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The German nuclear “solution”

The German nuclear “solution”


Despite the fact that it is nowhere near a tsunami-prone area, the German government announced that it will phase out nuclear power over the next decade. Currently, Germany receives roughly a quarter of their energy from nuclear sources and no alternatives were cited in the announcement.

Angela Merkel, whose CDU party lost handedly in spring regional elections, diverted from a previous plan to keep nuclear power in Germany through 2030. As a result of several reactor shutdowns last year, Germany has recently gone from being a net exporter of energy to a net-importer, and this measure will only increase the price of energy (as well as unemployment).

This is a terrible idea. Dirty and expensive coal and gas-powered plants will replace the nuclear reactors (which do not even emit greenhouse gases). Merkel’s coalition claims that “renewable energy” replace the void made by the absence of nuclear power.

I hope the fools who pushed for this are held accountable when they see their utilities go sky high.

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They will never be held accountable. The Left never is. "Renewable energy" does not have the ability to make up such large energy flow. Germany will not complete this process. This is why it is a ten-year plan. Someone will overturn this in the "out years". Failure to do so will be disastrous for Germany.

German culture has its roots in the Romantic movement, which is a reaction to and a rejection of the Enlightenment, science and reason. Romanticism evolved into Haeckel's proto-Nazi and actually antiscientific Monist movement, which influenced many members of the National Socialist German Workers Party. Today, the German Green Party continues many of the policies of the Nazis (including antisemitism), and the fact that they are driving an irrational policy is entirely predictable.

I hope the fools who pushed for this are held accountable when they see their utilities go sky high.
Not to worry. They'll be dead or retired. Either way the blame will go elsewhere.

She's pandering to the voters, like good politicians are wont to do. I suggest all of these whiny complainers be assigned a few months duty in a country where the lights don't run all the time.

C'mon critics– go spend the summer in Port au Prince or Nairobi and then you'll see that it is these same nuclear plants you live to hate that were responsible for your low cost power, your air-conditioning and your 24/7 internet access.

Do you notice we've not heard much from China, Brazil, or other nations who wish they could have power so cheap, so efficient and so reliable. China is building coal powered plants by the hundred with little to no polution control, but I bet they'd trade for Germany's old nuke plants if they could.

Once again Euro "conservatives" are to the left of most RINOs in the USA. This is shameful pandering. Rather than making the forceful case for nuclear power, the knee jerk liberal anti western coalition in Germany wants to decapitate its economy. Well, don't come crying to the USA when your economy tanks and your country goes back to the Dark Ages, thanks to your democrap socialists and their RINO "conservative" appeasers.

"Despite the fact that it is nowhere near a tsunami-prone area, the German government announced that it will phase out nuclear power over the next decade. Currently, Germany receives roughly a quarter of their energy from nuclear sources and no alternatives were cited in the announcement."

What happens when the new USSR cuts Germany's supply of East bloc gas?

I hope that America's coal producers and handlers will be laughing all the way to the bank. I live near one of the major east coast coal loading sites, Norfolk Southern Rwy's Lambert's Point piers. The last couple of times that I have flown back from being out of town, we've swung out over the entrance to Chesapeake Bay and I've counted 15 to 20 colliers riding at anchor waiting, that's right waiting! for the pier to open up to load them.