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Romney sending John Sununu to attack Newt is a second unexpected Christmas present

Romney sending John Sununu to attack Newt is a second unexpected Christmas present

As I noted the other day, Mitt Romney’s new strategy is to send out surrogates to attack Newt.

Tomorrow it is former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu, a big name in New Hampshire politics but someone whose name is associated with two of the most major conservative failures in the post-Vietnam war history of the Republican Party.

As Matt Lewis points out, Sununu holds a grudge against Newt because Newt tried to stop George H.W. Bush from breaking his “no new taxes” pledge:

With former Speaker Newt Gingrich surging in the polls, Mitt Romney has finally decided it’s time to go on the  offensive. One of the men Romney has lined up to attack Gingrich is former New Hampshire Gov. John  H. Sununu. The feud is not new.

As a former chief of staff to President George H.W. Bush,  Sununu has a grudge against Gingrich — who fought Bush’s budget deal that  included raising taxes.

Here’s an excerpt from a 1990 Fred Barnes article that describes a meeting for Bush’s  re-election efforts:

Sununu attacked congressional Republicans for abandoning the president. House Republican whip Newt Gingrich, who led the opposition to the budget deal, wasn’t invited to the meeting. But he was on Sununu’s and [former OMB director Richard] Darman’s mind. “You could see the Newt chip on their shoulders,” said one Bush adviser. “It was a strikingly bad discussion. The death embrace [of Sununu and Darman] grew tighter.”

There’s more.  As Lewis points out, Sununu’s other claim to fame is that he convinced Bush to nominate to the Supreme Court a New Hamphire state court judge who Sununu assured Bush was a rock solid conservative notwithstanding indications otherwise.  That person was David Souter.

Sununu serving as surrogate Romney attack dog is the second unexpected Christmas present for Newt after Nancy Pelosi’s failed blackmail attempt, because it shows that all the wrong people hate Newt for all the wrong reasons.

Update 12-8-2011 — More on Sununu’s grudge against Newt for fighting H.W. Bush’s breach of his “no new taxes pledge” here.


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wow, this is what Romney thinks will help him?

I mean, isn’t he paying attention to Michele Bachmanns increasing irrelevancy the more and more she obsessively attacks anyone and everyone in her attempt to get herself attention?

And isn’t he aware that pulling in RINOs and (bad-idea) Establishment Types to run his hits for him is about the last thing that will get him support? I mean, we already don’t like him because we see him as a RINO-Establishment type himself! He’s kinda just proving our point…

And seriously, is this the type of “attack” that will make people feel better when he is expected to go after Obama?

I just don’t see how anyone can honestly support Mitt – he’s been running for the presidency for 6 years and yet his only real qualification remains the endorsement from the Establishment we hate, the Media we distrust, the Progressives we fight and a President (Obama) we want to fire…

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to Darkstar58. | December 8, 2011 at 12:42 am

    I just don’t see how anyone can honestly support Mitt – he’s been running for the presidency for 6 years and yet his only real qualification remains the endorsement from the Establishment we hate, the Media we distrust, the Progressives we fight and a President (Obama) we want to fire…

    Oh bloody right! That is beautiful. And it is so stolen, and will be used elsewhere. I just wish I could afford a billboard. As for your information on Romney’s immigration plans, consider it also stolen[*].

    [*]-all such thefts will be used with proper accreditation [smile]

    Subotai Bahadur

Oh, btw, in case anybody missed it, we are starting to get an idea of Mitts still-secret Immigration plan

and his full quote:
(originally from )

“Virtually every Republican I know that’s spoken about illegal immigration says the same thing. I listened to Lindsey Graham the other day and he said, ‘secure the border, stop the flow of illegal aliens into the country, and then we can address the issue of what to do with the people who are here illegally today.’

“I do have my own thoughts on that. I actually have a plan in mind, I haven’t unveiled it. There are other people I’d like to sit down with and review it with me.

“I went down to Florida and met with Jeb Bush six, seven months ago, laid out what I thought would be a complete plan to deal with permanent immigration policies with regards to our legal system to simplify it. Number two, how to deal with those who are here illegally today. And number three, how to secure the border.

“And every piece of advice I’ve received from people who talk about this topic say get the first job done first, because if you talk about the other jobs you get highly confused whether you are going to create incentives for people to come here illegally to take advantage of whatever program you might describe.”

