I posted two days ago about the interrelationship between the Obama campaign and the Center for American Progress, White House and Think Progress merger complete. A former senior Obama campaign staffer now runs CAP, and a current senior CAP strategist is set to take over Obama campaign messaging from inside the White House.
One thing I didn’t point out is that CAP plays a critical role in anti-Israel agitation in the media and on the internet. Ben Smith has an excellent post on the subject of the role played by CAP and it’s wicked stepbrother, Media Matters, each of which has received or is receiving funding from George Soros.
Writes Smith, Israel rift roils Democratic ranks:
Two of the Democratic Party’s core institutions are challenging a bipartisan consensus on Israel and Palestine that has dominated American foreign policy for more than a decade.
The Center for American Progress, the party’s key hub of ideas and strategy, and Media Matters, a central messaging organization, have emerged as vocal critics of their party’s staunchly pro-Israel congressional leadership and have been at odds, at times, with Barack Obama’s White House, which has acted as a reluctant ally to Benjamin Netanyahu’s Israeli government….
The daily battle is waged in Media Matters’ emails, on CAP’s blogs, Middle East Progress and ThinkProgress and most of all on Twitter, where a Media Mattters official, MJ Rosenberg, regularly heaps vitriol on those who disagree as “Iraq war neocon liar” (the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg) or having “dual loyalties” to the U.S. and Israel (the Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin). And while the Center for American Progress tends to walk a more careful line, warm words for Israel can be hard to find on its blogs.
Keep in mind the company Obama keeps. It hasn’t changed since the days he sat with Rashid Khalidi as Khalidi bashed Israel and its American supporters. I’d show you the video of the event, except that ABC L.A. Times will not release it. Funny how that works.
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It’s the LA Times, not ABC, that won’t release the video of Obama with Rashid Khalidi.
Thanks, corrected.
Obama said his administration “has done more in terms of the security of the state of Israel than any previous administration.”
via Human Events/Newt Gingrich
Anyone that believes the words above, please contact me. I have this damn dandy bridge for sale..
Assemble all these people in one room on a Sunday … and Obama will feel like he’s back in church.
George Soros…. http://www.newzealblog.com