You want to see me spike the football so hard the earth will shake harder than in the D.C. Earthquake?
You have not seen anything like what will take place here if Janis Kelly, Republican and unabashed Tea Party supporter, is elected Mayor of Ithaca. You can donate here. Her website, which should be live any minute, is You can follow her on Twitter and Facebook.
Here’s some background on Kelly she sent to me in an e-mail:
I and several other Tea Party Republicans have been working for 3 years on rebuilding the formerly moribund City of Ithaca Republican Party from the ground up. Mayoral campaign is part of that longterm strategy, but the Dems are in such disarray that we might actually win….
I got into this because of Smart Girl Politics which all Smart Girls and Smart Guys should join and support. Their previous national Smart Girl Summits are where I had activist training by ( the best training out there), and I also did candidate training with a couple weeks ago.
Kelly was the only person speak out against Ithaca’s absurd “City of Sanctuary” resolution at an Ithaca Common Council meeting in 2008. I just realized, she’s also been a Legal Insurrection reader and commenter at least since early 2009.
Here’s her platform:
We need business growth to pay for essential city programs. We must end job-killing political theater. Think I’m kidding? Go to a city planning board meeting. See the costly delays imposed by public scolds who have never created a single job and whose main agenda is stoking their own moral vanity. We must wrestle control of the city away from the “enlightened” and back into the hands of sensible Ithacans.
Tax dollars must not be poured into growing the city payroll, as was done with the tax money from new businesses that had been developed during Alan Cohen’s administration. We need to shrink the city payroll, which is 70 percent of the budget.
We should stop using “what other cities pay” as the benchmark for city salaries. Use what a private worker earns. Government workers are paid 34 percent more than private workers.
We must stop using public money for favored private groups…. This is low-grade, politically correct corruption, and it is wrong. Elect Janis Kelly for mayor of Ithaca and I will work every day for honest, frugal, sensible government
Before you say, “you’re out of your mind” if you think Kelly has a chance, keep in mind there are 3 well-known mainstream Democrats on the Democratic primary next Tuesday. Two One of them already have has other party lines for November, so if the third wins the primary (which is expected), there will be three two well-known liberal Democrats on the November, plus Kelly on the Republican line, and a couple of others running on independent lines.
As reported by the Cornell Daily Sun:
Disputes within the crowded Democratic primary field may help other candidates capture the mayor’s seat, said Republican mayoral candidate Janis Kelly ’71, chair of the city’s Republican committee.
“I think the Democrats have some strategic problems and that this is the best chance for a Republican to win the mayoral race in the last 30 years,” Kelly said, citing the possibility that all three Democrats could run on different party lines in November’s general election. “The more people we have on the ballot to split the vote, the fewer any one [candidate] has to get to win.” [note added: After the interview, one of the candidates was dropped from the Working Family party line for lack of valid petition signatures, so there may be two Democrats on the ballot, one on the Democratic line and one on the Independence line.]
Kelly needs money for a get-out-the-vote operation. You can donate here.
Some more contact info: Kelly For Mayor, 101 The Commons, #303, Ithaca, NY 14850, Email: [email protected], Phone: 607-441-6032.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Off topic but important:
Please, contact your Red Cross and donate to the disaster relief fund for Bastrop County, Texas.
Over 40,000 acres and 600 homes have been burned with the fires on 30% contained at this time. 5,000 people are now in shelters, and it is estimated that at least 3,000 of them are currently homeless.
The fires started Sunday, and Monday rolled across Bastrop County like a dense fog.
As a Texan, I asked that y’all show your fellow Americans you care.
Off topic: Thanks so much for the Blog of the Day link! That was very kind of you.
Great blog!
Surrender now, Mean Girls, and the Smart Girls will go easy on you.
Well I certainly wish Ms. Kelly ALL
the best of luck in her campaign and her new job as Mayor. More citizens need to step up like this… and I’m getting the feeling they will. The reaction to Overgovernment that is called the “Tea Party” comes from the base, not the elites… so I expect to see more action at the local level than at the National level.
I live right outside of Ithaca but in the school district and I think this is fantastic! I had no idea reading the Ithaca Journal that we had a Republican running. I can’t vote for her since I’m not within the city limits, but she’ll have my financial support.
A Tea Party Republican mayor in Ithaca, Prof?? That’s just crazy talk.
Seriously, good luck Ms. Kelly. Getting in through the rear door still gets you in.
[…] TEA PARTY MAYOR in Ithaca? Prof. Jacobson thinks it can […]
No way. No way in life. This is not going to happen. Mark my words.
I’m a libertarian, living out in Dryden. I’ll be here to console you after the election. Forget it.
Thanks for the mention, Prof. Jacobson, and thanks for all the LI readers who have already sent donations. Stay tuned Billy B — I think we’ll have a surprise for you!
[…] will face independents Christopher Kusznir and Wade Wykstra as well as the Republican (and self-declared supporter of the extremist Tea Party) candidate Janis Kelly ’71 in the Nov. 8 general election. […]