571 tax delinquents owing $17 million signed Walker recall petitions
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571 tax delinquents owing $17 million signed Walker recall petitions

571 tax delinquents owing $17 million signed Walker recall petitions

Via MacIver Institute:

After refining the dataset created by Verify the Recall, a Wisconsin man began running it against other public records and discovered 571 tax delinquents signed Recall petitions.

His findings? The total in back taxes owed by petitioners is more than $17 million. The list of individuals can be found through the website, www.putwisconsinfirst.com

Before Put Wisconsin First began releasing its databases, petition signers initially tried to convince the Government Accountability Board not to release copies of the recall petitions to the public at all. Signers then criticized Put Wisconsin First and Verify the Recall for creating searchable databases of the petitioners’ names. Now that Put Wisconsin First is running their names against other public records, they really aren’t happy. The site has received plenty of hate mail.

The list of delinquents is here.

My guess is they are part of the 45%:

Embattled Republican Governor Scott Walker holds a five-point lead over his newly nominated Democratic challenger Tom Barrett in Wisconsin’s special recall election.

A new Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey shows that 50% of the state’s Likely Voters prefer Walker while 45% choose Barrett. Two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate and another two percent (2%) are undecided.


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radiofreeca | May 10, 2012 at 5:03 pm

Ah – the irony – people who refuse to pay the taxes they already owe, supporting political candidates who want to raise taxes.

They want to have their cake and eat it too. That is a certain sign of delusion. Fortunately, the majority of people in Wisconsin seem to be more rational and sane.

Just like congress, which exempts itself and its staff from laws that it enacts for the masses.

“Signers then criticized Put Wisconsin First and Verify the Recall for creating searchable databases of the petitioners’ names. Now that Put Wisconsin First is running their names against other public records, they really aren’t happy. The site has received plenty of hate mail.”

More information = GOOD

“Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out.”


Is that 571 unique tax delinquents? Some of them signed more than once. Scroll down the list of names, and to the left of their name is their number on a particular petition. If a person has their name listed twice, with “#3” in the left column for the first listing, and “#4” for the second listing, that means that the first petition they signed they were the third signature, and on the second petition they signed they were the fourth signature. Will signing these petitions more than once result in any consequence? Probably no more than their failure to pay taxes.

These people are professionals. Don’t try these tricks at home.

    Deblyn62 in reply to Milwaukee. | May 14, 2012 at 9:48 am

    Thats also why the liberal judge (whose wife went door to door collecting signatures for the recall) wouldn’t give Scott Walker enough time to verify the signatures. Thats how dead people, Donald Duck and Captain Hook had a say in the recall.

Feel good story of the day! I hope they send the list to the IRS. I know how “kind” and “understanding” that little group can be.

[…] Do check out the Prof’s latest report on the recall situation in Wisconsin. Share this:TwitterEmailFacebookMoreStumbleUponRedditDiggLike this:LikeOne blogger likes this post. from → Aaron Goldstein, Barack Hussein Obama, Elections 2012, Fools & Idiots, Leftist Playbook, Mitt Romney, The Spot-On Quote Of The Day, William Jacobson ← Election Inspection: Que Pasa Wolverines On The Attack Again → 6 Comments leave one → […]

alan markus | May 10, 2012 at 6:03 pm

Off topic, this is a technical concern, but it seems that clicking on the links here takes one away from the Legal Insurrection website. Don’t get the “back” arrow option, and have to log-in again. And I like to follow links.

    jimg in reply to alan markus. | May 10, 2012 at 6:17 pm


    Right click on a link, and it gives you several options … one of which is ‘open link in a new tab/window’.

    And there ya go.

      quiznilo in reply to jimg. | May 10, 2012 at 7:24 pm

      or hold down “shift” as you click on a link. It should pop up in a new window.

        blackened in reply to quiznilo. | May 11, 2012 at 1:52 pm

        Or if the wheel on your mouse also doubles as a button you can just click it to open in a new tab.

Damn … that averages over $29,000 each

I just love the list – Sex Offenders for recall! Only fitting that the worst of the worst is weighing their options under Walker and that they support the libs in Wisconsin. And love the good job that our groups have done to compile the lists. Anytime you can link the criminals to the criminals associated with this recall = transparency!!!!

    WIrsol in reply to Granny55. | May 14, 2012 at 11:54 am

    Granny, where did you come up with THAT kind of conclusion? It wasn’t in the article, did you MAKE IT UP?

Wonderful, keep it up, put tem on notice. To repeat my post under your “Warren Fraudster” column

“Republicans need to do more of this. Sticking with facts, these sanctimonious snobs, crooks, hypocrites, fools, and entitled elites should be called out and exposed by Republicans anywhere and everywhere they are in electoral races – Democrat or (Dick Lugar) Republican.. Don’t stop. Don’t let up. Let them whine, squirm, and protest all they want. Their cronyism, bureaucratic excesses, back room extra-legal legislative shenanigans, profligate spending, and economic daydreaming should all be subject to the same criticism and ridicule. It is the only thing that will drive them away and let everyone – Democrat and Republican – return to discussing the important issues facing the country today.”

Don’t stop.

Oh, the hyprocrisy of it all.

Makes sense that they would support someone who will raise taxes since they don’t pay them anyway.

[…] Scott Walker recall petitioners are found to be stinking tax evaders. […]