Oh goody – securing the border is already point 3 to him, and his idea team seems to be Graham (who complained Fox was behind hatred for his Amnesty plan) and Jeb Bush (who has an Amnesty Plan himself…)

Things have become very clear.
Obama’s speech yesterday clarified that he is going all in for socialism and the destruction of our once great America.
Romney, by his actions as described in this post, made it clear that he is the representative of the Republican establishment and that he is counting on that establishment together with his money to get the nomination.
Romney just doesn’t get it. I hope he does not get the nomination.

Is Romney this clueless?

Does he think we’re that stupid?

Doesn’t he understand why “Poppy” lost his election?

I didn’t know this about Newt. Knowing it NOW gives me a different perspective on Newt. A good one.

Who’s Romney’s next attack dog? Jennifer Rubin? Oh wait . . .

Really? John Sununu? The adviser that cost 42 a second term?

Yes, Virginia. In Mittville there really is a Santa Claus.

Joan Of Argghh | December 8, 2011 at 7:42 am

Mitt who? Where?

Seriously, where is he? Is he hoping to emulate Sarah Palin’s disappearance from campaigning in order to re-invent herself?

I still say if she reconsidered tomorrow, Iowa notwithstanding, she’d win it all. Hmmm… Gingrich/Palin?

There is a back story on the breaking of the ‘no new taxes’ pledge. IIRC, Daddy Bush publicly committed to kicking Saddam out of Kuwait. The Democrats who ran the House (and Senate) told Daddy Bush there would be no money for a war unless he raised taxes. Caught between losing face as a world leader and breaking his word, Daddy Bush chose the latter.
That being said, I hope Sununu goes back to enjoying his stamp collection after the primary.

    William A. Jacobson in reply to spartan. | December 8, 2011 at 8:36 am

    Source for that?

      This was relayed to me 6-7 years ago by a friend who worked on the Hill (for either Duncan Hunter or Dana Rohrabacher) during the time in question. I seem to recalled it was during a discussion concerning the origins of the Iraq War.
      If one uses a timeline … it makes sense. I wish I remembered more details such as the name of the Democrat who forced Bush’s hand.

      (I don’t recall whether April Glaspie’s actions were discussed)
      I have to address one other of Sununu’s proclamations (as if Souter wasn’t enough). He claims he kept quiet all these years (from the update) but only skewers Newt’s actions. Newt was the only bad actor in this drama? If this is his only point of reference for attacking Newt, I think it helps Newt.

      Source? Why would spartan mess up a perfectly good Slander with Facts?

      Truth is there were a lot of Democrats who were supporters of war in Iraq (both the Kuait kickout, and the amazingly popular sequel) until public opinion shifted, and suddenly their support turned into opposition. They needed a Reason for their shift in opinion (other than the real one, that they were opportunistic headline-grabbers), so we got the meme “Bush lied about WMD”, which has been spread around so thick it has aquired a life of its own.

        spartan in reply to georgfelis. | December 8, 2011 at 2:16 pm

        Who and/or what was slandered? Ooops ….
        At worst, this post was written, libel alone would apply. If my source chooses to go public with his knowledge, that would be their business. I can tell you this person still works and resides in DC.

        Please refrain from revising history, especially the Gulf War. Only 10 Democrat senators voted in favor of the original Gulf War, which narrowly passed. Perhaps, you have forgotten Al Gore’s voting his conscience after being given 20 minutes to speak at prime time.

    The break of the “no new taxes” pledge was about deficit spending, not Gulf War 1 (although they did happen almost on top of each other). The budget deal was signed on 11/05/1990.

    Iraq invaded Kuwait on 8/2/1990. On 11/29/1990 the U.N. passed security council resolution 678 which gave Iraq until 01/15/1991 to withdraw from Kuwait and empowered states to use “all necessary means” to force Iraq out of Kuwait after the deadline.

    The The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 and Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Reaffirmation Act of 1987 provided for automatic spending cuts (called “sequesters”) if the deficit exceeded a set of fixed deficit targets. The process for determining the amount of the automatic cuts was found unconstitutional in the case of Bowsher v. Synar, 478 U.S. 714 (1986) and Congress enacted a reworked version of the law in 1987. see for references.

