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Why do these people feel no fear of bragging about assaulting a lawmaker?

Why do these people feel no fear of bragging about assaulting a lawmaker?

Consider this part of the “Why do these people …” series, as in Why do these people, many of whom are professionals, feel no fear in expressing such death wishes in the open?

This also is a follow up to the post yesterday about the anti-Republican protester in Madison, Wisconsin who poured beer on the head of a Republican state lawmaker in a restaurant.

Now he’s bragging about it on video (transription and video via John McCormack):

 “I went to the Best Western last night and bought myself a Miller High Life, sat next to Represenatiave John Nygren, Robin Vos, Scott Suder. And had a friend come in who was filiming. And the bartender told him to stop filiming, and I see the security guy coming to kick me out. So I got up and went with the beer and–[Kristan mimics pouring beer]–all three Republicans”

“I would never use physical force, but he deserved to be assaulted like that,” Kristan said.

[Update 9-17-2011 – video pulled at YouTube, if anyone downloaded it or finds it elsewhere, please post link in comments]

Why no fear?

Because they have learned from experience:


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