I will not bore you with all the details, so here’s my summary:
Leftist Jewish Film Editor of The Village Voice writes entirely self-absorbed tale of her own discovery that she hates Israel, decides to edit the mean stuff out of the Passover Hagadah, and when challenged by an eminent Israeli historian, former Director of the Yad Vashem Archives and blogger, throws the m-f’er bomb his way on Twitter.
End of story. Hurry up, the boats are leaving for Gaza any minute.
By the way, the person to whom she threw her m-f’er language was someone to whom I frequently linked, and who unfortunately recently turned off his blog (but not completely).

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Thanks for this. I’ll get you linked up later. William, it’s even worse than it appears. All around the world anti-Semitism is growing and becoming official policy at the state and international left. Blogged yesterday about Germany’s far left Left Party, which is now facing a push back within the party for its anti-Jewish agenda, which features the Star of David with Swastikas as party emblems.
I wonder if Ed Rollins would find her “serious.”
Typical liberal. Can’t actually debate a point.
Israel has a solid history of support for the US in the middle east. And if Jug ears thinks they’re pulling back to the 67 borders, he’s dreaming.
Dr. Chesler’s excellent piece re the ‘flotilla of fools.’
Village Voice editor? When I think of who hates Israel it’s usually a who’s who of who will be destroyed if the Muslims achieve their caliphate.
Thought you might like to see this, Professor: NYT and CNN will be aboard the flotilla.
Sheesh, must be really tense at Allison’s family’s gatherings.
Apparently, Delta Airlines also officially hates Jews too.
Nothing personal. It’s just business.
Dear Professor,
I’ve had a probable bi-sexual Jew personally attack me for the past few years on the net out of revenge for not becoming his GF in the 70s, though I still support Israel and gay marriage (I’m straight as a kite’s string.)
As you can imagine, I am getting really tired of the loathing, surface shunning, and criminal eavesdropping done by a Jew who thinks I should change my sexual preferences to suit him and titillate his friends. Should I instead change my political leanings and become an anti-Semite and Israeli-hater a la the pretend progressive and callous conscientious Village Voice, just to show him there are other options?
[BTW, B. was darling and thoroughly beloved by me, but problematic. Some things never change, it would seem. Maybe I should argue for a two-state solution to stop his rapacious unilateral aggression—]
Can someone please explain to me the blind hatred of Israel by liberal Jews?
Is it that they hope that the ‘alligator’ will eat them last because they spit on their only home and heritage?
The left, whether here or anywhere else in the world, seems to think that Islam and anti-Semites don’t really mean what they say? (unlike last time they got the chance to implement their desires.)
In fact, some Liberal Jews go so far as to go out of their way to antagonize the ONLY group of people who have consistently been their only reliable support for the last 60 years; conservative protestant
Christians. (and no I don’t believe that Hitler and his ilk can be classified as conservative protestant Christians no matter what the liberal press tries to make you believe or because their mother or father was one. The Catholic Church’s record re anti-Semitism isn’t so hot but then that’s a different discussion.)
So can someone put some knowledge to me so that I can understand why a group of people would be so vehemently opposed to their own self interest?
Blog commenting critique:
I have noticed that the comment editor window inserts hard returns at places where NO hard return was inserted by the commenter.
I think it may be a problem with the word wrap.
Not a big deal but it is noticeable and as I try to be grammatically correct and write structurally sound sentences in both grammar and composition it is irritating to have my efforts sabotaged by the editing and it looks ignorant.
“… edit the mean stuff out of the Passover Hagadah …” Like the Jews being kept as slaves?
[…] saw this when it came out, and then William Jacobson wrote a pithy post, so I was reminded: “Least Shocking Blog Post Title Ever: “Village Voice Editor discovers she hates Israel, curses when….” Check that entry, but the preview is that she told Israeli historian Yaacov Lozowick to […]
I liked one line in the article: about the Haaretz editors being like her Jew-hating boyfriend. I usually refer to that newspaper as al-Ard; it’s almost the dictionary definition of “self-hating Jew”.
jakee308, I think the term you’re looking for is “Stockholm syndrome”. Much of the Israeli population has fallen for it. They’ve started identifying with the enemy, in the subconscious hope that this will make the enemy start identifying with them, and not kill them. It’s a recognised clinical disorder, and it never works, because the enemy doesn’t suffer from it.