WI Judge: Bugs Bunny can’t sign petitions to recall Scott Walker
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WI Judge: Bugs Bunny can’t sign petitions to recall Scott Walker

WI Judge: Bugs Bunny can’t sign petitions to recall Scott Walker

You would think that Wisconsin state officials charged with ensuring the intergrity of elections, including the recall against Gov. Scott Walker, would want to check for duplicate, fictitious and fraudulent signatures on recall petitions.

But no.  As I reported in November, the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board decided that it would not check signatures.  The GAB stood by that position even after a highly publicized case of someone bragging he had signed recall petitions 80 times.

Walker supporters have organized their own signature check operation in anticipation of a filing by recall forces.

But a judge is Wisconsin has just ordered the GAB to do its job, as reported by JSOnline, Judge rules for Walker campaign in case against state election officials:

A judge ruled Thursday that the state Government Accountability Board needs to take more aggressive action to vet recall signatures that are expected to be submitted in two weeks against Gov. Scott Walker and other Republican office holders.

The ruling by Waukesha County Circuit Judge J. Mac Davis came in a case filed Dec. 15 by Walker’s campaign committee and Stephan Thompson, executive director of the state Republican Party, asking  Davis to order the accountability board to seek out and eliminate duplicate and fictitious signatures and illegible addresses in recall petitions….

In issuing his ruling, Davis said, “Counting the signature of Bugs Bunny is something only a lawyer could make seem OK.”

Bugs Bunny was not available for comment.


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Was Mickey Mouse? I hear he was on the petitions too.

Those of us who wish to do the work of the GAB are legion. So many have volunteered that they have to turn many away.

We will win. Right now, I’m not even sure they will get enough signatures by Jan 16.

Why do Republicans hate innocent cartoon figures?

This is an uplifting surprise.

I thought government bureaucracies were free to ignore their responsibilities, laws, regulations, etc. Somebody call Eric Holder to sue the judge!

So, was there an award for attorney’s fees? I don’t see that a petition was filed.

Ye gads!

What has this nation come to when the application of common sense becomes an abnormal event.

I weep for my progeny.

VetHusbandFather | January 5, 2012 at 10:18 pm

Why do I have a feeling that Democrats are going to produce somebody with the surname Bunny that will claim his nickname is Bugs…

When I was a little girl, my family lost three children due to some crazy genetic disorder the doctors did not discover until the last baby died. I would give anything today to say good bye to my brothers and sister. This subject is so personal I can’t even believe it is being used as a political football, and the latest stunt to bring down a candidate. Shame on them, what goes around always comes around,always.

Finally a ray of sunsine in this sordid thuggish democrap dirty trick operation. Congrats to the judge for having common sense.

I, for one, would like to protest the disenfranchisement of our toon brethren.

If the libs don’t get enough VALID signatures it would make my year. I am not quite sure how it could get any better – outside of drop-kicking Obama and reclaiming the U.S. Senate in November… a trifecta.

“I am Bugs Bunny, and I approve this message”

“My name’s on a petition? What’s up with that, doc?” – Bugs

Well, this bit of news just made my day. 🙂