While Elizabeth Warren is doing well in the polls, her story about not promoting herself as Native American for professional purposes continues to fall apart.
Michael Patrick Leahy, writing at Breitbart.com today, links to an article in the Spring 1993 issue of the student-run Harvard Women’s Law Journal, when Warren was a visiting professor at Harvard Law. (Side note, it’s a very common practice among law schools who are considering hiring someone permanently to have them “visit”.)
Yet while just a visitor, Warren was listed in the Women’s Law Journal on the list of “Women of Color in Legal Academia.” Where would the student editors have come up with the idea that Warren was a “woman of color”? Certainly not from looking at her.
The Journal used the 1991-1992 AALS directory list of Minority Law Teachers — on which Warren’s name appeared as we now know based on her claiming Native American status — as a starting point, then gathered other information from other sources, and then sent out confirmation letters.
This is further proof of how important the AALS Directory was in pre-internet days. Warren apparently did not object to being listed when she received the confirmation letter, and it’s hard to believe she did not read the issue when it came out since she was visiting at Harvard and was listed. Indeed, the bio is current as of 1993, listing Warren as being a visitor at Harvard, so it was not just stale information pulled from the 1991-1992 AALS directory.
Leahy also spoke with Charles W. Mooney, a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School since 1986, right around the time Warren started there. Mooney confirms Warren “mentioned that she had Native American heritage. She didn’t keep that a secret, but I don’t remember any particular context where she raised it.”
That all is hugely significant in light of prior statements by Warren and her campaign.
Warren and her campaign repeatedly have tried to direct the conversation to whether she used her alleged Native American status when applying for jobs or whether Harvard hired her because of that status.
She’s been too cute by half, and deliberately misdirecting the issue.
There would be no reason for Warren to bring up her alleged Native American heritage, it was common knowledge among her law school peers, particularly by the time she was under consideration by Harvard. Even the students at the Harvard Women’s Law Journal in 1993 — right at the time Warren was under consideration for a permanent position — knew to list Warren as a “woman of color.”
Warren’s “woman of color” status was the classic nod-and-wink,
And as we now know, Warren’s narrative was false, and Warren never had anything more than the flimsiest basis of “family lore,” if indeed she even had that flimsy basis.
What is important is not whether Harvard made a decision based on the false narrative, but that Warren created the false narrative in the first place to put herself in a position to benefit from a minority status she did not deserve.
But that’s not all to drop today.
As reported by The Boston Globe today, Harvard likely made false federal filings based on Warren’s self-identification as Native American:
US Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren has said she was unaware that Harvard Law School had been promoting her purported Native American heritage until she read about it in a newspaper several weeks ago.
But for at least six straight years during Warren’s tenure, Harvard University reported in federally mandated diversity statistics that it had a Native American woman in its senior ranks at the law school. According to both Harvard officials and federal guidelines, those statistics are almost always based on the way employees describe themselves.
In addition, both Harvard’s guidelines and federal regulations for the statistics lay out a specific definition of Native American that Warren does not meet.
The documents suggest for the first time that either Warren or a Harvard administrator classified her repeatedly as Native American in papers prepared for the government in a way that apparently did not adhere to federal diversity guidelines. They raise further questions about Warren’s statements that she was unaware Harvard was promoting her as Native American.
There is more out there. We just need to open the crack in the wall a little more.
We need to do it since, as Howie Carr notes, we are dealing with a Massachusetts electorate:
Meanwhile, what I found most interesting in the new Suffolk poll numbers was not the Warren-Scott Brown dead heat, but the fact that 49 percent of the electorate still believes that this fraud has Native-American blood.
Forty-nine percent — now we know the moonbat baseline in Massachusetts. And to think that they call themselves “reality-based.”
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to the full extent allowed by law.
Lies on lies to cover up lies.
Ratchet up the heat on Harvard. They have no shame about Warren or their hiring practices.
But they DO have a weak place WRT the Federal law. And it is apparent they were violating it.
Oh, and selling a tub of ten-day old prairie crab to the academic community, as well.
That can’t be good….
Front page in the Boston Glob…Princess Spreading Bull
I’m getting the feeling that the citizens of Massachusetts have already factored in Warren’s lies into her I.P.O. share price. And at this point, they probably see this as piling on a poor helpless squaw, so the daily confirmations of what we already know may be having a counter effect.
Think of what happened to Hillary Clinton’s poll ratings when Rick Lazio approached her during their senatorial debate. That’s why Warren keeps trying to tie Brown to the attacks “on my family.”
“Harvard likely made false federal filings based on Warren’s self-identification as Native American”
I talked to friend of mine who is Cherokee and that was their first impression, that its a crime for Harvard to falsify federal documents to qualify as recipient of federal subsidy for diversity programs.
BOOM – It’s raining shoes.
Surely there is a standard higher than “Mommy approval” for verifying Native American heritage. This involves federal funding and national prestige.
But Liz is back to saying she IS Cherokee ‘cuz her Mommy said so … and you haters better leave her mommy alone. She seems to be stuck with defending the lies. She certainly can’t come clean and admit to fraud, and having zero Cherokee heritage, she is stuck with the “I’m stupid, you’re racist/misogynist” defense.
The idea of “diversity” preferences is pretty crazy anyway. Native Americans and SOME blacks may still have some shaky grounds to racial preference, but certainly not Obama or Warren.
Harvard been took! Harvard been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok!
I’m sure that a thorough audit of Harvard AA records would reveal many more “Warren” style impersonations…
So umm, the Colonists fought the Battle of Bunker/Breed’s Hill for this!?
You cannot spell Massachusetts, without the highlighted portion of the state name.
For the Left the ends justify the means. And, it is not wrong unless you are caught. In this case Warren cheated the Left’s own affirmative action program as a means to a higher political end: permanent moonbattery.
And now we hear that Paleface Warren, in true color, is blaming her mother for her claim to minority fame. I suppose George Bush could also be blamed just for being president during the moonbat’s era and also Bain Capital for being Bain Capital and…
Heh! First she blames someone else for HER lie and one has to wonder who’ll she will blame for theft when it comes to the plagiarized cookbook?
OTOH, it appears to me that she meets all of the requirements to run as a liberal…
Well it’s interesting stuff I admit. But how does it affect the election?
Or put another way, she’s a liar and a cheat. Which means she qualifies for federal office in Massachusetts. Cynic? I am!
Harvard must be sweating now. Oh wait…the DOJ is busy forcing U Ark to let a guy use the ladies room, even though the TSA verified he has more than 1/32 of his “junk.”
Idea: Marylou’s is in trouble with the DOJ for having nice girls at the counter. See if “my mom told me I was ugly” works for them.
My two bits:
1 – Someone needs to do a bit of research on how much Federal Funding Harvard received during the period of time that they were claiming Warren as a woman of color. EEOC audits can be a nasty thing.
2 – I happened to catch the video of the local reporter that was pestering Warren…. and she made a great comment about Scott Brown’s votes were harming middle class families. That could be a defendable position, but I’d love to see an ad campaign outlining how Warren’s regulatory involvement with the Consumer Protection thingy has done actual harm to families through higher fees, less access to credit and so forth – now that’s a serious vulnerability if it’s handled in an easy to understand education formula.
The Boston Globe publishing this story on the front page at this time will probably have more negative impact on Warren than all the blogs written about her to date.