Joe the Plumber is back and this time he is fighting for keeps, a place in Congress. What can he expect this time from the main stream media? If the past is any guide, a pretty rough go and then some. Think of the Christine O’Donnell treatment on steroids.
Joe is used to this treatment so he should fare better than Ms. O’Donnell, but the hypocrisy in how those from the right are treated by the media and the left is crystallized when we look at the dirt thrown Joe’s way in the not so distant past:
Dumber than Joe the Plumber…..old, angry, white, uneducated, misinformed Americans
They prey on people like Joe the Plumber, who don’t really understand the issues
Joe needed a ghostwriter to help write his book
Not even Joe the Plumber could plumb the depths of Cincinnati’s wretchedness
See if you are an upstart conservative, you are stupid. Yet, those on the left upstart or otherwise are hailed as brilliant. President Obama’s intelligence has no limits. Hillary Clinton is master of both the written and unwritten word. Funny though, she never gets criticized for using a ghostwriter on her book “It Takes a Village,” a fact she tried to hide from the public unlike Joe the Plumber:
Hillary fails to acknowledge help she received in preparing “It Takes a Village”
If the stupid treatment does not work, then statements you made on social issues are cherry picked to make you look like a fool. This was done to perfection on Christine O’Donnell and is now being applied to Joe:
Queer means strange and unusual
When will Ms. Fluke be put to the test for her positions? Probably like President Obama, on the 12th of Never:
Why are you vetting me and you haven’t done this to Obama?
The Daily Show outside Joe the Plumber’s House
And if all else fails, make comparisons to the Nazis:
Sorry, I know this is stereotyping, but he looks jackbootish to me…
As we all know, the left can smear with impunity, no threats to their sponsors. Joe is going up against the machine; the opposition will not fight fair. It is going to be a long, hard slog for him. We know he is up to the task, but is the electorate?
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to the full extent allowed by law.
This is just the Collective being the Collective…or dogs barking.
It is their well-worn, lock-step treatment of anyone who is NOT them.
1. they are stupid
2. they are ill-formed (i.e., unenlightened)
3. they are “plants” (a pretty piece of projection)
4. they are crazy/Nazi/Stalinist/haters
While pretending they are the sole champions of
1. working people
2. the common man
3. tolerance
4. loving kindness
High-larry-ous…in a sick, perverted, moronic sort of way.
Joe was smart enough to trip up Obama, so if they think Joe is stupid, what’s that make O?
The audacity of a mere mortal, a plumber at that, which presumes to reveal that their alpha (or mortal god) is a charlatan!
Shame! Shame! Shame!
Think of the children!
Sacrifice a virginal human life to demonstrate fealty before your mortal god!
With liberal doses of delusion, it becomes progressive to abdicate dignity.
Never mind the MSM, Louis; the Establishment Republicans might be a lot worse.
I think Joe is going to do spectacularly well in the election.
He’s a house hold name, and he has a spine of steel.
He already knows how to Be Breitbart.
Can’t wait to see him slay the media dragon.
He can’t do worse than the parasites that pass policies to denigrate individual dignity, devalue human life, and amass a recorded public debt of $15.5 trillion — a truly progressive (in every sense) achievement. I truly hope the Republicans, and Democrats that retain even a semblance of dignity, have a hidden strategy.
“We know he is up to the task, but is the electorate?”
If we are talking about the electorate which represents the Jon Stewart most-watched T-Wee demographic ie 18-49, medium age 34, affluent, college educated, then no the electorate will be too uninformed to be up to the task.
America will return to sanity when the affluent college-educated unglue their collective brain from Jon Stewart’s fake comedy canal.
As we all know, the left can smear with impunity, no threats to their sponsors. Joe is going up against the machine; the opposition will not fight fair. It is going to be a long, hard slog for him. We know he is up to the task, but is the electorate?
I agree that Wurzelbacher is being smeared. That said, I saw nothing in this post or elsewhere that persuades me he is qualified to serve in Congress.
His opponent, Marcy Kaptur, is a popular, wily, and successful politician. Unless the demographics of the district have tilted strongly Republican, it seems to me that she will defeat Wurzelbacher handily. If that happens, conservatives would do themselves a disservice by ascribing the loss to the smears of Wurzelbacher.
According to this assessment, Wurzelbacher’s chances are even bleaker than my previous comment indicated.
The five thumbs-downs left on that comment so far, without any rationale why Wurzelbacher is qualified to serve, suggest that too many conservatives will blame the nasty bad liberal media for the probable defeat—and thereby demonstrate yet again why the Left can maintain its disproportionate power in this center-right nation.
I’m sending him my support in the form of a check. Campaigns require cold hard cash.
Joe for Congress 2012
355 Shrewsbury Street
Holland, Ohio 43528
I like that.
Puttin’ your money where your mouth is!
In English, what is the masculine form for the word “slut”?
Homo Hominis.
For starters on the search:
What do you call a male slut?
‘roue, rake, cad, gigolo, man ho.’ Here’s the google search URL:
“What do you call a male slut?”
Bill Clinton?
Ted Kennedy?
Ant-ny Weiner?
Bill Maher?
David Letterman?
All the above?
He’s not gay, he’s not black, he hasn’t been called a slut by Rush Limbaugh, he didn’t graduate from Harvard, he has never sued a major corporation so that makes him an ignorant slug. Might was well call him a Mimbo – Seinfeld male bimbo.
Funny though, she never gets criticized for using a ghostwriter on her book “It Takes a Village,” a fact she tried to hide from the public …
When Hiliary Clinton was asked to do a signed first edition, her staff told the publisher to send the signing pages to AutoPen.
A good example of a tradesman turned politician might be the saga of Ed Beard, a painter who served as a congress critter from RI back in the 1970’s. After two or three terms, Ed, (who always carried a paintbrush in his suit), sorta forgot where he came from and was easily defeated for re-election by Claudine Schneider who was a Republican.
Can you believe that at one time, RI had a Republican governor, senator and both house reps? Them thar’ days are loooon gone…
I”ve met him and heard him speak. He’s QUITE interesting and intelligent. He’s been studying for a few years to be able to do this. We tried to get him to run last time but he said he wasn’t ready.
The truth is I really don’t want “expert politicians” like Marcy Kaptur running this country. I’d rather we had part time politicians ala Rick Perry’s suggestion than the privileged elite we have now.
I think watching that video of Maher/Pelosi mocking Mississippi voters is about as low as these privileged elite can get. Pathetic but a great example of who these people really are.
[…] » The Trivialization of Joe Continues – Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion […]