Palin delivers political coup de grâce to Bachmann
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Palin delivers political coup de grâce to Bachmann

Palin delivers political coup de grâce to Bachmann

What goes around comes around.  Michele Bachmann hired Ed Rollins as campaign manager last spring and the first thing he did was trash Sarah Palin.

Bachmann let the Rollins’ comments hang out there for a while and then went on TV to say what good friends she was with Palin.  Bachmann supporters also spread false rumors over the summer that Palin would endorse her.  Bachmann’s entire summer strategy was to get in Palin’s political face to keep Palin out of the race while claiming to be the heiress to the Palin base.

So now that Bachmann is on her political deathbed, Palin delivered a political coup de grâce yesterday, announcing that it was not Bachmann’s time and that Bachmann should not waste more money on further campaigning:

“As for Michelle Bachmann. She has a lot to offer, also, but I don’t think it is her time this go around. And I believe that unless she, too, wants to spend her own money or borrowing money and perhaps go into debt. Which heaven forbid, you do that to your family? Perhaps she is one, too, who would start saying ‘supporters of mine, why don’t we coalesce around one of the other candidates and let’s move together as a team to get that right primary candidate chosen?’


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DINORightMarie | January 3, 2012 at 9:48 am

I don’t think it was intended in a malicious way, just stating the facts. However, it sure is sweet. 😉

Normally, the kiss of death precedes actual death. Bachmann was already over and done with before Palin said this. I suspect she was motivated more by the need to “keep it real” than a desire to toss Bachmann under the bus.

You know what, You can hate Huntsman all you want (I’ve certainly lost what little enthusiasm I had for him some time ago) but even as a midwesterner myself, I’m glad someone gave Iowa the finger. We need to dilute their ability to affect stupid policy decisions across the board.
Huntsman did say as much early on (before, I guess, he decided to be nicer?) when he said something to the effect of: “I’m opposed to corn subsidies so I won’t ever do well in Iowa, so I’m not campaigning there.” If only he had stuck to that….

    janitor in reply to tsrblke. | January 3, 2012 at 10:24 am

    Good points.

    Rosalie in reply to tsrblke. | January 3, 2012 at 2:16 pm

    Maybe he’s so direct because he really has nothing to lose. Putting a state down the way he did was rude and stupid. Hunstman lost me a long time ago when he wrote that love letter to O.

      tsrblke in reply to Rosalie. | January 3, 2012 at 2:39 pm

      I wouldn’t call it “putting a state down” to note the truth, Iowa (in many respects) survives on Corn subsidies. Being against it is a death knell in that state (trust me, I get plenty of Iowa transplants in StL, if you so much as suggest that corn subsidies are stupid, you get called all sorts of horrific things.)

        Rosalie in reply to tsrblke. | January 3, 2012 at 3:19 pm

        I was talking about when he said, “In Iowa they pick corn but in New Hampshire they pick presidents”.

          tsrblke in reply to Rosalie. | January 3, 2012 at 4:00 pm

          Oh right, I had stopped paying attention to him at that point. You’re guess is spot on for that one then I suppose. I’d add he was tired of being called “stupid” for skipping a state he had no chance of winning (at the time at least he had no idea of realizing he had even less of a chance in NH)

        mbecker908 in reply to tsrblke. | January 3, 2012 at 3:38 pm

        If Iowa survives on corn subsidies it shouldn’t survive. What a ridiculous concept. Ethanol subsidies are thankfully gone. Maybe corn can once again be used for food.

This sounds like a case of Queen Bee Syndrome ( Don’t tell a feminist about this because she might become hysterical.

    janitor in reply to SDGLawyer. | January 3, 2012 at 10:28 am

    ?? The wiki definition wouldn’t seem to fit Palin because she isn’t treating Bachmann more harshly than other candidates.

Who in the world does Sarah Palin think is there, to support?

There is no courage in stating the obvious. And that is what Palin did. She defended Bachmann over the Gardasil issue (on Greta van Sustern’s show) when Backmann falsely attacked Rick Perry and made up some story about how a woman told Bachmann that her child was mentally damaged due to Gardasil.

But then people started digging into both Bachmann and Palin’s history on the drug. Bachmann, as a state representitive, voted for required (no opt-out) vaccination for Hep B, also generally a s*xually transmitted disease. Palin, on the other hand, signed legislation that would cover the cost of the Gardasil vaccination, not paid for by Alaska taxes, but paid for by ALL of us through a HHS grant (HHS is funded by EVERY taxpayer). Small government Palin used Big Government to support the vaccination costs.

Sarah Palin, while a fine woman, has seen her time come, and go. Her supporters who just knew she would throw her hat in the ring, disappointed, most jumped on the Cain Train. That didn’t work out either so now they are lost in limbo.

And where is the famous bus tour now? After all, it was Greta van Sustern’s tort lawyer husband who organized the whole bus thing. What happened?

Palin needs to concentrate on her own state, so dependent on federal largess, and fight the Murkowski camp. Perhaps a run for Congress, or the Senate, is in her future, but she sucks as a pundit and continues to try to hold on to her faithful by saying it’s not too late for someone else to get in the race. I would suggest she should work to help change the situation that exists in the Native American communities in Alaska with their high drug/alcohol use and rape problems. Who better to be their spokesperson than Palin who is married to a Native American?

And while Palin advises Bachmannn to throw in the towel and steer her followers to coalesce around another candidate, perhaps Governor Palin should take her own advise.

    Juba Doobai! in reply to retire05. | January 3, 2012 at 12:15 pm

    Why don’t you retire from giving Palin advice and accept that she is driving the agenda for both parties and is the most coveted political endorsement out there? She threw down the markers and none of the the crop has what it takes to pick them up because none of them has the well-developed Conservative philosophy or the necessary reform experience.

      retire05 in reply to Juba Doobai!. | January 3, 2012 at 2:24 pm

      Suggesting things that one could do to help their own state, the state that put faith into them by votes, is not “giving advise.” And since neither you, nor I, have any capacity to advise Sarah Palin, your response is moot.

    retire05 always has been and always will be a Perrykrishna. He constantly spewed the venom that Palin would endorse Perry and has had his knickers in a twist that she didn’t.

    How’s that back surgery workin out for ya, Perrykrishna. Kind of helps the Perry crony capitalism doesn’t it, duh!

huskers-for-palin | January 3, 2012 at 11:02 am

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

    No, thank you, I just will continue to recognize you Koolaid drinkers for what you are; waifs lost in the wilderness with no candidate to back, just waiting for the word from someone who could be doing a lot of good for her own state (as a speaker for the people of Alaska) but prefers to be on the Boapol Coale train (or is it bus?).

    And since you are a “husker” (singluar, since I don’t think you speak for the rest of your state) who are you supporting?

      katiejane in reply to retire05. | January 3, 2012 at 12:48 pm

      Palin has done plenty for Alaska – she owes the state nothing. Get over it – she’s not your momma.

        retire05 in reply to katiejane. | January 3, 2012 at 1:54 pm

        Exactly what did Palin do for Alaska? Be specific. I am not into your unsubstantiated claims. And Palin has shown herself to be quite adept at taking on the “PDS crowd” as you call them. Too bad you can’t give her the credit due her. And if she can no longer handle that crowd, well then, she needs to just go back to her home on the lake and write books, do reality TV and stay out of the limelight because she was treated the very same way we are now seeing Newt treated.

          hrh40 in reply to retire05. | January 3, 2012 at 4:36 pm

          So who’s your boy, retire05?

          And why aren’t you promoting him?

          Instead of tearing down someone who’s not in the race?

          retire05 in reply to retire05. | January 3, 2012 at 5:20 pm

          hrh, I’m not tearing Palin down. You’re just can’t seem to accept that. I’m saying, loud and clear, that Sarah Palin has an opportunity to do good things for the state she claims to love so much and for the people that put their trust in her when they elected her governor. Actually, I am giving Palin more credit that you are.

          But she is what she is (isn’t that her line as well, take her as she is?) and presidential she is not. She will, no matter how much you desire it, ever win the nomination for president. There are just too many people who accepted the falsehoods about her as gospel.

          Who I am supporting in this primary has not one darn thing to do with the truth about Sarah Palin. But I will tell you who I will never vote for under any circumstances: Ron Paul and Mitt Romney.

          rightConcept in reply to retire05. | January 3, 2012 at 9:20 pm

          You really should go rent “Undefeated” and watch it.

          retire05 in reply to retire05. | January 3, 2012 at 9:41 pm

          Right concept, why should I watch “Undefeated?” What is it going to tell me that I don’t already know (as someone who is an informed voter and was informed on the candidates in 2008, as well)?

          rightConcept in reply to retire05. | January 4, 2012 at 10:49 am

          If you are asking what specifically Palin did in Alaska, then you aren’t as informed as you would like us all to believe.
          Go figure it out and get back to us.

          Sarah Palin has a long record of achievement and experience in public office.

          In Alaska, Sarah Palin’s top priorities included fiscal restraint, limiting the size of government, resource
          development, education, equitable oil valuation as well as transportation and infrastructure development. Sarah Palin fought for ethics reform and transparency in government.

          Prior her election as Governor, Sarah Palin served two terms on the Wasilla City Council and two terms as the mayor of Wasilla. During her tenure, she reduced property tax levels while increasing services and made Wasilla a business-friendly environment, drawing in new industry.

          Under her leadership as Governor, Alaska invested $5 billion in state savings, overhauled education funding and protected Alaska’s natural resources. She created Alaska’s Petroleum Systems Integrity Office to provide oversight and maintenance of oil and gas equipment, facilities and infrastructure and the Climate Change Subcabinet to prepare a climate change strategy for Alaska.

          During Sarah Palin’s first year in office, three of her administrations major proposed pieces of legislation passed—an overhaul of the state’s ethics laws, a competitive process to construct a natural gas pipeline and a restructuring of Alaska’s oil valuation formula.

          Sarah Palin’s “business experience” comes with the negotiations and dealings she has had with one of the most powerful industries in the world: the energy industry. Sarah Palin has successfully negotiated new tax structures, lease deals and other issues that arise in the Alaska energy industry.
          At the end of the day, Sarah Palin negotiated billion dollar deals with one of the toughest industries in the world.

          Sarah Palin is past chair of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, a multistate government agency that promotes the conservation and efficient recovery of domestic oil and natural gas resources while protecting health, safety and the environment.
          She also served as chair of the National Governors Association (NGA) Natural Resources Committee, which was charged with pursuing legislation to ensure state needs are considered as federal policy is formulated in the areas of agriculture, energy, environmental protection and natural resource management.

          In Alaska she did take on the old-boy network — the oil companies and her own party.
          Taking on corruption and crony capitalism has always been a cornerstone of Sarah Palin’s agenda; in Alaska she did take on the old-boy network — the oil companies and her own party .
          As oil and gas commissioner, Sarah Palin called out the unethical practices of members of her own party. As Governor, she sought to end the back room deals and improper relationships between oil companies and politicians.

          Sarah Palin’s achievement was to pull Alaska out of a dire, corrupt,enduring systemic crisis and return it to fiscal health and prosperity when many people believed that such a thing was impossible.

          After poring over thousands of emails (24,000+ pages of emails) from Palin’s term as governor, even the mainstream media has been forced to concede that Palin was a conscientious, transparent, and effective public servant.

          It’s important to acknowledge the central role Palin has played over the past three years. She rallied the opposition to President Obama during a time when opposition seemed impossible.
          For the past three years Sarah Palin has been the most vocal critique of the president. She took him on when his approval ratings were still high and no one dared say anything negative about “the messiah”.

          For the past three years Sarah Palin has worked tirelessly to fight Obama’s policies and elect conservatives; Sarah Palin was #1 in the fight and she basically spearheaded the 2010 victory with her endorsements and rallies all over the country.

          Sarah Palin has repeatedly offered serious policy statements on issues such as health care, the Federal Reserve’s money printing in funding our federal deficit, crony capitalism, energy independence, etc)
          She was the first Republican to make a high-profile critique of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing, though even earlier she had marked the collapsing value of the dollar as one of her issues.
          Sarah Palin has discussed more policy specifics in her speeches and through her writing than anyone else in the 2012 field!

Oh well. Karma is a bitch. Palin was just stating the obvious though but it will be interesting to see Bachmann’s response.

Bachmann gets the slap she deserves, followed by the Palin-patented “Bless your heart” and a wink. 🙂

I lost a lot of my regard for Bachmann during this Iowa marthon, partly but not wholly for the way she treated Palin (who had helped her reelection campaign in 2010) and for the gardasil demagoguery. Unless she does a lot to redeem herself, I’m done with her.

As for Sarah Palin, I still hope to see her as president one day.

    So explain to me why you hold Bachmannn to a different standard than you hold Palin. Bachmann created the Gardasil “kerfuffle” and that very night, the night of the debate where Bachmann acted like Romney’s attack dog, Palin was on Van Sustern’s show pouring gas on the fire, backing up Bachmann.

    Palin will never be president. Deal with that. And while her supporters are as loyal as the Paulbots, her negatives are just too many. He record, as governor of Alaska, has never really been put under the microscope (like the Gardasil legislation she signed that dumped the bill on all of American taxpayers) but it would be if she ran. She knows this. Why don’t you?

    But Palin is in a unique position to help those in her own state. Trying to change the situation of Native Americans in Alaska would be a good start. Trying to lobby for companies to move to Alaska, to create jobs, and end the Alaskan dependence on federal money would be a good start. She could serve as Ambassador At Large for Alaska.

    I can only think that Sarah Palin has not yet found her niche yet. But she will, or she will be reduced to a faint memory.

      katiejane in reply to retire05. | January 3, 2012 at 12:52 pm

      “She could serve as Ambassador At Large for Alaska.”

      What an aboslutely stupid idea – Palin shill for Alaska? With what authority? If she ever did that we’d see the Alaskan PDS crowd bit*hing & moaning about how she’s still butting into things that are none of her business.

        retire05 in reply to katiejane. | January 3, 2012 at 1:58 pm

        See my response above. If Palin can’t handle the “PDS” crowd, she needs to retreat. But you can’t even give her the credit she is due (handling the PDS crowd) yet you think you are supporting her?

        And yes, Ambassador at Large for Alaska would be a good job for her. It is her state, she knows it well, she could promote the positives about Alaska and increase its economic potential. Or do you think that no other private person ever did that for their state?

          rightConcept in reply to retire05. | January 3, 2012 at 2:05 pm

          She is doing just fine driving the debate.

          Too bad she isn’t running, she would be the favorite. But then again, had she been in the race, none of the other candidates would have been subjected to the microscopic vetting.

          retire05 in reply to retire05. | January 3, 2012 at 2:29 pm

          right concept, the only thing Palin is currently driving is her SUV to the bank to deposit the checks given her by Fox News as outlined in her contract negotiated by Greta Van Sustern’s husband.

          She is playing absolutely no part in any of the agendas of any of the GOP candidates.

          But I realize that any truth telling about Sarah Palin is sheer apostasy for the Palinistas. Funny that you seem to support Palin but can’t seem to recognize the potential she has to help her state, especially those Native American communities that are so overburdened with problems.

      If Obama had been “put under the microscope” as Palin was in 2008, he could not have made a successful run for dog catcher. That lying marxist SOB was given a free pass by the adoring press. There was nothing in the press about Rev. Wright, terrorist Ayers, zero legislation, no school records to back up his claims, a wife who only was proud of the Country when he was nominated by the democrats, the Country that gave so much to her and her husband. He has done nothing but plunge us into insufferable debt, divide the Country and vacation on the taxpayer’s dime. The sooner he is gone, the sooner we will recover.

      pamiam in reply to retire05. | January 3, 2012 at 3:36 pm

      I have lived in the Great State Of Texas for the last 3 years.Prior to that I lived in the Great and Beautiful State of Alaska. I have written many times about her accomplishments.I was going to list them once more,but I have a better idea.Do a search.Thats how we teach my grandchildren when they need to learn something.It seems to stick when they do the work themselves.Now,I doubt you will(you could& should have done that already)but should you, keep in mind it was all done in that unfinished term.

        hrh40 in reply to pamiam. | January 3, 2012 at 4:39 pm

        Actually, I got suckered, too, but now I’m on to retire05 and I’d ask you all to stop responding to it.

        You can tell by its posts that it’s probably paid to follow “Palin” searches around the Internet and tear her down.

        Whether its for another GOP candidate, Obama, or some Soros outfit matters not.

        It probably gets paid by the hit. So don’t post any more responses to it.


          retire05 in reply to hrh40. | January 3, 2012 at 5:33 pm

          I see, refering to me as “it” shows what a rational person you are, right?

          And no, I don’t follow posts about Sarah Palin around on the internet. Stop being such a child. I don’t have to agree with you, and have never asked that you agree with me. But I will stop responding to you, if that is your choice, until you show some signs of maturity (assuming that is even possible).

        retire05 in reply to pamiam. | January 3, 2012 at 5:39 pm

        What accomplishments? You mean like Alaska having the second highest per capita state debt, second only to Massachusetts? Or perhaps it is the fact that Alaska was a leech state, gaining $1.75 back from the federal goverment (read: tax payers in all the other 49 states) for every $1.00 they sent to D.C.?

        Or like saddling the rest of the nation for the cost of Gardasil shots to Alaskan girls? That is an accomplishment?

        Look, I am more than willing to give Palin credit where it is due, but increasing the per capita state debt burden to over $9,000 is not an accomplishment that should be touted.

Michele should maybe explain why she rarely goes after Romney but doesn’t hesitate to go after the other candidates.


Ambassador at large for Alaska? Where do you get these ideas? Why have you come up with a title and job for Palin in Alaska when no other state has such a thing. In your opinion, would this be an elected or unelected office? The thing is you want to minimize Palin as much as you can. You give her no credit for any of her many accomplishments. Your whole idea is to stick her in the backwoods of Alaska where she will never be heard from again. You sound like a democrat or the media in trashing and belittling her. I’ve got news for you: she’s not running. You can stop with this bull any time now. Are you angry she has not endorsed Perry? What is it with you anyway? It’s a sad thing when conservatives have this horrible interfighting. They are doing the democrat’s job and very well too. All dims have to do is sit back and watch our movement desintigrate. All we have heard from you is Perry, Perry, Perry. Whatever happened to that theme song? I have read you comments for years and agreed for the most part but you are becoming extremely intolerant of others’ opinions. You show no respect for the support given to any other candidate but yours.

    retire05 in reply to BarbaraS. | January 3, 2012 at 5:53 pm

    Do you have a reading comprehension disorder? Do you know that “Ambassador At Large” is an honorary title? Do you not know that most states have those who act in that position to promote their state?

    So tell me, what are Palin’s accomplishments other than coming from a middle class family to become governor of a state? Stick her in the backwoods? Hey, clueless, that is where she lives. And as an AAL to her state, she would travel all over the globe, recruiting businesses to come to Alaska. Nah, it is YOU who would stick her in the backwoods, giving interviews to Greta from her living room in those backwoods.

    As to Palin endorcing Perry; I hope she doesn’t. It will not help him with her negatives (mostly undeserved, I will admit).

    So what have I said about Perry on this thread? Or are you one of those people who think you should be able to control dialog you object to? You Palinists are not only psychotic, you are intolerant.

    But if you want to play that game of “Compare Palin To Perry”, I’m your Huckleberry. Prepare to get body slammed.

[…] which I presume that Sarah Palin thinks someone else may be the Tim Tebow of Iowa.  William Jacobson calls this a “political coup de grace,” and perhaps just a wee bit of payback: “As […]

why isn’t retire05 telling Perry to give up this foolish run and get back to supporting Texas? Isn’t that the job he actually was elected to do?

Actually Perry seems to be getting waylaid by the attackers just like Palin did – but perhaps he’ll suck it up and take his 10% vote and keep going.

Since so many people think Palin is a doofus why on earth would Alaska want her to be their cheerleader? I thought they were happy she was gone?

    retire05 in reply to katiejane. | January 3, 2012 at 5:46 pm

    So you think Perry’s run is foolish? And pray tell, what successful state do you hail from?

    Perry has dealt with every crisis in his own state that has come along since he started running. You see, he continues to do his job, although he is interviewing for another one. Just as those 1,554 families who lost their homes in the worst wildfire in Texas history if they think Rick Perry continues to do his job, unlike Palin, who, when the kitchen got hot, quit.

    As to Palin being a doofus, that is your claim, not mine. Personally, I think she is a very smart woman who climed the ladder, as Perry did, on her own from a middle class family. (although as a teacher, Palin’s father had more financial security than farmers do)

    I cannot speak for the citizens of Alaska, but she can still be a benefit to that state.

    God, you Palinistas are psychotic.

[…] Palin delivers political coup de grâce to Bachmann […]

If you can’t “speak for the citizens of Alaska” why did you pull that ridiculous idea of Palin being an Ambassador At Large from somewhere?

Palin was very successful in Alaska BEFORE the citizens up there got their pants in a wad because she had the nerve to want to move beyond the state. Based on the approval numbers she had BEFORE all the PDS crowd set in to destroy her she must have been accomplishing what the voters wanted.

Maybe Perry would be doing better if he had any verbal skills?

    retire05 in reply to katiejane. | January 3, 2012 at 6:37 pm

    Oh, that’s rich, katiejane, insulting Rick Perry for the way he talks when Sarah Palin has an accent that grates on the nerves of 75% of Americans?

    Perhaps Palin’s favorable numbers in her own state plummeted because she quit on them. They elected her, and were willing (and probably quite proud) to see her run for VP, but she lost, and when she did, she quit on those who had elected her. Now, you can spin it anyway you want, but that is exactly what happened.

    You know, you can blame the PDS crowd all you want, but no one can be destroyed who is not willing to stand by and take it. Palin included. She says she is a fighter, then why didn’t she fight for the people who elected her by staying in office?

    I have already said that I think Palin is a very smart woman and has the ability to do great things for her state. That is not enough for some of you. You think if I don’t worship at the Alter of Sarah, I am a traitor. Sorry, but I don’t worship at the alter of any living human being. And your trying to tear Rick Perry down doesn’t make Governor Palin look any better having you for a supporter.

      katiejane in reply to retire05. | January 3, 2012 at 6:55 pm

      I’m not faulting Perry’s accent at all – I’m faulting his apparent inability to logically present subject matter and handle foram debate situations.

      I have no need/wish for you or anyone to “worship” at the Altar of Sarah – but I think it pretty skeezy to constantly harp about her and whine because she hasn’t done what YOU think she should. I see no reason why you expect Palin to “do great things for her state” and criticize her for not lining up to devote herself to Alaska. Strikes me as sexist that you expect a woman candidate to do that but I’ve never heard of male losing candidates being told to go off and “serve” their state.

      I do think it childish of the Alaskan voters to act like children who have been abandoned my momma. Whether you agree or not the financial situation the lawsuits had put her family in had to be untenable – and many of those happened before she quit. No politician should be required to bankrupt themselves to avoid hurting the voters itty-bitty feelings.

[…] be so churlish. There is lots of fun to be had watching tonight’s track action. For instance, Sarah Palin got back at Michelle Bachmann for Bachmann’s earlier nastiness towards Palin. [We wish women would not beat up on women. […]

Palin knows how to hit where it hurts, right Michelle?

This is whazt will be sorely missed as the GOP loses to Obama. She knows how to hit, and hit hard, all the time with a smile on her face.

Man, do I wish she’d get in this race!

[…] make sure to read the entire article, as well as check out Legal Insurrection on some background about Palin vs Bachmann. Palin needs to go away. I admit, she made chumps of us […]

    I read the article and had the opportunity to watch the interview twice.

    I don’t feel like a chump. I took the woman at her word. She flirted and tested the waters and decided not to run. She never said she would, but she has helped steer the conversation and has wisely cautioned careful vetting of the candidates.

    I am still a supporter of Palin and believe she is the one to take on Obama on his record.

BannedbytheGuardian | January 3, 2012 at 7:53 pm

I take it as a very big swipe at Charles Kraut??? & Fox pundits who actually stated “It is Bachmann’s turn”.

Put Beck in that box also & stomp on the lid one more time.


katiejane, before you start slamming someone for their actions at a debate forum, you should learn how to spell “forum” first. Or perhaps you should take the time to learn that Governor Perry was in great pain from recent back surgery at those first couple of debates. But unlike others, he had not whined or complained about that but instead said “it is what it is” and took full reponsibility for his debate performances.

And then, of course, in true typical Palinsita fashion, you throw out the gender card. News flash!!, katie, I was wearing the t-shirt that said “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle” when you were still getting your diapers changed. Don’t EVER try that again with me. And another news flash, I don’t care what Palin does. She can write books, grow a truck garden and sell vegatables, work as a hooker at Hollywood and Vine for all I care. But she needs to keep her mouth shut about other candidates when she didn’t have what it takes to throw her hat in the ring.

So you think it was childish of the Alaskan voters to expect her to keep her commitment to them? Do you feel the same way about the police when confronting someone trying to harm you that the job is just too damn hard so they are going to quit in the middle of it? As to the financial aspect, I know you like to use that excuse for her quitting, but how did she pay off her legal fees? By her book royalties. A book she could have written while still in office (and tons of others have done) and please, don’t tell me that her lawyers were pressuring her for payment RIGHT NOW because I ain’t buying that load. She was riding the top of the wave and could have paid her lawyers the same way she finally did.


here is my real anomosity toward Palin after I traveled from Houston to D.C. on a very uncomfortable bus that did not stop at night just to see her: she went to Iowa during the straw poll for one reason; to grab the glory from Michele Bachmann who was the clear projected winner. She wasn’t running, but drug you true believers along like lemmings, and in the process tried to steal Bachmann’s thunder. Then to compound the insult, while in Iowa, she slammed my state and my governor. That is unacceptable and she did it for only one reason: self aggrandizement. Oh, yeah, the next day she tried to walk back her comments about Texas, but by then she killed any respect I ever had for her.

The Sarah Palin I supported with every fiber of my being has disappeared. She is now just a product of her own fame, and has turned into another Dick Morris, commenting on candidates who at least put their all into a campaign that she was unwilling to run. She has turned into just another publicity seeking pundit. End of story.

Yeah, it saddens me that she has done that. She had such potential, and she blew it. She could have done her thing, and run in 2016 and would have had my support, but when she comes out and criticizes other candidates but is unwilling to walk the walk herself, she needs to sit down and shut up. She is just a female Donald Trump now.

    BannedbytheGuardian in reply to retire05. | January 3, 2012 at 9:20 pm

    Sarah Palin is hotter than Perry.

    It is that simple.

    Upon her return to Alaska to resume her duties as Governor, Sarah Palin was plagued with one trumped up ethics charge after another which cost her staff dearly.
    That entire campaign of BS lawsuits was meant to do nothing but hamstring the governor’s office and bankrupt Sarah Palin.

    The endless ethics investigations were threatening to overshadow her legislative agenda. Attacks inside Alaska and largely invisible to the national media had paralyzed her administration. She was fully aware she would be branded a ‘quitter.’ She did not want to disappoint her constituents, but she was no longer able to do the job she had been elected to do.
    She saw that if she stayed on as Governor it would continue to cost the state millions of dollars in wasted time and resources to defend against false and maliciously ethics complaints and doom it to gridlock.
    Essentially, the taxpayers were paying for Sarah Palin to go to work every day and defend herself.

    By the way, she had fulfilled all the campaign promises she made, i.e., ethics reform, budget cutting, earmark cutting, getting the natural gas pipeline off high center through an open, transparent, and competitive process!

    In an article Gov. Palin said:
    “I said, ‘Enough. Political adversaries and their political friends in the media will not destroy my State, my administration, nor my family. Enough.’ I knew if I didn’t play their game any longer, they could not win. I would not retreat, I would instead reload, and I would fight for what is right from a different plane.”

    She promised to keep the frivolous anti-Palin law suits away from the Alaskan people and to be more effective on the stump ( supporting candidates , fundraising, etc)
    Sarah Palin was truthful on both accounts!

    For the past three years Sarah Palin has worked tirelessly to fight Obama’s policies and elect conservatives; she was #1 in the fight!
    She basically spearheaded the 2010 victory with her endorsements, and rallies all over the country.

Palin hit her target. Right between the eyes. Awesome!

[…] William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection suggests that Palin was delivering some political payback. Last summer, then Buchmann campaign manager Ed Rollins trashed Palin while at the same time Palin supporters attempted to suggest that Palin was on the point of endorsing Bachmann. The idea was that Palin would be kept out of the race and Bachmann would be anointed her heir. […]

Looks like Palin was right yet again. Will we see Michele finally get to endorse Mitt now?
Wouldn’t surprise me at all.