would be sweet to watch.
Ha ha ha ha! more popcorn!
The influence exerted by the left is disproportionate to their minority status. I wonder who provides their financial backing. Presumably, Americans are the alphas in the world, but then a case such as this calls into question that legitimacy of that assumption.
“I wonder who provides their financial backing”
Can be Googled.
Many individuals and groups give large contributions to parties, candidates, and outside spending groups. It’s what you do with the $$$ that counts.
“Senator McCain is very proud of the campaign he ran in 2008,” said Brian Rogers, the spokesman. “He stands by the decisions he made during that race and would make them again today.”
To paraphrase Elaine Benis, that’s because he’s an idiot.
Raven, that’s it.
You are tooooo kind, Sir. Idiot does not cover enough bases oh how sorry this RINO is.
Ruh roh. There’s nothing worse than pissing off a ballerina mafia boss.
If Senator McCain is proud and would do things the same way over again, I guess that’s because he likes losing.
As for Romney, repeating someone else’s mistakes will only guarantee the same result.
It is time this President were finally vetted. If we continue to declare certain areas off limits for fear of being labeled racists, then we must be ready to lose again.
We shouldn’t be afraid to show the Wright material if it reflects on Obama.
However, our success or failure in November will hinge on how well we present Obama’s record as President.
If I were Axelrod, I’d rather scream Racist! at oppo material on Obama than talk about the economy. That doesn’t mean we withhold the oppo stuff; it means we take care that it doesn’t obscure the essential message about Obama’s governance.
Part of a piece, gs.
Or, put another way, Obama has governed as a racist who has internalized anti-Americanism…down in the bone.
The Wright doctrine explains the Obamic Decline.
Romney sets the right tone … he wants to talk about our future, and Obama’s record.
But there are a lot of people voting against Obama more than for Romney. Those people should have a voice speaking truth, just as loud as the NY Post and all other leftist media spreading propaganda.
Romney PACs bashed Gingrich with dishonest ads, but Gingrich gets less sympathy from the public. Obama has palm fronds laid down is his path, but someone still needs to get the truth out there beyond the FOX news audience.
Leno last night said Chris Matthews made so many mistakes on Jeopardy, that FOX News wants to hire him. Of course Leno’s NBC is affiliated with MSNBC, but there will be no shortage of on air comedic trashing of Romney and all conservatives.
I think an effective ad would be someone showing clips of the late show hosts and SNL group and saying, “They don’t make jokes about Obama because there is nothing funny about what he is doing”, and then show some of the economic damage he has caused.
Today’s San Diego Union-Tribune is carrying an AP article that claims these ads were “racially focused.”
Letting people know that Barack Obama sat in church while Jeremiah Wright slandered the United States with his demonstrably false claim that the US government invented HIV infection for the purpose of killing people of color is now “racially focused.”
“Joe Ricketts’s children, which include Obama bundler Laura Ricketts”
And I’m supposed to care that a Chicago thug is dissing an Obama bundler? Ain’t happening.
McCain does not learn from his mistakes, only a fool makes the same mistake twice. Fortunately we will not have to suffer from the same failure because he will not get to fail at running for president again giving us another incompetent democrat.