Eric Holder has been selected as Harvard Law School’s Class Day Speaker. I don’t remember if there was a Class Day when I was there, but I would not have attended anyway for reasons already known to readers.
Holder will be greeted with posters protesting Holder’s stalling of the congressional investigation into Fast and Furious. The protest is being run by student(s) behind a website called Harvard Law Unbound.
The title of the website is a take-off on Unbound – Harvard Journal of the Legal Left, which Professor Bainbridge has listed as a contender for “the least necessary organization in the law school world.” Having scrolled through its website, I’d say Prof. Bainbridge was far too nice. Prof. Jonathan Adler found this early nugget:
Ultimately, I propose that it is irrelevant whether the stories I tell here are “true,” as in fair or “factually” accurate. I see them through my own set of values and my social location as a white, heterosexual woman. I put the spin of my own brain and heart on them. I admit that right now.
Havard Law Unbound has been plastering Harvard Law bulletin boards with a variety of anti-Big Law posters this spring, and now has turned its attention to Holder’s appearance on Wednesday with posters such as this one:
Today we launch a new Unbound Campaign: “Think Bigger: Help Hold Eric Holder Accountable for ‘Fast and Furious.”
This is our first four-poster campaign. As before, posters will be going up on bulletin boards throughout the Law School to publicize some of the issues brought to the fore by Eric Holder’s visit to the campus this Wednesday.
I wonder how long they will stay up. And how long before half of the Justice Department is tasked with unmasking the force behind Harvard Law Unbound.
Updates 5-22-2012: Harvard Law “journal of the legal left” attempts to silence anti-Holder protest website and Harvard Law succeeds in taking down anti-Holder Fast and Furious protest website.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
I feel quite certain we will know if any of the Unbound folks have a tax lien in 3… 2… 1…
I wish I could be there to protest with them.
I would love to be there to protest with them! The MSM here in southern Arizona has all but forgotten Brian Terry and Fast and Furious. It’s disgusting and shamful.
It’s wonderful that at least a few dissenting voices still exist in academia.
Holder will have the protestors rounded up. The protest signs should have pictures of “windex” on them, since transparency is his big failure.
I am glad to learn of this, and to see this sign, and that Brian Terry gets top billing, and will upstage Holder.
Well I can’t say for certain what is going to happen but if I were a horse I would be more than a little concerned about this upcoming election ….I suspect cory booker woke up the other morning with a horse’s head in bed with him
What day is this supposed to happen?
[…] » Protesting Eric Holder over Fast and Furious at Harvard Law – Le·gal In·… The title of the website is a take-off on Unbound – Harvard Journal of the Legal Left, which Professor Bainbridge has listed as a contender for “the least necessary organization in the law school world.” Having scrolled through its website, I’d say Prof. Bainbridge was far too nice. Prof. Jonathan Adler found this early nugget: Ultimately, I propose that it is irrelevant whether the stories I tell here are “true,” as in fair or “factually” accurate. I see them through my own set of values and my social location as a white, heterosexual woman. I put the spin of my own brain and heart on them. I admit that right now. […]
[…] is an update to my post yesterday regarding the protest organized against Eric Holder’s visit to Harvard Law School tomorrow, specifically his stonewalling the […]