It’s not often I thank Think Progress, but thanks for this video interview of Allen West on the issue of Obama foreign policy in Libya and the Middle East. Think Progress, with its videographer following West on his trip to Israel, figured they’d get good sound bites. And they did!
I would add that to the extent Qaddafi is gone for good, the French led the way, we followed; and as for Egypt, we see how that is going.
Thanks also to Israel Matzav for the h/t on the video:
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West is one cool guy. The interviewer was trying to put words into his mouth, but he kept making his point. This guy is a valuable player in the years to come, whatever his role.
And he did it without a teleprompter or whistling “esses.” Clarity thy name is West.
I saw this on my Facebook wall and commented on it. If Think Progress thought they could force a gaffe…..well, EPIC FAIL! They got what they deserved, and what we wanted. Heh.
I am thankful that leaders such as Rep. West have emerged, willing to do the hard work of forcing a course correction to get our country back. Go West!
First Rubio … now West … our bench is looking pretty strong.
What does the Left have to counter this? To them, an Anthony Wiener is a Liberal superstar. How can they possibly have held so much power for so long?
First Allen West — and also Marco Rubio! 🙂
West and Rubio are a potent combination. They are both young. Let’s hope that they don’t peak too soon and are around in leadership roles in 2020 [hoping for an 8 year Republican victory in 2012].