    The break of the pledge of “no new taxes” by GHW Bush was part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, which included the Budget Enforcement Act or 1990 which established PAYGO rules and increased income taxes by creating a new 31 percent individual income tax rate (via 10% “surtax” on the top income bracket), but capped the capital gains rate at 28 percent. Personal exemptions were temporarily phased out through 1995. The first version (rejected in the House) included a gasoline surtax of $.05 per gallon, with increases in future years; rejected by Democrat members for falling “too heavily” on the poor. see for references.

    Sidenote: Ed Rollins was fired from the RNC for telling Republicans to distance themselves from GHW Bush if they wanted to get reelected.

    This whole arrangement was come to in order to try to do deficit control, because the structural costs of the government because all the assumptions for income were based on the 1980s growth continuing, and thus a growth in mandatory spending and a declining economy, caused the federal deficit to greatly increase when the 1990 recession hit.

    from (unverified, and partially attributed to Grover Norquist, but it seems to be jogging a memory, and re-ordered to bring relevant portion to the top):

    [quote]The same argument was used in 1982 when Democrats promised President Ronald Reagan that they would cut spending three dollars for every dollar of tax hike Reagan conceded. Taxes were raised. Spending, adjusted for inflation, actually increased after the 1982 bipartisan “budget deal” hammered out at Andrews Air Force base. By putting tax hikes on the table, the promises of spending reduction evaporated. In 1990, President George H.W. Bush (a cheaper date) was promised two dollars of spending cuts for every dollar of tax hikes. Yet taxes were raised $137 billion, and spending was not cut but actually increased more rapidly after the “deal.” [end quote]

    Largely this is why I start ranting every time that I hear the Democrat governmental morons saying “well, we’ll give you spending cuts in the next budget if you give us a tax increase now.


    The tax increase is always immediate, and the spending cuts are always sometime off in the future, which then magically never seems to materialize, because “they would be “too hard” on the poor and working class.”

Unfortunately this tactic tells me nothing about Gingrich, but it does confirm everything I thought about Romney. The name David Souter says it all.

Isn’t it wonderful that the beltway crew is striving mightily to tear the party apart rather than risk a tilt to the right?

These people are neither willing nor capable of saving us from what Obama promises, they will only get us there slightly later.

Well, as for me, better sooner rather than later. I can still hoe a row, or if need be man the barricades. In ten or twenty years? Probably not. Rather it be me than my children.

So yes, if it comes down to Romney vs. Obama then I will stay at home, counting my seeds and reinforcing the doors.

Romney is a coward. He can’t even do his own dirty work. He’s got to go.

I think that Newt (or any of the other candidates who might want to seriously damage Romney) have just been handed the sword. A simple TV ad is all that is needed, simple visual overlays of Romney, Sununu, The Supreme Court building, Justice Souter, and a couple of shots regarding very liberal decisions with audio that goes something like this:

John Sununu is out there vouching for Mitt Romney and attacking Newt Gingrich’s Conservative principles. Really? Are we REALLY going to listen to Sununu, a man who vouched for David Souter as a “Conservative?” The same David Souter who was such a Liberal Socialist on the Supreme Court that it inspired the rallying cry amongst Conservatives and Republicans alike of “NO MORE SOUTERS.”

No more Souters, no more RINOs. No more Mitt Romney.

[fade to black, end commercial].

Yes, I’m taking a little liberty with the “Socialist” shot, but, as discussed elsewhere, the populace has lost sight of the “liberal” label confusing the idea of classical liberalism (which is now libertarianism) with modern liberalism (which is Socialist-Statism).

    Henry Hawkins in reply to Chuck Skinner. | December 8, 2011 at 1:14 pm

    Romney has now added surrogate attack dog Jim Talent, former congressman… who once supported Gingrich on the precise same issues he now attacks on Romney’s part.

    Attack dogs, yes, but without teeth. Romney’s going to gum Newt to death.

    This just in, Romney viciously attacks Obama:

    “He’s a poopy-butt and his mommy dresses funny.”

      Darkstar58 in reply to Henry Hawkins. | December 8, 2011 at 1:30 pm

      Oh, I didnt hear that one.

