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“I voted for him, I’m a Democrat, but Obama who?”

“I voted for him, I’m a Democrat, but Obama who?”

That’s a line from this web ad released by the Republican Jewish Coalition, which is capitalizing on the momentum from the NY-09 election:


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The woman who said “…but, Obama who?” hit the nail on the head. Obama is clearly duplicitous. The man says one thing with great enthusiasm and then does something entirely different. He portrays himself as being exactly the opposite of what he truly really is.

Unfortunately, most of the electorate has no idea about the intricacies of the corruption and the underhanded nature of what Obama is doing at the DOJ, the NLRB, the EPA, H&HS, with the Solyndra deal and many other such actions.

The blacks of course will effectively practice jury nullification, and many of the other Democrats will simply go with him because they are identified with “the party”.

Its very encouraging to see the people in this video asking the right questions.

TeaPartyPatriot4ever | September 21, 2011 at 11:16 pm

Tears came to my eyes, while I watched this video ad.. THANK GOD, people are starting to wake up.!!!!!!

6 Nov. 2012, cannot come soon enough for me.!!!!!!