The Revolt of the Kulaks has come to California.
Via Drudge, California’s attempt to tax internet sales has met with a reaction:
Gov. Jerry Brown has signed into law California’s tax on Internet sales through affiliate advertising which will immediately cut small-business website revenue 20% to 30%, experts say.
The bill, AB 28X, takes effect immediately. The state Board of Equalization says the tax will raise $200 million a year, but critics claim it will raise nothing because online retailers will end their affiliate programs rather than collect the tax.
Amazon has already emailed its termination of its affiliate advertising program with 25,000 websites.
This is why Obama will not see the trillion dollars in new taxes he wants, even if such legislation were passed. People change their business and personal practices once taxes reach a tipping point.
This why we can’t tax our way to reducing the deficit. We can control spending, but we cannot control revenue because we cannot control people.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
If the ObamaCare Mandate is upheld then they may actually be able to tell us what to buy and when …
John Dingell might have an opinion on that.
Which is why libs want everything done on a federal level- you have to trap people and businesses into a universal system or they’ll just move.
Somewhat unrelated but I’d like to see more tax structures like Colorado. What did you make? Multiply it by .0463, please pay by the 15th, have a nice day.
O/T: I guess you don’t want to be emailed, huh, Professor? I could not find your email addy on the blog. I wanted to forward you the latest begging letter from
it’s at the end of my bio page, contact -at- legalinsurrection -dot- com
Amazingly, the Amazon affiliates who were dumped because of Governor Moonbeam’s tax hike, are blaming…. (drum roll)
Yes that’s right! They’re “greedy pigs” apparently, for not wanting to hurt their customers. Gee, someone outta pass a law to fix that, no? (sarcasm off)
“Board of Equalization” makes my blood run cold.
I live in California. I pay my “use tax” (sales tax on things I buy online) when I file my State tax return… I don’t like it, but I pay it.
I’ve only discussed the use tax with a handful of people, but of those I’ve talked to, people who voted for McCain in 2008 are like me… they grumble, but they pay it. People who voted for Obama don’t pay it.
Why won’t Democrats pay their fair share fo taxes?
Because they believe in the rule of men, not law.
Linked you at my place and Theo Spark’s.
I live in California. Each and every time I purchase a non-food item (and sometimes a snack), I pay California nearly 10% — on top of my state income tax. I got very angry a month ago when I took a good look at my RiteAid receipt — $1 out of a $10 purchase (for materials my son was using on a school project) may not seem like a lot, but I swear it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. All this money is directed at state employee union members, who seem entitled, and redundant bureaucracies. I am buying only what is needed when it is needed — and looking to move to another state. As soon as either I or my husband locate employment in a redder, better state, we are out of here.