      The only one I caught was that song he was signing:

      “Newt, Newt,
      Smells like poop
      was sent down the garbage shoot

      his big fat belly,
      came out smelly
      tell him to go straight to hell-y”

      And I mean, I thought it was kind of cute, but not sure I consider it a real Presidential like move on his part…

Since energy usage has become the equivalent of harlotry, murder & adultery, energy users are being threatened with the lake of fire by Adam, Eve & the Lord Jesus Christ. I am now married to Anders Behring Breivik 09/20/2011 by the Lord Jesus Christ. I already have children, grandchildren & great grandchildren. Thank you for reading.
GOD IS NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH, BUT THAT ALL MIGHT BELIEVE ON HIS NAME-JESUS.Repent & be baptized! Jesus said, “I am God there is none besides me.” “I am the Way, the Truth & the Life. No man comes to the Father except by me.” “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” “As many as received Him to them He gave the power to become the sons of God the Father even to those who believe on His name.” Jesus’ healing ministry began with adult baptism.
A New Agenda: We the people need no gas & no electric to have a man child with the spouses of our youth around the world. We shall build homes without electric, without gas, without roofs that exceed 7 & 1/2 feet, & with incinerators to burn garbage, burn dung, burn urine, & burn blood rags so that the entire sisterhood has a man child with the husbands of their youth.
TAKE MY CONFESSION WITH YOU. I have smoked cigars for 11 years & have no lungs, liver & kidneys at 45 years old. I continue to live through the Lord Jesus Christ as I received the Holy Spirit at 4 years old & was baptized as an adult in 1997. I continue to read my Bible& now use burned dung, urine, blood rags & tobacco butts to make meat offerings to eat. The Old Testament says that burned dung, urine, & blood rags were a part of the laws of Moses. Yes, it was in 2001 while I was driving to Florida that I was talking to the saints in heaven & Isaiah said, “You know that 70 years from now the sun will be dimmed in the sky” Oh, I said, “I don’t know.” I went back over the Old Testament& it said, “The sun shall be dimmed in the sky” & “I shall make them eat the grass of the field.” & “all these things shall come to pass” before theLord Jesus Christ returns.
4 years ago I was stamping my feet at work over the excessive electric usage & complaining that I didn’t have a husband & children to God the Father. I prayed, kneeling at my bed as to adopting children. Then while I was at work I adopted over 500 children in Swahili (I was born with a spot-was a reject in Hebrew) to find out what day it was. I had been taught prophesy at Wheaton Evangelical Free Church in 1979 & 1980. We went back & forth in time while Governor Blagovich was verifying. We came up with 17 years of darkened sun before July 29, 2081.
July 29, 2081-the rapture of believers in Christ Jesus-all those who received the Holy Spirit-at the trumpet sound in heaven-1st the dead & then the living ascended to heaven in a twinkling of an eye
July 29, 2081-2088-the Great Tribulation-God’s wrath is poured out on the earth, Judgment of the Believers in Christ Jesus & the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in heaven
2088-3057-the Reign of Christ Jesus-(the Bible stated “1000 years” & in actuality it was 969 years)
3057-3059-the Devil is loosed out of the pit –(the Bible stated “a time & a half” & in actuality it was 1 & three fourths years)-the battle of Armageddon-the nations are drawn together for the last battle in the Valley of Megiddo-the Lord Jesus comes down of a white horse with the words, “King of Kings, Lord of Lords” written on His thigh & a sword comes out of His mouth to destroy all who are in the battle. The bible says that the blood runs a “horses’ bridle high” & birds feed on the bodies.
3059-the old heavens& the old earth pass away & the new heavens & new earth are created by the Lord Jesus Christ-at this point in time the Lord Jesus says,“Depart from me I never knew you.” to all who died in the battle of Armageddon, to those who took the mark of the beast in their right hand or forehead during the tribulation, to all who died during our time without receiving the Holy Spirit, & to all those who died during the flood of Noah’s day in wickedness. Jesus says, “In this world you shall have trouble, but I have overcome the world.”
Jesus says, “If we confess our sins He is faithful & just to forgive us our sins & to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Sincerely through Lord Jesus Christ & Wishing You A Merry Christmas, Allison Grace Karalus

Mormon Romney needs to note that John Sununu is of Arab American Muslim background. You’re not going to make it Romney simply because you’re a wimp but you need to go after this obama turd.